"Y/n Rofle."

"And where do you come from Y/n Rofle?"

"It does not matter." His guards started to wake up and the one nearest to me grabbed me by my hair and forced me to my knees. Fear overtook me and I grabbed the panel again and slammed it on his one knee. The man's grip loosened and slipped away.

"Don't! Leave her." Lord Stark commanded his men to stand down as they stood up. "Who taught you how to fight?"

"I did."

He nodded, whispering something to Whiskers and the old man agreed. "Come with me to my home."


"There is food, water, and warmth. You will be safe there." Sansa gave me a sweet smile, but I did not move, still afraid. "Take a leap of faith." He said and something in her eyes and my gut told me to trust him.

I slowly walked toward them, watching the guards in the corner of my eye and I handed my weapon to Whiskers. We head to his home, it was a huge castle-like building. A woman greeted us, hugging the man and taking Sansa into her arms and her eyes finally landed on me.

"Ser Rodrik who is this?" The woman asked, staring confused and cautiously at me.

"A girl we found in an alleyway, Lady Catelyn." Whiskers, now known as Rodrik informed her. Before she could say anything, Lord Stark asked a woman, Septa Mordane, to escort Sansa and me to the dining hall to get some food.

I stuffed my face with everything on the table. My stomach ached as I ate, but the pain felt good. Septa Mordane watched me in disgust as Sansa ate like a proper lady. Two boys ran into the hall, hitting sticks against one another before Septa yelled at them to stop.

She took their sticks and the boys sat down at the table. A curly black-haired boy, who looked similar to Lord Stark sat next to me and the other hair reddish-brown hair boy sat next to Sansa. "Hi, I am Jon Snow." The one next to me offered his hand and I shook it.

"I am Robb Stark." The other one smirked.

"Please to meet you, I am Y/n Rofle." The doors opened and Lord and Lady Stark with Rodrik walked towards our table. Lady Catelyn ordered Septa Mordane to take the children as they have matters to discuss. As Jon stood up her eyes fixed sated on him and dripped his head, heading the other way.

"How is the food?" Lord Stark asked me sitting where Sansa sat and his lady wide next to him, watching me. I nodded my head and told him it was delicious.

"How old are you Y/n?" He asked.

"Thirteen." I drank some water and continued eating until nothing was left on the table.

"She is oy three years older than Robb." Lady Catelyn whispered to her husband.

"Thank you, Lord and Lady Stark. I should be heading back." I stood up to leave but stopped when Lord Stark asked me where.

"I want you to live here." Both Lady Catelyn's and my eyes went wide.


"Because a thirteen-year-old girl beat four of my men with little experience and a wooden panel. I see potential in you and want you to train under the best Master-at-Arms in Winterfell." Lord Stark said ushering toward Ser Rodrik.

"My lord-" Lady Catelyn protested but he waves her off. He ordered a maid to clean one of the spare bedrooms and find me clothes to wear. And from that day I was a part of the household.

"When someone nearly freezes to death at least give them some peace and quiet." I groaned and sat up.

"I am glad you are awake." Jon squeezed my hand and moved to let an old man examine me. Must be the maester. There were three other people in the room with us, a fat guy, a man with a small brown beard, and... a girl?

Running Through The Woods - Sandor Clegane Where stories live. Discover now