Issue 28 - Losing Faith

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"I'm sorry, Mr Osborn, I was in the neighbourhood passing through."

Norman stared at me, glancing at Harry. "I see. Isn't it a bit late, though, Y/N? Your Aunt might be worried sick."

"He was just leaving, actually," Harry explained. "It's my fault; I wanted to make amends with him out of the blue."

"Is that so?" Norman stated, not moving from the elevator, blocking my exit. "That's good, that's very good. You two have been friends for so long that it's a shame to let something as trivial as secrets get in the way. Isn't that right, Y/N?"

"Ye- Yeah. Absolutely sir..." I croak, feeling anxious. "I really should be going."

As I stepped past, Norman held my arm, muttering. "How is your training going as Spider-Man? I've heard all sorts about your hero doings. Like sticking your nose in places, it doesn't belong."

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't quite follow." I say, stuttering off my words."

"Dad," Harry said, getting his attention. 

Letting go, Norman adjusted his tie, stepping away. "Stay safe out there, Y/N Parker."

The elevator closed as I stood, breathing heavily. My heart was racing. Just then, for a split moment, I was stricken with absolute fear by Norman Osborn. If he really is working with Fisk, he must know what I'm trying to do... First the events with Electro and now this. I can't understand why but something feels off about everything surrounding him. 

Once this is all over, I should look into the matters further.


The class was still twenty minutes away, giving me a chance to catch up with Peni. Opening the workshop, I found her headphones on, bopping her head, and working on her invention. 

"Peni. Peni. Peni!" I scream. 

Turning around, she took her headphones off, smiling. "Oh, hey, when did you come in?! Great timing, though. I wanted to show you this."

Pulling me over, I looked at the mech she was working on. Passing me a set of goggles, I put them on as she began tinkering further. "Wait, you got it working?"

"Hush, hush. I don't know yet. Shall we find out?" She giggled, taking out a set of buttons to activate the mech. As it stood up, I looked on, impressed, only for it to fall over, setting it on fire. "Oh crap!"

Quickly webbing the fire extinguisher, I put out the fire, spraying down Peni for a bit of a laugh. "Well, on the bright side, it didn't explode."

Flicking foam off her face, Peni began laughing and sitting down. "Damn, that didn't work either... The operating system really doesn't like me."

Checking over the blueprints, I gave a confused look. "I don't think any CPU chip can run that much power by itself. You'd need an AI or third party to be in control at all times."

Peni nodded, throwing foam at me. "That's the harsh truth, yeah. Unless you've got a spare Jarvis lying around, I don't think I have much hope with that."

"I thought you were close? What happened?"

"I was actually getting a lot of help from Otto in the background. I was more or less using the same neuron interface as him, but after the Sports Festival, I didn't want to take any chances and scrapped the processor. I'm really stumped about what to do."

Patting her on the back, I sighed. "Hey, don't worry about it, Peni. You'll get there; I know you will. How about we put my Spider-Man gadgets on hold until then?"

"For real? Like are you sure? I still have a backlog of web-shooters and drones to make for you."

"I'm sure," I state, sitting down and groaning. "It hasn't been helping as much as I'd like... Don't tell Ashido, but I fought a villain last night."

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