Issue 27 - What does it Mean to be an Avenger?

Start from the beginning

Ashido appeared from around the corner, gagging and wiping her mouth. "I never want to do that again. I am so glad you won the Sports Festival now!"

Vision gave a slight nod turning around mid-air. "Perfect, you are both here. Please follow me; we'll get you started with the training."

Catching up to Vision, we walked through the hallways of what was like a museum, all for the Avengers. The great battles they fought, the members they gained and lost. Vision could tell I was intrigued as he stopped taking in the first display. The first Avenger outfits during the battle for New York. "I'm sure this brings back many memories for you, Mr Parker."

"Please, it's just Y/N and yeah... The sky opened up, and monsters came through, destroying everything in their path."

Ashido looked on, taken back slightly. "You were in New York during this battle?"

"I was. But I was no older than four, but I remember it so much. I was staying with my Uncle Ben for a planned fishing trip, but the invasion led by Loki threw that for a loop. He risked his life to save me. We might not have made it if it wasn't for the Avengers."

"The world had not quite seen an attack on that scale before. It took the combined effort of many brave men and women to defend the peace. While I wasn't created, then I hold high respect and regards to that day."

"Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye. The first Avengers, how they changed the world alright." I smile. "And to think we have the chance to follow in their footsteps."

"All in good time. If you may?" Vision suggested ushering us to the training room. 

Taking one last look, I followed suit entering the large open training room. The moment I stepped in, my Spider-Sense went off. Quickly turning on the spot, I flipped back, avoiding a heavy strike from a stray detachable fist. Rolling over, I crouched down, ready for a fight.

From the shadows, a large robotic creature appeared in heavy armour. Its arm returned to its body, seemly dropping the hostile nature. I continued to stare on uneasy as a young boy came running in. "Baymax, what are you doing?! We're meant to be training with these guys, not trying to kill them."

Baymax continued to stare, speaking up. "I was conducting the true power of this Spider-Man. So the conclusion for today, I am impressed."

"Forgive the oversight. You aren't the only heroes the Avengers have been looking into while in Japan. I'd like you both to meet Hiro Takachiho and his robot companion Baymax."

Hiro shook my hand, adjusting his glasses. "It's an honour to meet you. I, we have heard so much about you, Spider-Man. Truly you are inspirational." 

Continuing to shake his hand, I looked at Ashido, slightly confused. "Umm, thank you? Hiro? I can call you that, right?"

"Of course, yes. Please do; I just want to say again we are big fans. It's actually the reason why I repurposed Baymax here to be a crimefighting machine! He was originally meant to help my mum around the house, being the replacement for my Dad, who passed away some time now. But after seeing your passion for fighting crime, I just had to expand and follow your lead!"

Vision met with us nodding to Baymax. "Hiro here is quite possibly one of the smartest individuals in Japan, if not the world. Many are calling him the Japanese Ironman."

"I really do hate that comparison. Being compared to someone legendary like Tony Stark when I haven't done anything to earn that is disheartening. But I hope to one day live up to those words." Hiro explained.

Baymax took my hand, shaking it tightly. "I am Baymax. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"Excuse me?" 

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