Survivor au

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“So back at it own au called survivor au..might change it”

“so lets say embry is a nonbinary child who lived by themself..due to some accident with their parents in the basement..anyways embry is a hunter, every morning embry gets up makes food for it. When embry has time they will usually grab their shotgun yes they have a shot gun they then go in the woods and shoot rabbits since deer or big animals we’re to heavy to carry and there we’re no squrrels where embry lived at. So mainly embry would bring the rabbits in a black plastic bag and feed it to the monster. Embry would go hunting alot like ALOT so embry has alot of rabbits so it’s enough to feed the mobster + embry, since embry does need to pay RENT they sell the rabbits at the market. Mainly just a small box called embry, and a 30$ for the rabbit, and a money bowl, + a juicebox."

"There 2 chapters actaully sooo..”

Embry=a child, owns a rabbit selling shop box. Is in debt. Curly tangled up long hair wears a jacket + boots when outside. Wears bandages due to hunting this was prob caused by bears or etc by large animals. Embry feeds a monster so they don’t die. Owns a shotgun. Had ate a rabbit alive in chapter 2. Killed the monster twice and keeps it in a jar + lantern"

Dr d light=nice boi! Innocent, kind. is very concern for embry mental health + eating the rabbit..alive. Has very long black hair in chapter 2. Father figure."

Monster=this dude legit died twice by embry’s shotgun hungry all the time PIG legit was surpised seeing embry eat a rabbit..ALIVE."

"So in chapter 1 you mainly get 3, the 2 endings is bad which leads to the same with monster + dr d. And the last one you shoot the monster with shot get this ending you need shotgun ammo + your shot gun. so make money!
So in chapter get 3 endings, so embry has not eaten the past weeks and sold all of her RABBITS! And it’s rabbit season soon. So embry is starving, would legit eat a horse and told dr d light that they would eat a horse cus how hungry they are. So the jar that the monster was in...broke it’s getting dark ember grabs lantern + shotgun etc, anyways ending 1 die of starvation. Ending 2 die by monster if you eat..idk anything, if you go to the market and buy food. The last…ending so rabbit season is today..then the rabbits come out…..they go to embry, embry pick’s one up…then took a big…bite out of it’s..head through it’s skull..through the meat, eating..eating..eating..eating…so embry isn’t starving no more, wipe their mouth shoot the moster cus embry is able to move now…uh the monster was shocked to do anything and died in latern it goes!”

The end!

What they look like=

What they look like=

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Wasn't able to make the monster in lantern oh well

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Wasn't able to make the monster in lantern oh well

inmimb rewrite ending or whatever [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum