(M) ֍CHAPTER 20: Catching 'Feels'

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He had acknowledged it before that 'the feels' will come at unexpected moments, had he not? It was at this moment where he was seated on Stepan's lap, wrapped in his arms, that 'the feels' rushed into his body without warning.

He had been transported to the past. In this memory, he sees and senses things through Kliment's perspectives.

He was in the doctor's office. Along with him, two years younger versions of Stepan, Andre, Stanley, and Alberto were also with him. He was feeling like he was floating on cloud nine. It was no wonder. They were smoking weeds. All five of them held one drag in their hands. In this memory, he was leaning against a sturdy chest. But it wasn't Stepan's. It was Stanley's. He looked up towards him. The Stanley in this memory looked at him quietly and sweetly. There was no trace of the current brooding and hostile Stanley at all. Lost in the moment, he lifted his head up and their lips met. He took a sip on the lips that are normally always shut, savoring the taste.

"You shouldn't play with his heart like that, Kliment," Stepan, who was seated opposite him and Stanley, warned. But there was no sign of concern in his warning. It was as if he was only speaking casually.

"I can play with his heart exactly because I am qualified," Kliment spoke with arrogance. For a moment there, Kirill almost couldn't recognise the tone of his brother's voice. He had never heard Kliment speak like that before.

Stepan only smirked uncaringly in response to his answer. Kliment laughed and looked at Stanley again. He kissed him again and smiled seductively. "You allow me to play with your heart, right?" He directly asked.

To that, Stanley only nodded his head as an answer. Stepan whistled from where he was seated and commented; "the stupidity of someone in love."

The rest of the boys laughed, including Stanley, the protagonist of the scorn. Kliment suddenly got up and carried a cardboard box full of drag and some unknown powder in packets that should be illegal in his arms. He climbed one of the beds and lifted up a loose compartment of one of the ceiling covers and hid the box in it. By this time, they all heard a knock on the door.

Kliment smiled charmingly as he climbed down from the bed. "My prey is here," he announced. He walked to the door and greeted a junior boy who looked delicate and shy. He invited him in and directly locked the door once the boy was inside.

The other four boys moved to the side to make way for the delicate boy to enter the middle of the room. Stanley's face was a little gloomy but he didn't say anything and just quietly moved to the side.

"On the bed," Kliment instructed.

The delicate boy hesitated at first. He swept a look at Kliment over and over as if asking with his eyes if it's necessary. Kliment seemed to understand his hesitation. "Don't worry. My friends will only watch. They won't do anything to you. You don't mind, right?" Kliment spoke.

"But-..." The boy started to resist the idea.

"-You said you like me. I don't fancy shy and innocent little boys. I like them daring and adventurous. If you want me to like you, you shouldn't be shy. You can act a little slutty and I will like you more," Kliment coaxed. Kirill, who has no control over where the memory is going, feels like he had heard him wrong. He can't help but doubt himself over and over again. Is this real? Is this really Kliment?

The delicate boy sat on the bed. His face was flushed red from embarrassment. "Take off your clothes," Kliment instructed as he pulled a chair to sit on the opposite side of the bed so that he would have the best and exclusive view of what's to come.

As the clothes were stripped one by one, Kliment bit his lips and admired the naked fair body in front of him. "Spread your legs," he instructed next. The boy did as he said. "I want to see you put this in your asshole. Play with yourself first," he ordered as he handed a bottle of lube and a dildo to the delicate boy.

"Will you really date me if I do this?" The boy asked.

"Don't turn me off and do as I say," Kliment was rude with his words and eyes. "Or you will only be a slut for just a day for me," he threatened.

The boy was determined. He took the items. He first smeared the cold lube to his asshole and put his fingers in and out of his asshole, stretching the walls for Kliment to see. Kliment kept watching as he licked his lips. His eyes looked at the boy with interest. An interest of a hungry predator over a mere prey. Next, the dildo was inserted into his asshole and the boy kept making lewd sounds from his mouth to entice Kliment, inviting him to join him on the bed.

"Good enough," Kliment complimented after a while as he got up from his seat. The boy waited for Kliment to come over. As Kliment unzipped his pants and took out his hard and swollen dick, he spoke. "One more rule, I will call you by this name. And you must respond to me with this name only."

"Okay," his prey agreed.

"Kirill. Remember this name," Kliment ordered. A dangerous light flashed in his eyes. "Your name is Kirill and I'm going to fuck you now."

It was in mere seconds. But it felt longer for Kirill while he was lost in the memories. He was awakened to reality, to here and now, by a big wave of shock. His body shook violently and his nose bled. This has happened before. It only happens if he resists the 'feels'. Kirill couldn't take it so he forced the 'feels' to a stop which caused physiological damage to himself. But he rather hurt like this than learning the truth. Kliment's words from the past still lingers in his mind: "Your name is Kirill and I'm going to fuck you now."

He couldn't believe it.

He doesn't want to believe it.

Who was that??? That wasn't Kliment. That was not his twin brother!!

"Kirill, are you alright?!" He faintly hears Stepan's voice before he falls into unconsciousness. He can't help but think how he likes the sound of this voice but then his world went black.


Next update: 2022/04/18

*Author's Note: Surprise! So, Kliment isn't a good person, actually. Worthy to be part of the secret club, right? -K

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