Part 1

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(Alam ranged)

Y/n: Aaaaaaaaaa ufffff
(I turned the alarm off)
Y/n: I can't sleep well any time ..... Ummm lets go and wake up tanvi
(I Jumped out of the bed and went my way to the tanvi room )

Author P.O.V

So y/n is CEO of a fashion designing company who is 25 years old and elder daughter of mrs and mr Banerjee and a natural girl.

And tanvi y/n younger sister and 22 years old who work in her sister company as her manager


I opened the door quietly and jumped in to her bed

Y/n : tanviiii!!! Wake up !!!! Its morninggggg!! We have to go to the office

Tanvi: Aaa didi( means elder sister) get off of me i want to sleep moreeeee

Y/n: Aishhh this girl. ...... Tanvi please wake up otherwise i will throw water ( i said while taking the water of jar from the lamp table)

Tanvi:aaaaa no no i will wake up now

Y/n: Hmmm ..... Good girl.... Get ready and come downstairs okay?

Tanvi: ok

(After i left tanvi 's room i went to my room and did my morning routine and wore my clothes and went downstairs)

(After i left tanvi 's room i went to my room and did my morning routine and wore my clothes and went downstairs)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Y/n office dress)

Y/n: Good morning Mumma and papa

Mrs&Mr : Good morning beta ( means child)

Mr. Banerjee: y/n where is tanvi i have t-

Tanvi: i am here

Mr. Banerjee: oh there you are ....girls you sit at the table then i will say .....

( We all went to the table and sat then my dad said)

Mr.Banerjee : girls as you know that your brother Vivaan had gone to korea for more than 1yr and you know that i have a good friend in Korea soooooooo THEY ARE COMING TO INDIA!!!


Mr Banerjee: Today at 11:00 am with Vivaan also the kim family will also come to India and will stay here for 3 weeks

Y/n : so papa me and tanvi will go directly from the office..... And you guys go directly from the home okay

Everyone: okay

(Time skip)At the office


As I was working on the laptop i didn't realise the time it was 10:35am

Y/n: oh sh*t i didn't realise the time I am

( I quickly called tanvi and told her to meet me at the parking point )

Time skip (at airport)

Y/n: we are here ( i said while parking the car in front of the airport)

Tanvi: di bring me a coffee na plssssd ..... am feeling too sleepy

Y/n: ok baba wait ( i came out of the car and went inside the airport as i was walking my phone rang I took my phone out of my pocket and received the call as I was walking while I bumped into someone i quickly closed my eyes and l felt two strong arms rapping my waist i quickly opened my eyes and saw the guy staring at me that time every thing went in slow-motion i quickly realised and got up and said)

Y/n : ya mister can't you walk properly

???: And can't you see properly

Y/ n: oh mister i can see properly okay

???: Anyway I am not gonna waste my time talking to a potato 😂😂

Y/n : aaaa jinja you are really an idiot anyway I am also not going to waste my time talking to a carrot so bye ( i said waving him bye ) then I left

???: Aish who is this girl btw she is cute( i chuckled)


( I went to the coffee shop and ordered the coffee as soon I got the coffee i went to the car)
Pov end

Tanvi: where is this girl (sigh) oo there is she ....

Y/n: here is your coffee ( i said while handing the coffee to her)

Tanvi: what took you so long di .. huh?

Y/n : aaa nothing i just met a carrot in the my way...

Tanvi: A carr-

Y/n: anyway lets go ( I said while draging her)

( Me & tanvi went to the area where mumma and papa were standing .... after a while i saw a figure slowly coming towards us and me and tanvi did not waste any time and ran towards him and hugged him so tightly that we don't want to leave him )


Author POV

( Vivaan is y/n younger brother 23 year old who works in a Korean company as a manager) lets continue

POV ended

Vivaan: i also happy to meet you guys.... I missed you so much

??? : Excuse me we are also here

Vivaan: oh sorry i forgot so she is kim miso mr .Kim's middle child and this is kim Jungkook' s youngest son an-WAIT! Where is Taehyung hyu-

Tae: I am here!!

As he was coming closer i can feel I know him no no no what I am thinking about anyway ( as i was lost in my thoughts i suddenly got a call as receiving the call i said....)

Y/n: Excuse me i need to take this call

Mrs Kim : ok y/n no problem ( smiling)

Y/n: thank you aunty

( After taking the call i came back to the area where everyone was i saw vivaan introducing everyone)

Vivaan: so this is my younger sister or youngest in the family Tanvi and this is Y/-

Tae & y/n POV

(As soon as we looked at each other)

Y/n&tae: YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!


Thank you !

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