Chapter II: February

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"Well at least she is eating." Klaus hummed as his sister explained their mates favorite buffet.

"Yes well, she doesn't seem the least bit worried about Tucker anymore. I thought you said she was broken, Elijah?" Rebekah questioned her noble brother. "I mentioned having a lead and she seemed to not care in the slightest." Kol and Finn leaned forward from where they were sitting.

"You have a lead?" Kol asked as Finn stared at his sister urging her to explain.

"A woman had sent me a letter- probably to make sure I don't rip her head off. She's supposed to meet with me this month to discuss. Although, I do not know how liable my source is." Rebekah mumbled the end of her sentence with a roll of her eyes.

"Well when you decide on when and where, let us know, Sister." Finn told her.

"And what do you suppose you do with your- hungry mate?" Rebekah asked. Kai and Klaus shared a look. They had been talking to one another about a choice, but they knew that it would not be good enough for the others.

"We dagger her." Klaus spoke up, knowing he was the least liked of the siblings anyway. He didn't really care what they thought of him anyway.

"Are you insane?? We are not sticking one of your precious daggers into Frankie. Do you even understand what you use said?!" Kol exclaimed, clearly upset at the mere thought.

"Klaus is right." Kai spoke up, grimacing at the words he had muttered. "If we dagger her, we know where she is and that she is safe. Or we let her run around where she could just disappear all over again. Maybe she even gets herself a witch to hide herself from us. Do we really want to risk this?" The siblings exchanged a few looks. Finn being the one to sigh.

"Then let's figure a way to do so. Cause Frankie is smart- she will see something wrong."


"Ahh my favorite of the Mikaelsons- back again to boast about some lead?" Frankie asked as she detached herself from her latest meal. She was enjoying it greatly, being able to feed as feverishly as she wanted.

"Just how hungry are you?" Rebekah questioned as she saw a group of newly compelled humans sitting around. Frankie glanced up and rolled her eyes.

"Not too much so- just some company I chose for myself. Don't wish to be lonely all the time." Rebekah raised her eyebrow at her.

"Have you- had more than just the casual company?" She asked, watching as Frankie stood up with a smirk.

"Why do you ask? So you can run to your siblings? Tell a tall tale of me?" She asked as she made her way to the bar, grabbing a bottle of scotch before popping it open and staking a swig. "Of course not. You know I would never cheat on my soulmates- whether I want to be around them or not." Frankie told her. Rebekah sighed, relieved as she saw Klaus standing behind Frankie, his eyes holding relief as well.

"Why don't you want to be around them? Shouldn't you be wanting to be around them all the time?" Rebekah questioned. She didn't really care, but she knew Klaus would wish to understand what was going on with his mate. As would the rest of Frankie's mates. Frankie narrowed her eyes at Rebekah before raising her eyebrow.

"Is this your way of trying to get a rise out of me? Cause if so-"

"It's not. I just imply wish to understand why you refuse to be near them- let alone touch them." Frankie nodded, understanding.

"Elijah spoke to you then. I see." Frankie lifted the bottle to her lips before pausing. Klaus watching, waiting to see what she would do as he held the dagger in his hand.

"Not that I do now. But I had felt guilty. It was-" Frankie's eyes flickered slightly. Rebekah saw it. But Frankie shook her head. "I had felt it was my fault. For Tu-my son's kidnapping." She couldn't even say Tucker's name. She knew it was a risk to say it. Klaus frowned.

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