Stealing bar stools and kisses (one-shot)

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Addison tapped her freshly manicured nails against the dark wood. She was meeting Savvy for drinks. It had officially been one month at Columbia University and they both decided it was time to catch up. Even though Savvy had been pre-law at Yale and was now studying law at NYU, she had insisted on meeting up in a bar near the University Campus saying it was important for Addison to get the full experience. She also couldn't stop mentioning she had heard it was the perfect place to meet new people.

Now normally people wouldn't think anything of that comment but Addison knew better. Not only was Savannah herself on the market and looking but she also thought Addison should put herself out there more. Not understanding however that she seriously wasn't looking for anything. Wanting to focus on school wasn't an excuse but somehow it just didn't sit well with Savvy. So she was persuaded to ditch their usual spots on the upper side of Manhattan and go for something apparently closer to school and more social. This place was especially close to Columbia Law School, which must have been a coincidence.

So here she was. Alone. Waiting for Savannah at Bar 1020. With emphasis on alone because the word waiting wasn't appropriate anymore. She had been sitting here for 30 minutes already and was starting to get worried about Savannah whereabouts. Just when she reached inside her purse to grab her cellphone, it went off. Quickly rummaging through her bag she saw it was Savvy calling.

''You better have a damn good explanation for making me wait so long'' Addison said with a particular sassy tone she only used with Savvy.

''Addie- I'm so, so sorry. You have no idea what happened here. We were having a mock trial and I just couldn't pick up my cellphone and call and then-'' Savannah rambled on while Addison zoned out knowing she had probably been waiting for nothing.

Interrupting Savvy's rant Addison asked ''Savvy, it's alright. When can you be here?'' Just so she would have a time indication.

''Addie, that's the thing. I can't. We have to keep studying this case for tomorrow. I can't get out of this'' She added. ''I wish I had known this before''.

Addison sighed and said ''it's alright Savvy, it's not your fault. School first right?'' She tried.

''Thank you Addie! You're the best. I swear I will make this up to you!'' Addison couldn't help but smile because of that.

''Don't worry Sav. Raincheck. Just text me some new dates and I'll let you know what's best for me.''

''Now go kick some ass!'' She added quickly at the end.

After a few more sorry's; I love you's and an I'll talk to you later, Addison dropped her cellphone on the top of the bar. Being so occupied with the conversation she was having with Savvy, she hadn't noticed the bar had filled up.

Turning around and looking over the crowded room she saw a few people glancing her way. Eventually she noticed a group of guys staring. Suddenly she felt uncomfortably aware of the fact that she was alone and slightly overdressed for just a campus-like bar. Quickly grabbing her purse of the counter she made a bee-line over to the door. She felt the fresh air hit her warm cheeks and wondered briefly if those two vodka-martini's where causing this effect. Putting on her coat she looked for cellphone in her purse to call a cab. Shit. Shit. Where the heck is this thing.

After about two minutes it came to her. The counter. After her conversation she had slammed the thing shut on the counter. That vodka must be really doing it's job, she thought. She was pissed at herself for ruining this evening even more. Turning back around she almost walked right into a group of drunk girls. Slightly aggravated she tied her coat shut so her dress wasn't visible anymore and walked back into the bar.

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