"How many girls did you take and where are they Kevin?" Vicky's tone was soft, she was pleading with him.

"So many I've lost count. The ones that have been reported missing are about 40 to 50 maybe but think about the kids no one knows are gone. The runaways, the orphans, the street kids. Kids that no one, not even you Vicky, cares about. The rejects, how many are they in Sunnyside?" Vicky ignored his question, three files of missing girls who'd been found raped and brutalized were on the desk. From the pile Vicky selected Lesley Smith's file and showed Kevin the picture of her damaged body. "Did you do this?"

"No" the response was quick and hadn't been given much thought.

"Marcus did but I haven't been able to get a hold of him for days. So good luck reaching him."

The interview went on for three hours. Kevin narrated in detail his involvement in the kidnappings. He was the mastermind and Marcus was the muscle. The majority of the missing children had been shipped overseas in exchange for money. They'd never be found and that knowledge broke the hearts of the entire SSPD. One of their own was responsible in aiding the criminals. The Sunnyside folks would never trust them. Nothing would be the same.

"At least we now know the truth Gary. That should count for something"

"Try telling that to the parents who lost their kids. Knowing won't bring them back. How on earth are we supposed to tell them what we know? How can we explain to them that their missing children are halfway across the world working as sex slaves, being exploited and that they'll only know misery for the rest of their lives. How do we tell them that chances of seeing their kids again are almost zero? How do we make them understand that there was no way we could've put a stop to this child trafficking operation because one of our own was working for the criminals? What about Lesley Smith's parents huh? How do you think they'll feel knowing that their child's killer committed suicide? Lesley will never get any justice. Everything I've ever known is a lie. The nerve of Logan... telling me he'd take the case, telling me we'll find her when he knew all along Lisa was dead. As soon as this whole thing is over, I'm done." He left Vicky standing on the hallway mystified by his ultimatum.


Vicky was alone in her office going over the evens of the past twelve days. Logan never could've guessed that reopening the cases to save face would lead to his downfall, it was a good thing though. At least the truth was out even though it didn't change the grim reality of the situation. Kevin and Maria had been taken into custody as soon as Logan confessed everything. Kevin cooperated with the police, he knew the jig was up and he would never see the light of day ever again. Maria was reluctant to say anything. Her lips were sealed and she'd lawyered up so tying her to anything was proving to be harder than they thought possible. She was guilty by association she'd said but Vicky wasn't buying it for a second. But as always there was no way to prove it. Logan had said Maria and Kevin were in on it together but Kevin hadn't once mentioned her name. There were no witnesses to place her at any of the crime scenes so it was her word against Logan's. Were Maria was concerned Vicky didn't know what was true and what was not. But she knew Maria was the final piece of the puzzle and she needed to get her to talk one way or the other.

Carlos walked into the office minutes later excited. "We have a break in the case. A big break, I couldn't tell you straight away because I had to verify the lead first. Lucia's disappearance, Michael's murder and the double murder are all connected. Three days ago we got a call from the Kensington Hospital. A pregnant woman, from Sunnyside, was found in a cabin in the woods. They'd been trying to get ahold of her grandparents with no success so they'd called us for help. I drove to Kensington and that's where I found Talia. She'd been rescued by a father and daughter who'd been hunting in the area and heard her scream. It was a miracle really. Talia explained everything to me and now the story makes sense." Carlos was talking so fast he'd forgotten to breathe. Vicky's curiosity was piqued "Well??"

"Maria Perez was behind all of it and you won't believe the reason." Carlos stopped unaware that Vicky wasn't in the mood for dramatic pauses. She needed to know. "Tell me already" and Carlos narrated the whole story to her.

Armed with the knowledge Vicky was ready to question Maria again and she was sure this time she'd get what she needed. Answers. An hour later they were seated in the interrogation room, her lawyer with her as always. "You still don't want to tell me your role in the crimes that have been happening throughout Sunnyside City?" Vicky watched Maria's expression, she thought she was on top of the world. The kind and caring woman she'd seen days earlier, who'd offered her coffee was gone. Her true colors were starting to show. "No comment" and she flashed Vicky a nasty smile. Difference was this time Vicky smiled back because she was unto her. "It must suck to be you Maria. I can't believe I spent years blaming myself for something I never did. The whole St Derek's Dale community blamed me. My parents forsake me because they thought I was the one who'd killed Vivian. Even though the doctors and police alike ruled it as a natural death, you and I and everyone else knew it was a lie but it couldn't be proved. At some point I thought I was wrong about you and I started accepting that maybe Vivian's time had come. But then we met again twenty years later and you were once again wrapped up in another situation. You know for a moment you had me convinced that Cecelia murdered her family but now I know for sure you lied to me. "

"Is this going anywhere Detective Blaze?" asked Maria's attorney.

"Cecelia and Vivian both suffered for one reason, Michael chose them over you" Maria's smile faded. "You wanted and even tried to win his affections but I bet he rebuffed you over and over again and you couldn't stand it." Maria's blood boiled "That's why you killed her isn't it? It all makes sense now. You thought if Vivian was out of the way then he'd want you but you were wrong because he fell into the arms of Cecelia. You were jealous of her that's why you ruined her life." Maria couldn't control her anger and lunged at Vicky, her attorney held her back before she could do any damage. "So it's true then. What a shame Maria. You killed him because you couldn't have him and you thought framing Cecelia would get you off the hook. But Lucia ruined that didn't she? If she hadn't turned up alive your story would've been taken as the truth." Vicky had the upper hand now. Maria sank to her chair and cried, real tears but then she stopped and began laughing hysterically. Maria was breaking at the seams. She'd been in control for so long but now her world was crumbling to the ground and she couldn't stop it. "It's all that witch's fault. She is the one who made me this way. Ever since I was a child I watched from the sidelines as she destroyed everything she ever touched. Her greed and envy are the reason why I'm suffering now. I'm like her in a way, we both destroy everything we touch." her voice was low, she was defeated. "I'll tell you everything you want to know." 

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