Jaywon - Dumb Joke

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A/N: There might be typographical errors ahead, so sorry in advance.


Prompt: Jay telling Jungwon a dumb joke just to see his smile.


"And then, and then, here." Jay continued to think of a joke and Jungwon was just staring at him admiringly.

"What, hyung?" He said with his dimpled smile, and Jay can't help but stare first before looking away. The smile he loves so much, the reason why he keeps on telling dumb jokes.

"I forgot my joke now." He pouted, oh how he hates pouting or even acting cute. But for Jungwon, for his Life, he would do the most embarrassing things.

Just hearing the low cutely laugh coming out from Jungwon's lips, he already felt the embarrassment go away and was replaced with a fond and content feeling.

It makes it all worth it, the telling of dumb jokes, to pouting and acting cute. To do the things he have never thought of doing before.

'It's worth it.'

'You're worth it.'

As he stared lovingly at the laughing mess Jungwon is in front of him. Trying to keep his laughter down although it was just the two of them in their condo.

Just them, the forgotten movie playing as their background noise, the milktea they bought before coming home, and the sun beginning to set.

"Really hyung, you're so cute." Jungwon said and pinched the older's cheeks. Which made Jay blush, but he didn't take his eyes off.

He doesn't mind it anymore, Jungwon have already seen a lot of Jay's embarrassing sides. He doesn't mind letting Jungwon see how he affects him.

"Cute just for me." That made the heat worsen on Jay's face, now looking away from Jungwon's intense stare and proud smirk on his face.

"Right hyung?" Jay can't see him, but he hears the amusement on his tone. So all he did was nod and look back again at Jungwon, still wearing that proud smirk but now a more fond stare.

They stayed like that for a few moments, just silence as the sunlight was slowly replaced by the dimmed light of the moon.

The red-orange light reflecting in Jay's eyes, was all Jungwon wanted to memorize the entire time. Though, he knows he would always see it.

'Because you would always be here.'

'With me, my love.'

The dimmed white light, that shines through Jungwon's eyes, was Jay's favorite sight. He wanted to take a picture of the scene, but at the same time he wants to be selfish and keep it to himself. He knows, it's just for him.

'Because I'm yours, and You're mine.'

'Always, my life.'

"Okay that's enough flirting!"


A/N: Votes and Comments are highly appreciated.

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