Chapter Twenty

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(A/N: helllllloooooooo. I just got home and I'm eating fruitsnacks. Also; I'm tired as shit bc I woke up at 5 am for a dumb field trip {different one this time} and I won't be able to go to sleep until like 12 because my brothers friends are over. {cry-face})

Harry's POV:

"Hey," the tall bouncer at the entrance to the club stopped me. Had he realized my ID was fake? Was it that obvious?

I turned, waiting for the burly man to kick me out of the club, "yes?"

"There's a man over there," he pointed to an attractive man, perhaps early twenties, "he's looking for someone to hire, why don't cha go check out the job?" His American accent hung in the air like smoke as he gently nudged me towards where the man was seated. I squeaked a weak 'alright' and walked hesitantly to the VIP booth.

"Hey kid," he called as he had seen me, "come 'ere,"

That should have been my first sign

Hesitantly, I walked closer. He looked me up and down, holding his glass carelessly. "Sit," I did as instructed, "so, the bouncer has told you about a job?" He asked

"Not really," I said, still timid. He looked powerful. A drug dealer perhaps?

"It's an acting job," he clarified. I glanced over to my friends, sitting at the bar waiting for me, "listen, it's pretty easy. You just go through some combat training, then you use it out on the field. We'll video a little of it, and some of it we won't. All of it will be useful,"

Of course I accepted the job. I was only seventeen. At the time I had actually thought that he wanted me to make a porno, but I still agreed.

"How stupid of you Harry," Liam said moments after I signed the contract, "I own you now,"

How stupid it was. After that night, I hadn't heard from Liam for two weeks before he withdrew me from my classes and stuck me into combat training.

I had advanced quickly, apparently I had an aptitude for fighting, I conquered in six months what most could only do in three years.

Liam was impressed to say the least.

Now, four years later, here I am. Laying crippled in a replica of my old bedroom while I wait for my stupid crush to get back with food.

I'm worried for three reasons.
1) he may or may not be dead right now.
2) If he needs help, I can't lift myself up to get out of here.
3) oh my fucking god he's dead.

If he dies, I may actually kill Liam. It's his goddamn fault that we are here.

Not even if Louis dies. If he is injured in any way at all, I will end Liam's pointless life.

God, I'm hungry.

God, I'm still a teeny tiny bit high.

God, my chest hurts.

Fuck, my thigh hurts.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.



Louis came back, several million years after he left.

"What the fuck?!?" I yelled when he dropped down into the room, taking care to not land on the bed, "Where were you?"

"Aww, were you scared being by yourself Harry?" Louis mocked.

"No, I was scared of you being by yourself. Louis. What if you, like, died or something?" I succeeded in sitting up, not even wincing, "what would I do Louis?!"

"Uh, you would starve in this room until Liam came back?"

"No Louis. I would die. I would die because you died,"

Louis hummed, probably trying to escape this conversation. "I brought the berries," he held up a branch of pink fruit on a stem.

"Oh, give me," I reached for them, taking them from Louis.

"Hungry eh?"

"No, these are the berries that will kill you," I took one and held it im between my index and thumb.

"Harry, you can't commit suicide with berries. I would expect you to go out with more of a bang," Louis prompted, "maybe I could shoot you,"

"With what?" I rolled my eyes, "what we are going to do with the berries is set a trap,"

"We wouldn't be able to eat what we caught," Louis rationalized, "a) it would be too small, b) it would have poisonous blood,"

"Yes, that's why we are going to use what we trap initially to catch something much bigger,"

"You really know a lot about the wilderness," Louis raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Liam made me take a class," I joked back.

"Who is this Liam guy? You talk about him a lot," Louis sat down on the end of the bed.

"I already told you who Liam was," I furrowed my eyebrows out I confusion.

"You just said he was your boss," he pulled his legs under him to sit on, and damn. He just looked so small.

"He's your boss too," I widened my eyes, trying to get him to remember.

"My boss is named Mr. Payne," Lou shook his head.

"Do you know what Liam's last name is?"

He shook his head.

"Payne. His last name is Payne,"

He shook his head again. "No, that's silly because that would mean that our bosses are the same. And the same guy who is trying to kill you is employing you,"

I nodded my head at that, "that's the thing, Liam thinks it's fun to see me struggle, so he sent you guys after me."

"Oh," he sat back and took in the information. "I just need a moment to think about this,"

"You didn't need a moment last time," I pointed out, "last time you just got up to fight him,"

"If I fought him why am I here?"

"It wasn't much of a fight," I laughed, "he shattered a window with your head,"




"Alright?" I answered to Louis. I laid back into the pillows, looking at the posters on the ceiling. I haven't been to a Maroon 5 concert in ages. Maybe I can talk Liam into letting me go to one. Of course, I would have to destroy the stadium after, but I want to go to a concert.

"So, Mr. Payne is a criminal?" He broke the short silence.

"Louis, I thought you remembered it?" I looked at his confused face, "the first day we were here you were pissed because you didn't shoot me in the car park? You blamed me and Liam,"

"Oh, sorry," he stood and moved to the chair he had claimed.

(A/N: lol I know the ending is terrible. I'm trying to update more frequently, soooo.

What do you think about the very slow-progressing larry relationship? I may speed things up next chapter by jumping forward in time idk yet)

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