WARD- mhm here (he gives wheezie a membership card of the county club)

WARD- okay just go to the country club and give them this card im sure they would let u in... but if they dont.. tell them to contact me and ill tell them to let u in (he smiled)

WARD- and also the country club will do ask u payments for things u do inside so just tell them to put it on my name..... put it on ward cameron okay?

Y/N- Y/N- okay (u smiled)

WARD- alright... u two have fun

and ward smiled

WHEEZIE- we will

u and wheezie ran to the house and went inside, and ward and rose left

u and wheezie ate food in the kitchen and watched a tv show


WHEEZIE- lets go to the country club im really dying to golf y/n

Y/N- yea sure lets go

WHEEZIE- but first! we gotta go shopping for out golf outfit

Y/N- i think we can golf in these

WHEEZIE- y/n?!

Y/N- what?

WHEEZIE- are u crazy? we look like trash we are so basic we need some golf outfit and this is my first time golfing i dont want to look basic

Y/N- but wheez im saving money i cant spend it

WHEEZIE- oh y/n... dont worry i got u (she takes an atm card out of her pocket and smirks)

Y/N- is that ur dad's?

WHEEZIE- no its rafe

u smirked

WHEEZIE- i know that smirk (she laughs and u laugh)

Y/N- oh my god howd u get it

WHEEZIE- i stole it from his drawer last time but dont tell him

WHEEZIE- i know u're gonna love this cause we're spending his money

Y/N- oh wheezie... this is gonna be fun

WHEEZIE- oh rafe's gonna be so pissed off

u and wheezie laughed

u and wheezie took an uber and went to the mall first

u both shopped and had fun

u and wheezie both looked more fancy and nice

u were wearing a super tight long sleeve, a short white skirt, white sneakers and a white open hat and wheezie was wearing a black mini dress, white sneakers, and a white open hat

WHEEZIE- oh my god!

Y/N- what? how do i looked? do i look bad?

WHEEZIE- what?! no! y/n!? u look so good what the hell.. ugh gosh i wish i looked like u

Y/N- aww wheez (u smiled)

Y/N- u look good too tho

WHEEZIE- ehh thanks

then u both left the mall and took an uber to the country club


u and wheezie have arrived to the country club

and there was a guard and another staff in the entrance

u and wheezie were about to go in but the guard stopped u

Enemies to lovers | Rafe CameronKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat