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As I got ready for school all I could think about the our date and that kiss. All the butterflies I had in my stomach the moment his lips touched mine.

"ARE YOU READY?!", My mom yelled and snapped me back into reality.

"Yes!", I said going down the stairs.

"So how was your date last night?" Mom said with a smile

"It was fine mom, he took me to a fancy restaurant and then he just brought me back home."


"What!, uhh ok he....kissed me!"

Ok, honey that's what I thought, now leave or you'll be late to school!


When I parked my car, Alexa was right there when I got out.

"How was the date? Where did he take you? Did you kiss? Tell me!"

"Whoa calm down girl, the date was great, he took me to a fancy fancy restaurant, and yes we kissed!"

"OMG! how was it"

"It was amazing I felt sooo many butterflies when our lips touched."

Eek, tell me more at lunch!


When I got to math, that's when I saw the most gorgeous person ever.

As I walked to my seat and looked over at where he was sitting, and he was looking right at me

"Hey Ariana! Sit over here!" Sean told me

"You look gorgeous babe, did you have fun last night?"

"Yeah I did, it was great thanks!"

"Glad you had a good time, maybe this week we'll do something."

**skip rest of class**

"Ok so what else happened?" Said Alexa

"Nothing much..."

"C'mon I know something else happened"

"Ok he said I was a nerd last year and he would get made fun of if we got together"

"That's so rude! Why would he say that?"

"I asked him why didn't notice me before this year, and that's when he said he did, he just thought I was too nerdy"

"He's an asshole. I'm sorry but he doesn't deserve you"

"Whatever", I said as I walked away

"I can't believe she would say that? I mean Sean shouldn't have said that about me, but she knows I love him. Maybe you have to sacrifice friends for people you love right?" I thought to myself


Hey loves! Hope you're liking the story! Please comment and vote, it motivates me!! New Update in a day or two

Best Mistake (Ariana Grande and Big Sean)Where stories live. Discover now