Ayo Starscream is First

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(Y/N)'s pov

I woke up and saw (B/N) on a small berth. Yup, I was in Transformers Prime as my favorite sassy Decepticon, Knockout. I looked at my new body. ‘I’m blue…’ I thought, ‘Why am I blue?’ ‘Maybe this is because I’m like his genderbent.’ I got off my berth and walked to (B/N)’s. He was resting until I saw his optics open up. He immediately sat up. “Where am I?” (B/N) asked, “And who are you?” “I’m (Y/N), remember?” I said. “So we did teleport to Transformers Prime,” (B/N) said. “Yeah, and I knew it was you since you look like a better version of your oc, Nightflight.” I said. “Wait, can’t you call me that?” (B/N) asked. “No, for one, what if I accidently call you (B/N) and two, what if they refer to you as (B/N)?” I asked. “Huh, when you think of it like that,” (B/N) said, “I guess go with being called my actual name.” I sighed, “Lets go,” I grabbed (B/N) and I walked out of our berthroom. I walked down the hallways. “Didn’t you say that no one has seen you out of your camera drone form?” I asked (B/N). “Oh, right.” (B/N) said. He got out of my arms and transformers into a sci-fi camera drone. I walk toward knockout’s medbay, aka, my medbay. I quickly learned how Knockout’s job works and got the hang of it quite well. “I’m getting quite the hang of this.” I said. (B/N) landed on a shelf and rested there.

Then I heard the door open. I turned to see Starscream. He looked beat up and Megatron seemed like the cause as usual. I’ve always pitied him. Every iteration of Starscream was the punching bag. Sometimes he didn’t even deserve the beating he got. He barely got any friends and the ones that he did are few far between. The one time when he did try to rule, it lasted for 15 seconds. ‘Why in hell is he here and what in primus’ name did he do?’ I thought. “What happened to you?” I asked. “Megatron, I tried to tell him that with my guidance, we could find where those Autobots are hiding on Earth but he still won’t listen!” Starscream said. “And why are you covered in injuries?” I asked, hoping it didn’t lead to a violent altercation. “Well when I showed him where, I tried to tell him that the crystal could help but it only blew up in my faceplate, literally.”  Starscream explained. “Primus, you need to be careful,” I said and grabbed some medic supplies, “You could get seriously injured or worse, terminated.” Starscream looked shocked. “Why do you suddenly care?” He asked. “Look, I am aware that I shouldn’t necessarily care much but you’ve got to work smarter not harder.” I said and put my servo on his shoulder pad, “I care, not that much, but I do care.” He looked astonished by my statement. “You do?” He doubted. “Yeah, as much as I wouldn’t really admit it to your faceplate, I do.” I confessed. Then he did the most out of character thing. He hugged me. Look I know Knockout and Starscream had an interesting relationship, but hugging? I guess this Starscream is pretty lonely.

3rd pov

(Y/N) hugged back to make it less awkward. (B/N) watched from the shelf. ‘What?’ He thought, ‘Starscream wouldn’t act like this. Maybe he’s just happy that my sister cares for him. I don’t know’ Starscream felt comfort for actually being cared for. Little did (Y/N) and (B/N) know that Starscream is the first one to become a yandere and the second one to start is watching the two, filled with jealousy.

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