Chapter 1

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Life could not have gotten any worse for Peter Parker, aka The Amazing Spider-Man. His body was taken over by Otto Octavius and he went around New York as the new 'Superior' Spider-Man.

Peter didn't know in what regard Otto had superiority over but it no longer mattered, his mind was restored to his rightful body while Otto was gone, completely purged from his mind once and for all.

However, the damage was done.

Otto had rebranded himself as the Superior Spider-Man and had a different method of being a hero. He was more violent and aggressive towards criminals, his attitude soured the connections he had with other heroes causing them to distance themselves and outright banning him from their respective groups.

Not to mention he stupidly made hundreds of spider bots to watch over the city, only for them to be hacked by Norman Osborn and used to destroy the city.

But if his reputation as a hero wasn't sullied enough, his drastic change in personality affected his relationships with some of the heroes on a more personal level. Such as the fantastic four, they banned him from not only the Baxter Building but Sue personally sought to keep him away from Franklin and Valeria. Claiming that he was too dangerous for them to be around.

The other spider heroes, aside from Julia, wanted nothing to do with him, and Miles either out of pure arrogance or because of Starks influence tried to assert himself as the new and improved Spider-Man.

The X-men barred him from the grounds even though he tried to keep mutants safe on the streets and guide them back to the mansion for them to take care of properly.

But the Avengers... they were down right the worst of the bunch. Stark especially. He single-handedly led the group to attack him just because he was threatened by his or 'Ottos' intelligence. He may not have liked Otto taking over his body, and he certainly didn't like how he handled himself while acting as a hero, but the sheer hypocrisy of them calling him a threat and villain when they have done so much worse things than him.

He hoped... desperately hoped that they would notice something... ANYTHING... wrong with him. They even gave him a God damned brain scan to see if there was something wrong with him, and they found something, an anomaly in his brain waves that would for sure catch Otto before he had any chance to ruin his life...

But no. They just put it aside and never looked back. And Otto wasn't going to give them anymore chances to find out about his take over, so he made sure to 'cover' that brain wave so it wouldn't come up in any future scans, he also took measures in the case of mind readers by upgrading the mask to have a casing that would block any telepath from reading his thoughts.

And how could he possibly forget the damages done to his personal life... his Peter Parker life. He was arrogant and selfish, Ottos true personality took over there, he constantly berated those who worked under him while at Parker Industries.

He showed no care to Aunt May, even when she was sick, he ruined his relationship with Mary Jane who he had just gotten back together with, he assaulted Felicia when he caught her in the act of stealing in which she vowed for revenge and became the new Queenpin of crime.

Thankfully there were some outliers to these groups. Some people who did in-fact notice but couldn't exactly prove what was wrong or what had happened, but just knew that something was different... off... with him.

Carlie Cooper, his ex-girlfriend who worked in the forensics lab of the NYPD thought his recent actions were a cause for concern and she even roped in his long time friend Yuri Watanabe into her little investigation as she too started to suspect something was different.

Franklin and Valeria may be young... but they aren't stupid, or naive, they tried to convince their parents that something was wrong and that they should help their uncle Peter. But they were unfortunately ignored and silenced.

A select few of people had a 'mistrusting' of the Superior Spider-Man. Such as Laura Kinney, Hope Summers, Kamala Khan, Anya Corazon, Kitty Pryde, King T'Challa, Shuri, Dr Strange, even freaking Deadpool and Emma Frost as well as some others.

Some rural heroes who either didn't know Spider-Man or where unaware of the whole Superior Spider-Man incident were thankfully receptive to his return.

Thor and Hulk weee off-world during Ottos whole reign over his body so they are clueless about anything relating to the incident or that there was something wrong in the first place.

But all that was now in the past...

He reclaimed his body and sought out to revert any damage Otto had done to his credibility as a hero and as Peter Parker.

He apologised to everyone at Parker Industries as Peter Parker, saying that he acted the way he did due to the stress and pressure of running the company, which wasn't unbelievable but some were still cautious around him.

He tracked down MJ and tried to tell her the truth about Otto but she wasn't having it. She thought it was just another excuse, first it was clones, then the Chameleon, and now Otto swapped bodies... what was next a Skrull impersonator? She brushed him off and got on with HER life and told him to do the same.

He profusely apologised to May, the woman who had raised him since he was a boy, the woman who stayed strong for him when they lost Ben so she could still take care of him, the closest thing he could have ever and would wholeheartedly consider his mother.

He repaired his standing as a hero when he got Emma Frost to vouch for him, he removed the casing on the mask which prevented her powers from reading his mind and as such she was able to see the moment when Otto swapped bodies with him.

She then spread that information to all the hero groups so that they all knew... he was telling the truth. And this also spread to some media outlets which increased his standing with the public... despite Jonah's efforts.

Now here he stood.

In his office of Parker Industries, looking out of  the window down on the city he loved and swore to protect as Spider-Man, with a peaceful smile on his face.

"It's time to make a change."

(A/N: Sorry for any delays in updates for any of my other stories. I've been dealing with some things and have a bad case of writers block for them. I decided to work on this one that had been in my drafts since I first stared on here just to see if I can shake something loose.)

(I was hesitant to actually write this one as it follows the trope of almost every Post Superior Spider-Man Arc Story and didn't want to seem unoriginal. So expect to see a lot of character bashing,
Especially to some in particular, you all know who.)

(But basically this story will revolve around Peter getting his life back to normal after getting his body back while putting some other heroes down. But there will be some character redemptions aswell, mostly female for the harem, but yeah... that's pretty much it.)

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