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"nobody messes with dal, nance."


"HE'S NOT GONNA be mad, doll." Dally shook his head at me.

"What if Two already called our mom?" I sighed.

Dally started laughing to himself, "What's so funny?"

He stepped on the gas, "Oh, nothing darlin'."

"Slow down!" I yelled, the wind flowing through my hair since the top of the car was down.

Dally started laughing even harder now, I just rolled my eyes but then ended up laughing myself.


As we walked into the house, the first thing I noticed was that Two-Bit was nowhere to be found.

"There you are. Your brother went out to search for ya, he's been worried sick!" Sodapop sighed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"He is? Did he tell anyone else about it?" I asked, a panic look covered my face.

"I think so, I mean he said that your mom was supposed to take you not Dal. So, he called her and asked what was taking so long."

I groaned and looked back at Dallas who shrugged, "You agreed to it, doll."

Soda patted my shoulder, "I'll call him and your mom, let them know that you are safe."

"Thank you, Soda." I smiled at him, and he nodded.

About ten minutes of Soda talking to Two and then my mom he called me over, "She wants to talk to you."

I took a deep breath and walked over picking up the phone, "Hello?"

"Oh, thank heavens, I thought some Soc's got to you!" My mom inhaled, "Don't do that to me again, what happened to Dallas taking you?"

She never cared before until now.

"He did mom, we stopped for breakfast on the way, and I totally forgot to tell Keith." I informed her.

"Oh, poor boy, he must feel bad. You must tell Keith that it wasn't his fault, and that it was yours."

"Alright, ma. I will but I gotta go now."

"Alright, alright I will call Keith now and tell him that you were with Dally."

"But wait ma that's not a good idea-" The line went silent.


I sighed and put the phone back down, walking back into the living room. The whole gang had arrived back now, besides Two-Bit.

Right on cue, he barged through the door and stormed over to Dally. He grabbed him by the collar, "What the hell were you thinking?"

I leaned over to Ponyboy, "Why does it look like Dally is gonna kill my brother?" Pony sighed, "Nobody messes with Dal, Nance."

"Don't touch me, man!" Dally spat, shoving Two's hands off of him.

"I told you to keep your distance from her, guess that's another promise you failed to keep now, isn't it?" Two taunted.

Never in my life had I seen my brother so mad, but I could understand it. He didn't want me to get hurt even though I can fend for myself. But we only have each other, our other family couldn't give two shits about us.

Normally he was always joking around, he only fought with Soc's.

"You better watch it, Matthews. Or you will end up just like your poor little dad." Dally poked his chest.

The room fell silent, some people mouths were dropped open.

That wasn't even targeted at me, but man did it hurt. Nobody really talked of our father's death, it was in the newspaper. Dally told me that he read it one day, and the gang must've been told by Keith seeing as they tell each other everything.

Two-Bit wrapped his hand in a fist and slammed it into Dally's face, knocking him out stone cold.

"God dammit!" Darry yelled, dragging Two out of the house to cool him off.

I didn't want to cry in front of everyone, I wasn't really that person and I would just embarrass myself.

So, I avoided the gazes that fell on me and walked out of the house frantically.

Two-Bit and Darry were sitting down in the grass and when I was in their gazes, Two-Bit jumped up and Darry slowly after.

"I'm gonna go home." I bit my lip.

"But mom won't get for another three hours, and it's a Saturday so Tom will be home." Keith pointed out.

"Well then I will go for a walk, I just need some air."

"But-" Darry cut his sentence short by putting a hand on his chest and nodding at me.

I sent him a faint smile before walking off the property.


Among my return, Dally had just woken up and Two-Bit went to a movie with Ponyboy, so he didn't have to be in the same room as Dal.

I helped him up with the help of Steve and walked him to the bathroom, shutting the door behind us.

I instructed him to sit on the toilet as I went through the cabinet for cleaning supplies.

"What are you doing, doll?"

"Fixing your face." I chuckled and sat down between his legs, wiping the blood off of his face.

"I'm sorry, Dal." I sighed.

"It's not your fault."

"It kind of is, I told my mom that I was with you. She didn't care of course but she was the one who told Two-Bit cause she thought it would make things better. But then he ended up bopping you." I mumbled the last part even though Dally still heard.

"If Two-Bit was any other person, I would never let it fly. But he is one of my buddies, you know? Things happen. But if he wasn't I would rock his shit."

I poured the alcohol on a cotton ball, "This might sting." I applied pressure to his cheekbone that had a small but deep cut on it from my brother's rings. "But I mean, you had the punch coming. You made a rude comment about our dead dad, Dallas."

"How bad is it?" Dally winced, ignoring my comment from just a second ago.

"A cut on the cheekbone, a little redness around the eye but it won't turn black." I scrunched my nose.

"Alright, man." He sighed.

"You're welcome." I smiled, even though it was emotionless. l then stood up, putting all the items away and throwing away the bloody tissues and cotton balls.

I was about to walk out, "Nance, wait." Dally sighed.

I turned around, "Yeah?"

He hesitated, "Never mind."

I nodded and left the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

𝟐𝟎 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; dallas winstonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt