"Thanks, but I don't want your goodbye." I said. He is the only reason behind my state. I know the real and only reason for my resignation is Nikhil. But after the day he denied to fire me, I don't know why I had hopes that he would never fire me until I do something myself to deserve it.

"I am not here to say goodbye but to give an advice." He said with an expressionless face. The very person who fired me is giving me advices. Wow! Just wow! I ignored him and kept doing my work. "You should patch up with your husband. It will be best for you and me." His words caught my attention and I stopped whatever I was doing and looked at him.

"The same person who gives lectures to me on not interfering in other people's personal lives is giving me personal advices. Great! Such a hypocrite you are Mr. Aayansh Singhania! Do you even know anything? Do you even know the truth?" I asked him pointing a finger at him. I didn't know I was talking in such a loud pitch but luckily no was in the office as it was lunch time. "Tell me? No! You fucking have no idea and here you are telling me patch up with a man who is sleeping with other girls behind my back!" I choked while saying those words out loud and immediately I was a crying mess.

Aayansh came closer to me and hugged me while he rubbed his hand at my back. I didn't even realise how better I was feeling just by this simple gesture. He then handed me a glass of water. I drank it in one go.

I looked at him and then told him everything that's happened last month. Everything! How I found Nikhil sleeping with that girl, how my parents didn't trust me and so I left the house and stayed with Miss Anna. I told him everything. I didn't know I so desperately wanted to share my problems with someone. I was feeling better after telling him everything.

After I was done I looked back at Aayansh. He still had the same expressionless face but he kept staring at me for sometime. After a long silence, he just chuckled. "So the same man you cheated on me with, has cheated on you! Life just gives you back what you deserve!" He said.

I kept staring at him stunned at what he said while he continued, "But you know what even I don't believe you. I mean you have done so many bad things which your father and I both know very well. How do you expect anyone to trust you?"

Now I didn't know what should be my expression. I just said this man my complete feelings and he can see me crying my heart out. And still he thinks I am lying. I kept looking at him not able to understand what to say.

"I mean look at you. Who would even think he is blameworthy and not you? Instead of exposing him and filing a divorce like a normal person would, you are here sitting and packing your bags like a distressed woman, trying to gain sympathy!" He said.

This man is getting on my nerves. How dare he say all those things?

"You know what, you are the last person I would expect to trust me. Anyway thanks for your advice. I will definitely not consider it. But you take this advice. Don't interfere into other people's personal lives." I answered him and continued packing all my things and when I was done I left the place looking around it one last time.

His words sting. First he fired me and then he just humiliated me. Since the time I have met him again all he has done is being mean to me. How can he tell all those things?

Maybe he is right. I am weak and that is why I haven't done anything. I haven't even thought about exposing him and proving him wrong. I am just expecting people to believe, and a man who thinks I cheated on him to give me a job losing an important deal so that I can pay my bills. And that made it hurt more and angered me more.

In this one month, this is the third place that I am leaving. In just one month I grew attached to this place, these people so much. I felt like meeting Ziya one last time but I didn't had the strength and courage to. I can't say another goodbye and how will I explain her the reason of my resignation. I now wish that Aayansh would have accepted my resignation earlier. Atleast I was prepared for it then.

I reached Miss Anna's house and handed her the rent and returned back the money which I had taken from her. Now I am left with only half of my salary. I don't know how will I manage now.

I went to my room and lied down. I was really exhausted with all the crying.

Aayansh's words kept ringing in my mind. I should file a divorce. I can't be Mrs. Ahuja any longer. I can't stay with the name of a man like that.


Happy Birthday to my favourite favourite actor Varun Dhawan!!!

I still remember when I was in the 7th grade a couple of my friends were crazy about you and I would give them lectures on how they are wasting their time. But, by the 8th grade, when I watcher your movies and your interviews I didn't even realise when I became a fan of yours myself.

You have made my life better Vee! I always watch your interviews whenever I have a bad day.

Have a very amazing birthday and an even more amazing year!!

Love you Varun Dhawan!!

Broken HeartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon