Chapter 4 - Telmarine Encounter:

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Meanwhile in the Telmar castle, A few hours later:

Lord Miraz stood upon the balcony holding his newborn son with his wife Lady Prunaprismia standing nearby. Despite the tyrannical persona the Lord put forward, he really did love his son with as much of his cold heart as he could.

When he saw the guards he sent after Caspian returned with two horses carrying what seemed to be bodies covered by sheets, the lord was more than pleased. He kissed his son's head before handing him back to his wife, rushing down to meet General Glozelle and what he hoped was the corpse of his nephew Prince Caspian.

As the Lord approached the horse, Glozelle stopped him.

"Wait my lord, it is not what you think."

Miraz looked sceptically at his soldiers before looking under the first cover. He saw an unconscious teenage girl and was starting to get very angry.

"Who is that?" He spat at his general. Although he had a strange feeling that the unconscious girl appeared familiar, he just couldn't tell from where.

"Nobody is sure, however, there is more my lord," Glozelle said, walking over to the other horse carrying the other covered figure. Miraz followed behind, as he drew close enough to the horse Glozelle lifted the cover slightly to reveal the dwarf slowly gaining consciousness.

With wide eyes, Miraz stared at the General. "Impossible." he spat. How could a Narnian still be alive? The Telmarines had eradicated them all when they conquered this land!

Miraz gave the order to throw the girl in the dungeons, but to have the guards follow him to the council meeting, that he had only just been informed of, with the creature.

During the meeting:

"Lords of the council, apologies for being late, I wasn't aware of the current session," Miraz stated proudly as he strutted into the room.

As the meeting went on, the topic of the missing Prince Caspian arose. Little did the Telmarine Lords know that the bound and gagged Trumpkin was listening to every word they were saying.

"I trust you can tell us how such a tragedy could have occurred." One of the lords questioned as he suspiciously glared at Miraz.

"That is the most disturbing news of all. Our beloved Caspian... was abducted by Narnians!" He spoke with a cruel sadistic hiss as he spoke those words.

The council just laughed and called Lord Miraz insane, yet Miraz's confidence never wavered. He sent a signal for the prisoner to be dragged into the court, Trumpkin. Miraz did not dare mention the girl that was accompanying the Narnian. She seemed totally irrelevant yet would still face the same penalty for mere fraternisation.

A commotion broke out in the room as they discovered the red-headed dwarf.

Miraz spoke up once more, "We forget, my gentlemen, that Narnia was wild earth once. Ferocious creatures, they marauded freely. Our ancestors sacrificed their lives to exterminate these vermin. Or so we thought. While we lost the time fighting among us. They've reproduced like cockroaches under the rock! Growing strong, watching over us. Waiting to strike!"

Miraz slapped Trumpkin and his gag slipped down, "And you wonder why we don't like you."

He looked shocked that a Narnian had dared to talk back to him so he responded with, "Well I intend to strike back... Even if I have to cut down the entire forest" Using the same deadly forced whisper as before.

"I assure you, I will find Prince Caspian and finish what our ancestors began!"

Once again, he was dragged out of the room and taken down to the dungeons where a now conscious Guinevere waited for him.

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