Chapter 3:I don't know what to do with myself these days.

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In the end, she managed to get by without arousing any suspicions to herself at all, or that's the lie (read; delusion) that Andrea likes to tell herself. In reality, she had simply put her cup down and stood up from her seat. 

Then she made a swift run for it and went up the stairs of the two-story home. To say that the meme squad was surprised was a bit of an understatement, Nightmare had simply raised his eyebrows in confusion and in amusement. 

Cross had simply tensed up and looked at her with a wary look in his eyes, Andrea hadn't cared in the slightest what they thought of her in the moment or in the slightest at all back then.

Error, on the other hand, was calmer and didn't seem to give two craps about whatever she did or does at all. 

Andrea couldn't help but compare that to the Bluebell siblings, Error's own kids. Enric from what Andrea could remember of him was always the one with the most patience and didn't seem to give two things about anything other than things that the chestnut brunette considered 'important'. Such as his younger sister, Andrea's brother, Star Cross, his grades, and his friends and family.

After Andrea had run as if her life depended on it from the meme squad's kitchen, she had opened the first bedroom door that she came across as soon as she was as far away from the kitchen on the first floor as possible.

She was actually quite far away from the rooms that Nightmare, Cross, and Error used as their bedrooms. She didn't care at the moment that she might have scared Kanta and Kassandra at all, she was too preoccupied with things concerning herself and that god-awful voice in her head. She really was a selfish older sister, wasn't she? By god, she was the worst older sister ever. 'I'm the worst.' Andrea told herself.

"My God, that was a mess," Andrea murmured as she threw herself on a bed in one of the spare bedrooms in the meme squad's house. 

"I didn't expect for that 'women's' voice to get me off guard." She mumbled as she let out a small groan of frustration, she was really tired. Her legs felt like jelly and Andrea thought that she was only skin and bones as she looked at herself. 

'You could be worse you know.' That woman's voice said quietly to her as Andrea took her glasses off and put them on the nightstand on her right.

"What do you want now? For goodness' sake, there's nothing here for you to even want or take!" Andrea harshly said as she lowered her voice so no one would hear her. 

'God, I'm going insane now. Great, just great, the last thing I need right now is me going insane while we're at the home of the people who had a hand in killing my dad.' Andrea thought as she looked up at the ceiling in her room and glared at it with anger in her eyes and tears welling up in them as well.

'Don't blame me for your family issues girl!' 'That' woman's voice snapped at her and Andrea flinched slightly at her words. "Since when was I even blaming 'you' for my family issues in the first place?!" Andera demanded as she struggled to keep her voice lowered. 

"All I ever even said was that there's nothing here for you to even want or take! I never said anything about my," Andrea swore, "family issues in the first place!" Andrea angrily said, still struggling to keep her voice lowered due to her anger.

That seemed to do the trick because Andrea didn't hear 'her' voice making a response to what the blonde girl had told her. "Are you finally quiet now?" Andrea asked 'that' woman in a demanding tone. 

"What? Cat finally got your tongue," Andrea swore as she insulted that 'woman' out openly in the air without caring what 'she' would do to her. 'Ah, really. I must certainly be losing my mind as of right now.' Andrea thought bitterly as plopped down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling once again. 

'By God, what am I supposed to do now?' The blonde-haired girl wondered to herself in silence as she tried to think of what she should do. 'Think Andrea, think!' The blonde frantically thought as she wondered what she was supposed to do now as she was still a stranger here in Dreamswap. 

As well as the fact that she had never gone outside of the Yurei Empire very much. Whenever she had gone outside of Yurei, she had always been accompanied by some of her family members. And the only times that she did go out were strictly for business or for a vacation that Callisto was fully aware of and had planned for. This however was none of those things.

It made Andrea's heart quicken at the thought of being in a place with absolutely no plan as well as her family not even knowing where she was, or if she was fine or not. It didn't help that the twins were with her as well. God, Andrea could perhaps find a way to deal with this situation had it only been her to be dragged here to this AU. 

But unfortunately for her, it had appeared to be that the twins were also, unfortunately, dragged here to this Au alongside her. That alone was enough to give her a heart attack had she not noticed soon that they were with her almost as soon as she was dragged to that golden magic teleportation hole that led to her being here.

"God, I don't know what to do with myself these days," Andrea whispered as a few tears fell from her eyes. She closed her eyes and put her right arm over her, she was stressed, tired, and confused. She didn't know what to do as well as what would happen to her younger siblings and her if their siblings didn't find a way to bring them back home.

'No, stop it. Stop thinking like that!' Andrea scolded herself in her mind, 'Sister Callisto will definitely find a way to get the twins and me back home. I have to believe in her.' Andrea scolded herself in her thoughts she was determined to see a positive outcome for this whole mess. But could there be a positive outcome for this whole situation anyway?

Andrea wasn't exactly sure about that. But she had to at least try to keep the positive thought and views on this situation for a while until her siblings found a way for the twins and herself to come home back to Yurei.

Why are you so still? So quiet Have you given up now? How odd, you always fought back for the sake of 'those' people. So, what did it take for you to give up now my dearest? Go ahead, tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me Tell me! Tell me!  

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