Issue 22 - Romeo Vs Juliet

Start from the beginning





The moment the timer went off, Ashido came running in using her acid to skate around, closing the gap. Firing a set at me, I flipped in the air avoiding the first set and keeping on my toes.

I never had the full chance to see Ashido's quirk up close, especially in battle. While her quirk is quite simple, I shouldn't let my guard down even more so that I don't have my webs.

Turning on the spot, I slid forward, closing the gap; I had no choice but to get in close, that was my only chance to win, and Ashido knew it. Jumping up high, I went to strike only to slip on the ground flying ahead. Almost crashing off the field in a single attack, I slammed my hands down, sticking to the floor and holding myself in place.

"Whoa! Y/N was almost taken down with complete ease! Ashido has the entire control over the battle. Can Y/N even make a comeback from this?!" Present Mic shouted, getting the crowd roaring more.

"That was too close... Getting in close won't work, not in the way I want. In that case." Curling my fist back, I punched the ground as hard as possible, breaking the stage apart and causing my hand to bleed. Ashido flinched as I picked up chunks of concrete, throwing them at her. Forced on the move again, Ashido began skipping forward, avoiding each attack before being hit by one, tripping, hitting the floor.

Now was my chance; I was impressed she used her quirk to keep me in place. But, of course, I would have done something similar with my webbing. Still, regardless none of that matters if there's anything left of the battlefield. So, hopping forward, I prepared my counter-attack, looking to throw her off the stage and end this with a single strike.

That was at least the plan. Ashido wasn't going down without a fight, spinning on the ground, dosing me with her quirk. I pushed my hands back against the ground, distancing ourselves again, crouched down, wiping myself down. Ashido jumped to her feet, panting. "You're not taking me down that easily, Y/N!"

I raised an eyebrow, generally confused. I've never seen Ashido this worked up, this determined before in anything. She's the most laidback person I know, nothing can change that, yet here we are, her giving everything. "This is a completely different side I've seen from you; I didn't expect you to give me this much of a challenge."

Ashido thrust her fist forward, nodding. "I have a reason to give it my all this time. I will prove to you, Y/N, you can rely on more people than just yourself."

"What?" I mutter, taken back as Ashido attacked again. Dropping to the ground, I avoided another set of attacks pushing myself off the ground and throwing a punch. Ashido ducked under it, trying to sweep my feet. Hoping on the spot, I spun around, kicking Ashido. Blocking the attack, she was still knocked back, getting up just as quickly as she was knocked down. Throwing acid at me constantly, my Spider-Sense aided me in dodging most of the attacks. To keep me balanced, I held my ground, wiping my mouth. "What are you talking about."

"You know what I'm talking about, Y/N; everything about you frustrates the hell out of me. You think you're the only one who can fight our battles; it's only gotten worse with each fight. You almost killed yourself at USJ because you couldn't be brave enough to ask for help! You've always been like that, so I will beat you and prove you wrong!"

Shocked, I fell back, hitting the ground speechless. She's right; I had never thought about it like that before. Even during the 2 on 2 fight, I took the lead, making it a 1 on 2... Then there's that day.

The moment gunfire came, I leapt into action sweeping one guy off his feet, the gunfire spraying everywhere. Then, firing a web at two different guards, I quickly attached both webs thrusting it back, sending them both flying off their feet.

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