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(“”) means that someone is talking 

(‘) means that someone is thinking 

*TW* character death, yelling, and breakdown 

Ranboo’s POV:

  ‘It is so boring in this prison, I just want Michael and Tubbo back.’ I thought. ‘Maybe I should talk to Connor,’ I said in my head. 

  Yeah no, that was a bad idea. Don’t and I mean it, don’t ever talk to Connor. Your brain cells will die right away. He kept going on and on about the time he had to eat bugs. Yeah I know, it was really freaking weird. Other than that I started to hear talking and it didn’t sound like Sam or Bad, so like the sane person I am, I went to check. 

  Now if you are ever in a situation like I am right now I want to know how in prime it happened. Pretty much what I’m talking about is that Technoblade and Dream have escaped their cell and is now breaking me and Connor out. 

  “So what is going on right now?” I asked.


  “Well pretty much what is happening is we are breaking out, I mean what else are we doing” Techno told me.

  “But like why?” Connor asked.

  “Because would you rather stay in prison or get out” Techno replied.


  “Can we just get the fuck out of here!” Dream yelled. 

  “Fine fine, calm down stupid green bitch” Techno said making me snicker. 

  “What are you laughing at half n’ half” Dream commented, making my ears go down in an upset manner.   

  “Now now Dream, don’t be a bitch to him” Techno said as he broke the last block. 

  “Hell yeah! Let’s get out of here” Dream said. 

  “Not so fast” I heard Sam say. 

  I look over as fast as I can and see almost everyone blocking our way of getting out. I try to run but get held back by Sam. he has a good grip on me so it would be impossible to escape now. 

  “Sam, let him go” Techno said.

  “And why would I do that?” Sam asked, smiling. 

  “Because he is just a kid!” Techno yelled.

  “Maybe you should have thought about that before you broke out!” Sam forced me to my knees, putting his sword to my neck. 

  “Sam please, we can talk about this,” Techno said, freaking out a little. 

  “No, no we can’t. It’s either Dream turns himself in or I kill Ranboo” after Sam said that I started to get scared. 

  “Sam! You know he isn’t going to do that!” Techno yelled at Sam. 

  “It’s either Ranboo or Dream Techno, who is it” Sam said calmly. After Sam said that I started looking for something in my inventory. 

  ‘Yes! I found it!’ I thought, I threw the picture towards Techno and he picked it up. Next thing I know all I saw was black. 

Techno’s POV:

  “NO! RANBOO!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

  “SAM YOU ASSHOLE!” I said towards Sam taking out my axe, getting ready to put it through his creeper skull. 

While me and Sam were fighting, Dream got away and disappeared. 

After the fight I looked at what Ranboo gave me, it was a picture of a little piglin child and on the back, written in sloppy handwriting was ‘give this to Tubbo’. I went to search for him and it took a couple hours. 

  “Techno?” Tubbo asked, confused. 

  “Um, hi Tubbo” I said with a little wave. He waved back, though it was cautiously. 

  “What do you need?” Tubbo asked

  “Well um, I don’t know how close you are to Ranboo, but he gave this to me before he died'' I said sheepishly. 

  “W-what? Dead…” Tubbo said quietly. A look of shock, grief, sadness, and most importantly anger takes over his scarred face. 

  “Yeah… he died in the hands of Sam.” I said, a little scared of how he would react. What I didn’t think would happen did, Tubbo crashed to the floor, a sob racking his throat. I quickly brought him into a tight hug, tracing circles on his back. I let him cry into my chest until all I could hear was light breathing and small snores. 

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