Part II

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"Don' Study Me, You Won't Graduate"

"Can I come in?" Riddhima knocked on the door

"Arey Riddhima Bhabhi, please come in" Sunny gave her an overly sugary smile

"You! How dare you step foot in my room. Get Out." Ishani screamed

"Don't call me Bhabhi." Riddhima snapped at Sunny "We have no relation"

"Don't talk to Sunny like that, stay in your limits Riddhima, or else" Ishani threatened

"Ishani, I am here to talk with you. Can you please listen to me calmly for once?"

"Talk or lecture? I don't need your Gyan Riddhima"

"Look, your brother is angry, if he comes to speak with you now, you guys will end up fighting once again. I know you don't like me and will never take my advice, but I just want to tell you one thing as your Bhabhi it is my duty." She held up her hand "You can ridicule me later, that's nothing new for you"

"Ishani, what you are doing is incorrect. You are married to Aangre now and you have been staying in a room with a stranger since yesterday. At least think about Aangre's feelings."

"He is no stranger; he is my baby's father. If Bhai had not played me, this wouldn't have ever happened."

"I agree Ishani, even I was made to believe that Sunny is dead, or else I never would have suggested your marriage with Aangre. That is another reason I am here for. I want to apologize for meddling in your life. Vansh's ways are different than others but he loves you to pieces. Just let Sunny go right now or else your brother will find another way to remove him from your life as he did earlier"

she turned to Sunny "and this time you may get killed for real" Sunny paled at that

"What do you mean by that?" Ishani narrowed her eyes

"Ishani this guy left you because Vansh gave him money to never be in touch with you. You brought him back. That is a betrayal on Sunny's part. And you know how Vansh treats the person who betrays him. You always tell me that I don't know how dangerous his love is well back at you. He loves you a lot. You know, that, right? The best option would be to let Sunny go. You will never win against Vansh"

Sunny, who was silent through all of this, felt scared. He knew what Vansh did with Riddhima, what if he really murders someone and puts blame on me in a similar fashion

"Ishani, I think Riddhima is right maybe I should leave" Sunny's voice shook

"No. You are not going anywhere." Ishani stopped Sunny and turned to her

"I will protect him with my life. No one can threaten him, not Bhai and the least of all you. Understand? Now get out of my room. And never show your face again or else I will kill you" Ishani pushed Riddhima out of her room making her fall. Little drops of blood oozed from her head she hit her head at the edge of the table outside her room.

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