Sabrina eyed the beachball-sized eggs in amazement. "How big are these turtles?"

The men seemed amused when Ford asked the question. He translated, "Apparently the first boats on this planet were turtle shells. They've also been used as houses. A village can live on the meat of an adult for quite some time. They think it's pretty funny you're amazed and want to know how big the turtles on your planet get."

"I'm not going to get into a size contest," Sabrina retorted.

Ford said something to the workers, who burst out laughing and trading what sounded like quips. Sabrina blushed in dismay, guessing she would have no luck in getting Ford to repeat them for her. He winked at her as they walked away. "It came across as pretty bawdy, I'm afraid. You got several invitations to sample some of the native wares. Strange how idioms work, isn't it?"

"It depends on the translator," she said darkly.

The Chancellor hurried over to them. "I hope they did not offend," he said. "They live in a work camp, mostly away from women. Their manners are not of the best."

"I've heard worse," Sabrina responded. "But I am cold, and I'd like to go back to the transport, if I may."

"Of course," the Chancellor said. "Shall I call our pilot to come escort you?"

"No need. I can hardly get lost walking to something in my direct line of sight," Sabrina said, trying to refrain from snapping.

Ford chuckled. "Even you would have a hard time with that. Off with you, poor frozen assistant. I'm almost done here. Hey, Stecklan, look at those tracks. What do you think that is?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes as she turned to retrace her steps, leaving her companions huddled over some disturbed sand. Mindful of the brackish puddles hidden beneath the grass, she was careful to keep to the trail they'd made coming out, but the spongy ground was already erasing it. By the time she was halfway to the aircar, she was forced to find her own way. She had already slipped a couple of times before she fell, her hands and knees landing in the frigid water and sinking into the thick, entrapping mud. She had a brief moment of panic before she managed to get her limbs free and move to solid ground.

"Sabrina!" she heard Ford shout from a distance, and she realized she was all but invisible in the marsh grass.

"I'm okay!" she yelled back, sticking a hand in the air. It was encased in dark sludge, and she took a moment to wash in a nearby puddle that seemed cleaner. Her clothes were a lost cause, she thought as she got slowly to her feet.

The sound of grass being trampled alerted her that Ford, Stecklan, and the Chancellor had caught up with her. "Are you all right?" Ford asked.

"I'm fine. Just in need of a change of clothes."

She could tell Ford was trying not to grin at her appearance. "The Chancellor and I will make a path. Stecklan, you're with Sabrina."

"Yes, sir," Stecklan said.

"I was managing," Sabrina muttered, sounding childish even to herself. Ford did not hear her, and Stecklan chose not to reply.

Ford and the Chancellor reached the aircar easily and were chatting at the hatch when Sabrina and Stecklan reached them.

"No, it's not that," Ford was saying. "But she's part of my family, as well as a planetary heroine. I wasn't joking when I said I wouldn't dare go home without her."

Sabrina pretended not to hear. "Here we are," she said. "Where to next?"


The Forgotten Way (Champions of the Crystal Book 6)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ