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You couldn't sleep properly yesterday, because still thinking that just what Camilo said to you.His word keep bugging on your mind, you end up finishing the Chameleon chrochet and give to him as an apology.

Still not content, you will bake a cookies for him,
So here you are now at the store, buying ingredients.

Strolling around, grabbing up and there, then you are now at the cashier.

Busy putting the items infront of the cashier, a familiar voice made you looked up to him.

"What are you going to cook?" He grinned.

"Ezekiel? You worked here?" You questioned him, he just chuckle.

"My dad is the owner here, so I'm taking care of this when he got other businesses to do." He answered, you nodded in amusement.

"Cool, i didn't know that," you replied. "I'm going to bake cookies, for someone." You answered to the question he ask earlier.

He nodded, putting the items now in the bag and gave it to you. You thanked him and waved him a goodbye.


After you baked the cookies, you put them in the paper bag, along with bringing the "box of effort" for Camilo.

You decided to give it to him now, as an apology.
Hoping that he will liked it,.

Going to their Casita, you're about to knock but Casita just opened them now for you.

You thanked her, as you were going to Camilo's room, you passed the kitchen first but you stopped.

Seeing Camilo and Emerencia eating together while chitchatting with Señora Julieta.

You knocked, then they turned their heads to you.

"Uhm, Buenos dias!" You awkwardly greet them.

They glance at each other, but then just greet you back. Except Camilo

"Im sorry to disturb, but i wanna just give this to you, Camilo-" You added but cut out by Camilo.

He grabbed your arms and went out outside the house that made you struggling with your bringings then turned himself to you.

"Y/n, please stop being stubborn, what are you doing?!" He shout-whisper to you, not to caught any townfolks.

"Look, im sorry about last night, i just wanna give this to you and never disturbing you again.." You pleaded to him and reached them infront of him.

He grabbed it, but put them down. Making it all scattered at the ground.

"I don't need them,does it still not enough that I've already showed you that i dont like you and will never be?" He stated annoyingly and grabbed his hair in irritated then continued,

" You're so annoying, you don't stop running into me like dog,please see it, i don't like you! Cant you understand that?, my mom scolding me because of you,my life can't be peaceful because of you!" He added,

"Well to be honest, i did like you that time, when we-, when we.. just not sure about that, but you just proved it to me that I should never like you."
He breathed out.

You couldn't believe what he just said to you all in one, its that how he sees in you? An annoying shit? chasing him..like a dog?

You couldn't help but a tears fall down in your cheeks, he just let it all out.

So speechless, you couldn't help but spoke out.

" I will...never be good enough, for you? Then all of those effort that i gave to you, just wasted? I become this," you spoke and show your body,

Young Love = Pain  Camilo X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora