She's Dead

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  • Dedicated to The Asshole Collen For Killing Anne (I called her Liz in here)

She's Dead

She's dead because you killed her,

Indirectly that is.

I don't know your f-ing problem,

But why did you kill Liz?

She only gave you love,

While you only spitted hate.

She gave you everthing you asked for,

You cheated because of 'fate'.

You don't belive me still,

Don't wanna confess the truth?

How about you back away,

Or i'll punch out your gold tooth.

'You can thank Collen for this',

I cry as I quote.

It was written is blood,

Liz's death note.

Still not admitting the truth,

Go on, keep spitting lies.

Just remember I'm planning,

Your death day and demise.

You can't run away forever,

The truth will catch up soon.

Espeailly on my skizo day,

Yes it's on a full moon.

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