"I...I look hideous as I would say...."
She appeared to be a form of a light green fur colour spirit with a long teal colour tipped tail. Her paw marks were gold in colour as I picked her up and placed onto the table. Her ears twitched a bit as I noticed a small piece of emerald attached under her fur.

"This was fascinating I would say...."
"I don't look...hideous to you?"
"No , in fact , I found your form was rather appealing..."
"Thanks for the confirmation... Now can you just turn-!"

She jumped behind my back as Leif approached in the library , questioning if I met Zinnex.
I was going to reveal the truth , yet an energy let me denied the truth , letting Leif eventually scoffed before leaving. But , hang on , can't he see Zinnex here?-

Wait...where was she?....
Thought she was-

"Rhys , fix this please..."
I looked around to only heard Zinnex but she was unseen...

"What... WHERE are you? I hope it wasn't my glaoses that Mrs. Oats bestow upon me gone worst , did they?"
"They won't , and I think it was me who turned myself invisible..."
I froze as I finally found her who turned visible back , even better , in human form.

She now has white sparkling dust on her sand colour skin as she was dressed the same while the spirit ears and tail were found as part of her body features. Under her brown fringe , was that emerald. Her eyes were now hazel yellow colour with sharp dark yellow pupils.

"Apparently , we can assume that you can shift into a spirit and human. By the mean time , you can also turned invisible.... by occasion... I can tell that you were splashed by a spirit shifting potion and a invisible potion."
"Can't ya just.... undo it?"
"It has its time for effects. I believe you can handle that... Just...can you... hide those ears? Who knows if they might get us into trouble ."

She stretched her body , rubbing her eyes before looking at me with tiring eyes.
"I..I don't think it would be necessary , Rhys... I was just getting...tired...."
As she said , she then turned into her spirit form before felling into slumber by the carpeted ground.

I picked her up softly before grabbing the book related about shape-shifting with my free hand , while placing her by the table.
"Spirit transforming... Would be lazy and sleepy during day time... That explains it.. ," I turned to Zinnex who was still remained asleep with her body curled up , snuggling with her own tail , "If any pendant was wore on the host , it will turned into a jewel by its forehead. Fur colour determines their soul trait..."
Green... kindness? Not surprise...

"Beware of.... what? How can this be torn off the page?"
I grumbled under my breath furiously , eventually waking up Zinnex who turned into her human spirit form as her tail swung on the table.

"Oh god.... The effects of that potion , can it get any stronger?..."
"I believe it's just starters , Zinnex. It have not gotten worst."
"And how was that gonna- *meow*~"
She let out a spirit sound from her pink lips , as I only look at her with shock.

"Okay , you got a point."

Leif's POV

That's odd... Zinnex was not in her chamber... But it was just too early for her to wake up now....

She did kind of mention about waking up early these days.... But not this early! Usually it was when all of us Daemos woke up.... Wonder where she went.... NO! Hold it , Leif! She might be hating you for now , by the fact you gave her a cold shoulder back at the hos-pi-tel... But , I want to care about her... It's like the smallest matter of hers matters to me....

Did I feel such feeling to her?
Did I have the feeling to court her?
Did I just have those damn thoughts?-

"Ah... Hey Leif! Been a nice morning to start the day hm?"
I turned my head to find Zinnex who has this black knitted hat , dressed in a black short shirt and black tights with white shoes. Her sand colour skin was drawn with these white sparkling dust with this pink tint on her face.....

"You're in the palace the whole time?"
"Yeah... Kinda wander off before heading to the library..."
That explains it , the palace was a big place for a small human like them.

"ANYWAYS! I believe Zinnex here was going to introduce me a book she suggested! Aren't ya , Zinnex?"
"A-Ah , yes! D-Definitely!"
She said before grabbed Rhys by the wrist and was dragged back to the room.

This was...odd.... 
Was she hiding something from me? Even Rhys got kicked out from the 'Waking Squad' and join the 'Secret Keeping Squad'...?

Why not she tell me?...
Thought she told me everything she knows...?

Does she despise me that fast?....

Perhaps... just a little peek of listening....?

"Nyaa , I can't handle it anymore , Rhys~"
"It won't take that long as it seemed , just get a hold with it. Besides , I don't see it as pain as I thought."

That quick moment , my head was just flashing with stupid images....
Ya know what?! That's it! Rhys doesn't even shall get the chance on courting Zinnex!

"Rhys! You better get out of that-!"

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Where stories live. Discover now