Chapter 21: Actions bare Consequences

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Momo: *gets up and walks towards him* Katsuki? Is it really you? Katsuki: Yeah

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Momo: *gets up and walks towards him* Katsuki? Is it really you?
Katsuki: Yeah.... It... it's me
Momo: *punches his chest*
Katsuki: What was tha-
Momo: *continuously punches his chest as she began to sob* Damn It Katsuki, Where have you been? Why did you leave? Why did you leave Jiro here alone?....Do you have any idea how....... How sorry... I've been for how I acted two years ago? thinking I'll never get the chance to make amends *falls to her knees*
Katsuki: Momo.... *helps her up to her feet and hugs her* please don't cry.... You'll wake ears...
Momo: *sniffling* I spent two years comforting Jiro while feeling guilty for driving you away, I still feel awful
Katsuki: I understand why you acted the way you did, I would have done the same thing. You were protecting your best friend and I thought I was invincible and could do it myself, but I was wrong
Momo: Katsuki... I need to....
Katsuki: Ponytail, Don't you dare take the blame for my absence,  that was on me and me alone
Momo: But..
Katsuki: Don't, I've forgiven you long ago. And I know why Deku did what he did..... we were first years, young, naive, and scared. We thought the world was all black and white and that it was ours for the taking, but it's not. So don't worry about forgiveness because you guys never needed it.
Momo: ...... Thank you Katsuki, you have no idea what those words mean to me....*breaks the hug* Wait, does Jiro know YOU are Ground Zero???
Katsuki: Depending on if she remembers anything from the warehouse when she wakes up, she might

Just then there was a knock on the door to which Katsuki went and opened it. On the other side of the door were Deags and VulGar with Nezu sitting on VulGar's shoulder. They explained that Nezu was going to show the three of them to the Guest House that was built behind the 3A dorms so that they can get situated and prepare all the gear and equipment they'd need for the upcoming raid. After agreeing to go, Katsuki turns to Izuku and Momo and asks them to tell Jiro to come to the guest house when she's Released later, to which the two agreed. With that taken care of he gave them each a quick hug and exited, The four of them walk out of the UA main building towards the 3A dorms where they can see a new looking building peeking from behind the dorms, meanwhile Izuku stood behind with Momo and Jiro. Momo was quietly crying tears of joy as she let out a soft "He's home..."

The trio and Nezu reach the building in just a few minutes since it was so close, from the outside it looked like a rather small but cozy building, but on the inside it was much more spacious and very homely. Nezu told them to make themselves at home, to which they happily did, VulGar and Deags in particular, Katsuki was a little hesitant.
After they were settled in, Nezu made his exit, Katsuki decided to interrupt the gaming of the other two to address something on his mind.

VulGar: Deags kill the two guys on my right! Im gonna plant the bomb!
Deags: What bomb you idiot? We're playing Madden
VulGar: I thought this was monopoly,  no wonder I couldn't get the master sword
Deags: How much have you had to drink?
VulGar: I like fucking with you when it comes to gaming dude
Deags: You fucker
Katsuki: Hey guys... got a minute?
VulGar: *tosses his controller* Sure man, What's up?
Deags: Oh now you're serious? And hey! Don't toss the controllers like that!
VulGar: Oh quit yer bitchin, let the man speak
Katsuki: So.... I had a thought
Deags: Careful, don't hurt yourse- *smack*
VulGar: *Smacks him* Shh
Katsuki: When this is all over, I don't wanna stay here, my home is in the states, and if I turn myself in.... I won't be able to go home...
VulGar: I see...
Deags: So what's the plan?
Katsuki: I wanna use the Phoenix protocol
VulGar: Dude that's pretty extreme,  you sure you wanna do that? It's a one time deal
Deags: Hey man, go big TO go home, I like it, the Queen will have everything we need to make it happen, she's been working on those things for years, she made yours fucking quick
VulGar: Ask about the other supplies we're gonna need for the mission, we need it here yesterday
Deags: Aight bet, I'll go make the call
Katsuki: Thanks guys, oh and one more thing
Deags: Yeah?
VulGar: What's up?
Katsuki: I.... Might be having someone over to... talk with...
Deags: Cute girl?
VulGar: Purple hair?
Deags: Audio jacks for earlobes?
VulGar: Speakers on her hero gear?
Deags: Has a purple guitar that looks exactly like-
Katsuki: Alright!! I get it, you guys know, for how long?
Deags: Figured it out not too long ago
VulGar: Figured out most of it from the very beginning
Deags: How the fuck-
VulGar: None of your business
Katsuki: Was it that obvious?
VulGar: Apparently not to everyone
Deags: Heeeyyyyy....
Katsuki: Well now that it's out there, I was wondering if you guys would-
VulGar: Say less
Deags: The fuck? Say more, he wants a favor, you can't just cut him off. What if he needs advice? What if he needs our help? What if she's on her way? What if we're still here when she- .... Ohhhhh
VulGar: Let's get goin Einstein
Deags: You Doooog
VulGar: *Grabs him by his hat* Move it
Katsuki: Thanks guys...
VulGar: Anytime, we'll be back later
Deags: Where we goin?
VulGar: Sightseeing
Deags: *Fixes his hair flip* Sweet

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