Chapter 1

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 Today is Saturday, June 30th, 2010.

I just moved from Tree Hollow to Willow Woods. I look around and see that the streets are nearly empty and the houses look old, broken and haunted. That's not creepy at all.

"Layla, help unpack!" That's my older sister, Alissa, whom I find quite annoying.

"Okay, Alissa!"I yell as I grab my boxes. After unpacking, I went to get in the shower.

When I walked into the bathroom, I saw some strange slimy blue goo. I wanted to see what it was later, so I went down to the kitchen and I took a clear glass jar to pick it up. It had a slimy and gooey consistency. I put the jar on my nightstand. After that, I got in the shower. "Layla, are you done yet?" Said my mom, Luna. "Almost, Mom!" "Ok, hurry up!" Before I got out, I saw that goo again and I thought it was strange. I ignored it and got out. I went back to my room and started sewing, which reminded me of home as I loved to sew when I was little. In the middle of sewing my dress, I accidentally got my finger stuck on the sewing machine. "Ugh!" I groan as I look for any band-aids in my room.

As I looked around, I saw a weird hatch and made my way to it. As I got closer, I realized it's slightly open. I decided to explore. I walked up the pull out stairs. It turned out to be an attic that hasn't been used in years. The boxes were really dusty and there were webs everywhere. I tried to find a light switch, but there didn't seem to be any electricity up there. I felt a cold breeze run against me and made my whole body shiver. As I kept looking around, I suddenly saw a white figure running around, and quickly ran back down the stairs. After I catch my breath I quickly go try to find a flashlight.

I started rummaging through my boxes to find a flashlight, then Alissa walked in. "What are you doing?" She asked, staring oddly at me. "Oh- I was just looking for my socks." As I look up, I see her dressed fancy from head to toe. She was wearing Mom's old heels from when she went to her first prom. They were beautiful shiny white high heels, with not a single smudge. Wearing a rose pink colored floral mesh thread dress with a white flower design that went down to her knees. Her lips were a nude pink color and her hair was curled. "Woah what's the occasion tonight, and where did you get that dress? It looks awful!" I scoffed, staring at the bright dress. Alissa rolled her eyes and laughed. "It's all mom's old stuff, and I'm going on a date." She says with a smile. My face dropped and I quickly gave her a stern look. "Who? Does Mom know? Do we know him?" I demand. "Relax LaLa, I think he is a pretty chill guy. His name is Abaddon, it means love." She gushes. "Anyways just call him Dan, okay?"

Alissa left for her date around 7:30. At 8:00 Mom yelled, "Layla, it's time for dinner!" We ate together at the table. We had spaghetti and garlic bread. It was pretty good, Mom hasn't cooked food since before Dad left for work. I rinsed my dishes and put them in the sink. I went to my room. I got all bundled up in my blankets and tried to sleep. I stayed up hour after hour thinking about the strange goo, and the white figure. Alissa got home around 12:30 in the morning.

She walked in my room. I sat up, "Alissa?" I said in a sleepy voice. Alissa giggles and says, "Why are you still awake?" "I couldn't sleep." I mumbled. Alissa turned on her phone flashlight and turned it towards me. "Ow, my eyes!" I yelled. Alissa saw the goo on my nightstand and asked, "What is that?" "What are you talking about?" I asked, disoriented.

"That jar with blue stuff in it."

"Oh, just some strange goo I found in the bathroom."

She stared at it with awe, then remembered about the 'amazing' date. "Well I'm off to my room, I have to talk to Dan." She said in admiration. I could almost see her eyes light up.

We said our goodbyes, and I looked around my room for something to pass time or make me tired. I took a quick glance at the slightly-opened hatch, and hesitated for a second. Should I really be doing this at 12 in the morning?

I cautiously inch towards the hatch, making sure nothing like the white figure I saw was up there. Once the coast was clear, I made my way towards the stairs. The stairs squeak every step, which causes a big jumpscare everytime. Once I got to the top, there were boxes that weren't there before. I decided to rummage through them.

After looking through some stuff, I found some of what looks like clothes from the 1960's. There were some button down shirts, dressy pants, and some fancy belts. After searching some more, I found some hats. I decided to try on the clothes and make outfits out of them for fun. It was a real waste of time, until I saw something in the distance on the wall. I walked up to it cautiously. It turned out to be a safe, it was silver rusty and beat up. It was so dusty, like it hasn't been used in three centuries. The flashlight shone all around the safe, and I noticed it had a padlock code. I decided to look for it in the boxes I haven't checked. After hours of looking I found what I think were weird substances. They were similar to the blue goo.

After checking for the code, I quickly heard my mom yell,"Girls Breakfast is ready!" Had I stayed up til' sunrise?

I quickly close the hatch and go downstairs and mom asks me, "Honey, you look tired. Are you okay?"

"Yeah mom, I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep." Mom hesitated, then smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Bye honey."

Once I walked in school, I noticed something off about this school.

Something bad.

All the teachers looked off. They looked pale and deadish. Most of the other students looked scared, but everyone else looked dead. It was really odd. Everyone seemed off. Nothing big happened today, all the teachers have a horrible rotten smell when you walk past them, one so strong it could make you nauseous.

When I was walking to 4th period, I saw something, like an orb. I found it again at lunch, then during the 6th period, hour by hour it would stick to my side, like it's trying to protect me from something. When the day was over, I packed my stuff, but found something weird in my notebook. It was a note I must have not noticed. I open it and see a code. I quickly pack my stuff and shove the note in my pocket then leave to go back home.

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