Chapter 12 quotations

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Only when everyone is allowed to speak their mind can we find the best, such as nerves.

2. We have electricity and Internet, but Jesus, muhammad, sakyamuni, Confucius and lao-tzu can no longer be produced.

About women: my other half.

About money: money is good.

About friendship: fate.

6. About death: destination.

About the world: accident.

About life: taking time.

9. Dreams: second life.

About life: you can only have one life.

Life: never fails.

About others: don't care what others say.

About the world: freedom, equality and fraternity.

When Lin daiyu falls in love with jia baoyu, it is not true love.

Everyone is dreaming of a good lover. How can you be good to yourself, but can you be a good lover to others? What about him? So there is no love in the world, no good men (women).

There's always an eighteen-year-old girl, and you're getting older.

17. Nietzsche dreamed of the superman, who he said would despise all human beings. This is a kind of "great contempt, love of contempt, love of the most contemptible." God kris has this feeling now.

The President of the world and the sanitation workers should be paid the same, except that the division of work is different and voluntary.

The President of the world is but a small accountant who distributes wealth and is no more noble than anyone else.

"Some people in this world have nothing, and some people have too much." we can say no!!!

From the state foreign exchange reserves :)

I will not attack unless I am attacked. I'm not a criminal if I'm attacked.

Life can be simply satisfied, the soul of the satisfaction of the pursuit.

The human body is not sin, but an evil thought in the human heart.

25, the mood of a person speaking on the Internet, the reader will understand the contrary, misunderstanding will arise.

Anyone can say anything anyone says on the Internet. A pig butcher, it can be said that Einstein did not understand science; A little bastard can call Jesus an idiot, and stand up straight.

A basic guess: no one believes in god 100 percent.

All sin is allowed to be ordered by god.

God's good student satan bears his burden and works with god.

The only fair thing in this world is time and death.

The law of great man's wife: almost all great men have multiple wives (girlfriends), the emperor need not say, ha ha:)

As a godsman, I think beautiful women are the most lovely. As a member of the god party, I think ugly and swarthy peasant brothers and sisters are the most lovely :)

I learned to value every minute of my time under any circumstances, even waiting for a bus. I learned to wait patiently at any time, in any situation, and to cherish every minute of waiting, because life in general is aimless.

Hold infinity in the palm of your right hand and experience eternity in an hour.

I have surpassed Jesus, past and present, and beyond all, and beyond all, and I am truly the first man under heaven.

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