Hannah looks at me slightly confused but answers, "Fifteen minutes. Why?"

"I have to make a phone call. Is that alright?" I ask as I pull out my mobile and begin to look for Caleb's number. "That's fine, just don't spend forever. Okay?"

"Okay." I shout as I dash towards a window and hit dial. The phone begins to ring and my heart beat picks up in speed. What if he doesn't pick up? What if they try and get here? My mind begins to spin with endless questions.

"Kim?" Caleb's voice travels down the line and yanks me away from my spiral of thoughts.

"Caleb, is Francis with you right now?" I ask as the tears already begin to surface and it takes all my strength not to let them fall. Caleb shouts for his brother and I hear his cheerful voice in the background, "Kimi! What are you calling for at this time?" Francis asks with a chuckle as he pulls the phone from his older twin. A smile reaches my lips as I listen to the two of them fight over who holds the phone. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've not had the chance to come and see you and say this in person." I cut through their loud voices with my own faint and cracking one.

"What's wrong Kim?" Caleb asks me with his voice filled with concern. I can't hold back the tears anymore and a few slowly slide down my cheek. "I'm at the airport. My flight leaves in ten minutes. I'm sorry that you are finding out now but it was all so last minute. I wish you were here. I'd feel so much calmer about having to leave but at the same time so much sadder in having to tear myself away." I blurt out as my tears begin to fall more frequently and with more force.

Neither of them interrupt me as I continue to spill as many words as possible in the limited time I had. "You two are best greatest friends anyone could ever ask for and I hope that no matter t-the distance you'll cont-continue to be so with me. I'll call every week and send an email daily, so you better not forget about me!" I stuttered out with a smile as the tears began to slow down.

There was a moment of silence before Francis shouted down the line, "As if we'd forget a numbskull like you Kimi!" He laughed although his voice wavered a little. I laughed as well at his words. Then Caleb spoke up. "We'll be waiting everyday for your emails and if you miss one scheduled phone call we'll be on the next fight out. You hear me?" Caleb had a serious tone but I couldn't help laughing.

"I hear you. Although I might just miss one just so you'll come and see me." I joked as I turned to look at Hannah to see how much time I had left. Five Minutes. I only have five minutes left.

"Just you wait Kimi, the next summer break we'll be out there to see you and continue our years of harassment." Francis's voice was pained so much more this time he spoke, breaking my heart. "I can't wait. I love you guys." I chocked as I glanced to see Hannah calling me over. "I don't want to go." I whispered as fear began to envelop my body.

I don't want to leave my friends and family.

"We love you too Kimi. No matter what." Francis whispered down the line.

"Stay strong Kim. You don't need to cry so much, we'll see each other again soon. You'll get to hear about our adventures like usual and we will still be there for you." Caleb said reassuringly.

I let out a pained laugh, "I'll speak to you both soon. Bye." I waited for them to both reply with a bye before reluctantly hanging up and switching my phone off. Wiping my face I stared at my reflection in the window and let a small smile onto my face. I was about to meet mothers family. I had to show them my strength. I gave a nod to my reflection and walked back over to Hannah. "Good luck Kimiko." She said to me as she handed me my small bag. I smiled at Hannah one last time before heading towards the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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