Kris x Neko!Male!Reader (Mini-series part 6)

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Y/n: Do you want her number?

Noelle: W-What!? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Y/n: Haha, i'll give you mine as well, just in case you need advice.

Noelle: O-Oh, ok!

You took your phone out and gave Noelle yours and Susie's phone number, and before she walked off she kissed you on the cheek quickly making you chuckle as she walked off blushing madly. A madly blushing Kris then walked up to you and kissed you on the cheek making you smirk at them.

Kris: (C'mon Kris! You're the flirting master!) Heyyyy beautiful~

Y/n: Hey Krissy~

Kris: (Fuck.) You doin' anything after school?

Y/n: Might go to the neko town in the dark world. But I can do you after that.

Kris: (How did he know I was gonna say that!?)

Y/n: But should we start the video tour now?

Kris: Hmm, sure.

Y/n: What style? Professional? Or cringey ecstatic?

Kris: C'mon, if we're gonna do this then might as well be professional.

Y/n: Professional it is, where should we start?

Kris: From the bottom to the top.

Y/n: Hm, you always liked going from bottom to top, didn't you?~

Kris: W-What's that supposed to mean!?

Y/n: Ha, you know~ you're an ass person~

Kris: W-Well that's because ass is universal!

Y/n: Oh~ I guess it is~ c'mon Krissy~ let's go record ourselves~

Kris: *internal screaming* W-Why would you say!?

Y/n: It's funny seeing you flustered~

Kris: It's not fair, why can you do this to me and I can't do this to you?

Y/n: Who said you couldn't?

Kris: W-What? B-But-

Y/n: Kris, these are just jokes, as long as you're joking around then it's fine.

Kris: Oh, so if I were to-

Y/n: No, just flirting, no touching.

Kris: Oh, ok. But let's get out of here, sweet cheeks~

Y/n: Hm, Krissy~

You kissed Kris on the cheek making them blush and you grabbed their hand whilst winking at them making them blush even more.

Y/n: You always blush when I do that.

Kris: Because it's warm.

Y/n: What.

Kris: I meant your kiss and hand.

Y/n: O-Oh, ok.


Kris: Not anything else.

Y/n: Mhm, of course.







Kris:... Could I-

Y/n: No.

You bonked Kris on the head making them rub their head from the sudden impact and you both left the school before starting at the bottom of the town and making your way up to the houses at the top. You reached the church at the bottom of the town and you thought you had reached the bottom, so you stopped walking, but Kris insisted there was something else, so you carried on walking.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ