chapter 3: memory

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Oh come on" yells Vernal as she and Emerald see that the new clothes they got wet and worse the pots they were using there food for were destroyed and the food is scattered on the floor being either destroyed or are ok but slightly dirty with the green head using her psychic to levitate the clothes out of the floor and the broken pieces of the pots into a pile. Emerald then moves the pile out of the  way and begins to ring out the clothes into some buckets before walking out with the clothes floating behind her. “Where are you going?” Ask Vernal as she sees Emerald walk out with all the clothes. “I’m gonna see if I can find Delta or Vatti, maybe even Mercury to help dry these” says Emerald as she walks out and begins her search. Vernal sights but continue to do her best to find the non damage food.

With Sun crew

"Ok all our weapons are still secure" he says to Vaati and Mari who were gathering and organizing the arrows and medicine's that fell on the floor. The smaller of the three sights when he picks up a broken bottle "Well that good but most of the medicine bottles were destroy thanks to the attack and the fall" he groans as he floats above the ground and puts the broken bottles off the ground with the red headed girl adding "As well we need to check of the maintenance material for the weapons" she says with sun nodding but breaths in and out as his sigil is glowing on his back as a magic circle appear on the ground with rock slowly coming out of it extending up to form a table. The glow stops as he look at his job he smiles but starts coughing up blood "Sun!" Both yell moving to their friend both looking worried "I cough ok guys I just need a little more time before using it" he reassures them with blood still dripping out of the corner of his mouth. 

Vaati shakes his head "No you idiot, you aren't ok we are lucky to escape but i don't want a friend to die just because of their power not calming down" he with both sadness and anger in his voice as Mari agrees. "Please Sun don't use your power for a few more days ok? We don't want to worry the others more specifically Jaune and Mercury" she says making the monkey flinch but signs as he nods his head "Ya ok i try not to used it" With that the three stands up and clean the blood off Sun hand and mouth as they put the weapon maintenance material in the rock table.

With Weiss crew

Weiss is on top with Zelda and Delta looking at the beast for any damage as well making sure they weren't followed. The garudo looks around electricity at standby with the zora of the group uses his power to control the water that surrounds them to be able to see any damage "Hey Delta any damage?" Zelda asks as she uses her light to try but fails to power up a machine. The zora jumps back on the back of the beast with his family of runaways. "Well I see damage but weirdly it is repairing itself."

The two look confused for a bit but Weiss them shoots a small bolt of lightning from her finger into the beast making a small hole then watches as it closes itself up not even leaving a scratch. ‘whistles’ “Well isn’t that just convenient then, welp let’s go and tell the others” says Weiss as she walks to the hatch with the others following behind her group.

with Ganon grup 

Ganon, Ravio and Mercury are in the core of the beast with tubes all over the room giving everything a blue tint. They each separate and begin looking around. The trio looks around the room for anything "This feels creepy"  says Ravio looking around the room thanks to the glow, the grey hair hylian snorts at that "Ya this isn't creepy" he say when he looks at the walls for anything with ganon not finding anything either "Oh Mercury how is the relationship between Jaune and Sun" Ganondorf says with a smirk making Mercury nervously chuckles "Well it getting better since we got out of there at least Jaune is slowly getting better" he mumbling with his blush depending.

Scene change 

Jaune and Fox are having a sparring match while Link it’s on the side watching the two, Fox goes on the offense with a haymaker but Jaune dodges out of the way before quickly jabbing a fan into his side then jumping away as Fox tries to retaliate with a sidekick. He then runs at him and tries to strike him on the head but Fox catches his hand, twists his arm backwards and kicks him in the back sending him to the ground. “Alright Jaune that’s my win” he then turns his head to wear Link is “Your turn Link” says Fox as Link nods and grabs his short sword before jumping at Fox and trying to slash at him but he moves out of the way.

legend of zelda a new dawnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora