"I guess your senses are getting sharp" Ladybug said, going to the box of tuna fish so he can calm down, "I'm surprised that you didn't go in a food coma"

"This werecat thing increased my metabolism," Adrien said.

Ladybug gave him the can of tuna and he accepted it since he's hungry. He tore the lid open and ate it eagerly.

"Oh heh heh" Ladybug chuckled, waiting patiently while he ate.


A while later, Adrien helped Ladybug as Cat Noir to defeat another akuma again. No Werecat insight but Adrien has to be careful not to get angry again. He doesn't want to get captured by agents. His father is now making authorities find him.

"Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug caught the akuma to purify it and then releases it, "Bye-bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" She tossed her lucky charm.

"Pound it" They fist-bumped.

"Well done, milady" Cat Noir said.

"Thanks, kitty" Ladybug said.

"Well, see you then, milady" Cat Noir kissed her back palm, "This kitty needs to get a cat nap"

"Good luck then" Ladybug went in the opposite direction.

He knows that his lady will meet his other half any moment, so he hurried to the abandoned building. He ran inside and detransformed just right before Ladybug arrived.

"Plagg, hide," Adrien said.

"Okay" Plagg hides in his jacket and Adrien sat on the bed as Ladybug came in.

"I'm back Adrien," She said.

"Out fighting with Cat Noir?" He pretends to not know.

"Yep, defeating another akuma" Ladybug sat next to him.

"Sounds like Hawk Moth is not very creative," Adrien said.

"You could say that again. Cat Noir and I are truly unstoppable, as long as we're a team" Ladybug said.

"Mmhmm.....I also discovered I have cat agility. Like jumping around like a cat" Adrien said, grabbing a box carton of milk.

"Can you show me?" Ladybug asked.

After drinking his milk, Adrien leaped up on some pile of crates, surprising her, "It seems I gained nine lives" Adrien said.

"10 if counting your human life" Ladybug joked.

"Meow" Adrien meowed and jumped to the next crate.

"Wow cool" Ladybug said.

Adrien then landed on his feet in front of her without injuries which he finds it shocking that he has cat instincts combined with his human instincts.

"Aww....you are a good kitty" Ladybug scratched his chin.

Adrien purred happily, he just loves to be petted by the girl of his dreams. She may not know he's Cat Noir but at least she cares about his other half.

"So cute" Ladybug giggled how cute his purrs were.

Suddenly, his senses went sharp that he hears a mouse squeaking from the distance. He got on all fours in alarm.

"What is it?" Ladybug asked.

"A mouse" Adrien ran to where he heard it.

"Adrien!" Ladybug ran after him.

Before he could catch the mouse, Ladybug grabbed him from behind. He hissed in frustration that he didn't catch his prey because Ladybug stopped him.

"Adrien calm down!" Ladybug didn't let go.

Adrien struggled but soon calmed down. The beast within is messing up his human nature. It was like being a hybrid between human and cat at the same time.

"Adrien please calm down" She pulls him close to hug him.

He purred in depression that he's scared to become feral. He doesn't want that to happen or he'll forever lose his humanity, "If I keep transforming, I might not be able to transform back to human" He sadly said.

"You're still human, Adrien. You just gotta fight it" Ladybug said.

"I'm still wondering what can break the curse? Like the classic, kiss breaks the spell or curses?" Adrien said while twiddling his thumbs.

"It's.......possible" Ladybug stammered.

"Pity that Chloe is just not for me, her heart has no love in it, only hatred" Adrien said.

"Lila is off the list," Ladybug said.

"Yeah, and Kagami and I are over," Adrien said.

"Perhaps......Marinette?" Ladybug nearly blushed.

"Marinette? Well, I don't know, Sure she's all sweet and kind but she's quite a shy girl. I remember the times she and I played games and well at one point danced" Adrien brought some memories up.

"Why not try to ask her out?" Ladybug suggested.

"How could I now that I'm a wanted teenager? The authorities won't stop until they find me" Adrien said.

"I'll let her know that you're hiding as a goth boy" Ladybug said.

"Thank you, Ladybug" Adrien looks up smiling at her.


Night approached and Adrien wearing goth clothes was able to blend in the night. He hoped that his friend won't be scared that he has cat agility to jump from roof to roof.

"Okay Adrien, no sudden spooky moments," He said to himself leaping from rooftop to rooftop and landed on the balcony of Marinette's apartment in a silly pose, "Ugh, that was stupid" Adrien stands up from the ridiculous pose.

He knocks on the hatch and waited patiently for an answer, "Cat Noir?" Marinette opened the hatch.

"No, it's me, Adrien," Adrien said quietly.

"Whoa, Ladybug wasn't kidding. She told me you're...." Marinette paused.

"Getting cat abilities, yes. Can I please come in?" Adrien asked.

"Alright" Marinette let him in.

"You know that I'm....the Werecat?" Adrien hesitated and came in.

"Ladybug told me about it before you came. I was getting worried about where you've been these last few days" Marinette said.

"Let's say that my father knows. That's why I ran away to protect everyone from myself" Adrien said.

"Oh Adrien, I've missed you" Marinette hugged him.

"I'm sorry I made you think I disappeared" He apologized and hugs her back.

"I forgive you, Adrien. When did it happen?" She asked.

"A spooky cat bit me" Adrien explained and showed her the bitten scar on his wrist.

"Oh my goodness" Marinette was shocked.

"Yeah, and I feel like I'm cursed. I'm very scared, Mari. I don't wanna hurt anyone and whenever I transform, I have no memory" Adrien shivered.

"Don't worry Adrien. We'll figure something" Marinette said.

"I hope. Before I might lose my humanity" Adrien laid on her loft bed.

"You just need to be tamed," Marinette said.

"I hope it will work," Adrien said.

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