chapter 34

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I mean to say love that let's have s..he was about to complete she says rayan stop it saying this she gets up..... Rayan also gets up and says love what happen? Rayan dont talk with me like this ever again..... What love than with whome I talk like this? Rayan please...... Yes love I want to please u...... Rayan what happen to u...... Love I m in love my love..... Rayan please..... Ok tell me wats the problem? Rayan m not comfatable with this..... Why doll?
We r couple we can talk like this and do like this..... Rayan we r not married yet. .... But we r couple khushboo..... He hold her arms and says khushboo I just want to feel you..... I want to see you without clot..... Stop it rayan please..... Love from how long u can deline this topic..... We hv to do it one day..... So what's the problem in that? Look rayan..... Show khushboo.... Listening this she blush and says rayan I will not do this without marriage..... If u want to feel me than marry me after that feel me. ..... Than rayan says I accept you as my wife already..... But I m not your wife...... Listen rayan if you want to touch me than first marry me......
Listening this rayan says fine saying this he gets up from bed he was about to go just than khushboo says..... Don't ever think in this matter I will let go my self respect......listening this rayan says what do u mean? I always choose u between my self respect and u.... But in this matter I will never let u win..... Listening this rayan says your body, soul, heart, mind everything is mine..... And no one can take this from me not even you.... Saying this he went out from her room.....

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