Chapter 32: The Ultimate Decision

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[That Saturday, Stalyan, and Brock had their wedding, all of the people and all of their friends attended the ceremony, the baron was able to walk her down the aisle but he was under constant supervision. After their lovely wedding, they went down to the reception and had an amazing time. The baron got put back in his cell, which was hard to see by Stalyan but knew that it was necessary. Stalyan and Brock went on their honeymoon that night. They went to Autumnhaven, France, and stayed there for two weeks. During that time, Rapunzel and Eugene started to buy clothes, supplies, and toys for their babies. They set up a small nursery for their kids inside their bedroom, Rapunzel also made a couple of little clothes for the little ones and painted a painting of Eugene and her carrying baby Rosalind and baby Flynn in the last available space on the wall on top of Rapunzel's and Eugene's bedroom. Rudy and Runo had completely reformed themselves. It was as if they were two completely different people and indeed they were. They were kind, honest, and they wanted an opportunity to fix their mistakes and to make themselves upstanding citizens, but they knew that they had to be patient and they were willing to wait for however much time was necessary. Charlotte and Lance even married as well and Lottie moved into the treehouse. Frederic and Arianna decided to accept King Trevor's invitation and move into his palace alongside Willow. She was now dating King Trevor and was living with him, of course, she stayed in a guest room because they were taking things slow. Eugene and Rapunzel decided that whenever the babies were a little older and could have their bedrooms, they would move into Arianna's and Frederic's old bedroom. Baby Rosalind would have Rapunzel's bedroom while Baby Flynn would have the first main guest room. Just then Eugene came in carrying baby Rosalind and Rapunzel was carrying baby Flynn]
{In the dungeons}
Eugene: What's up, boys?
Rudy: Hey, Fitzherbert, your highness
Runo: Hello Queen Rapunzel, Fitzherbert
Andrew/Hubert: Well, if it isn't a special visit from the royal family
Eugene: Be quiet in there
Rapunzel: We just wanted to introduce you two to our children, Rosalind Annalise Fitzherbert
Eugene: And Flynn Rider Fitzherbert
The Baron: Oh great, now there are three Flynn Riders
Rapunzel: Oh shut up
Rudy: Th-thanks
Runo: Y-Yeah, that means a lot, thank you
Rudy: They're precious
Eugene: Thank you
Rapunzel: Yeah, thanks
Eugene: how are you holding up?
Runo: Better each day
Rapunzel: Good, we'll have your answer by tomorrow, just be patient, alright?
Rudy: Of course, we know that it's a hard decision, take your time
(Eugene and Rapunzel nod and turn away)
Eugene: Magnus told us that you wanted to see our children
Cassandra: Could I?
(Rapunzel and Eugene go to her and show her the babies)
Cassandra: They're so precious, congratulations
Rapunzel: Yeah, thanks
Eugene: Uhu, thank you
Cassandra: What decision are you trying to make with The Stabbingtons?
Rapunzel: That's between us four, no one else
Eugene: Now, if you'll excuse us, we need to keep on planning our children's baptism ceremony and party
Rapunzel: Goodbye
Eugene: Say, I always wondered how you lost your eye, Runo?
Rapunzel: Eugene!
Eugene: What? It's just a question
Rapunzel: You don't ask that, it's personal
Eugene: I was just curious
Rapunzel: Ugh
Runo: It's fine, I don't mind, I didn't lose my eye, Fitzherbert
(He lifted his eyepatch revealing his eye)
Runo: It just makes me look cool
Eugene: Ah, you know, you make a good point
Runo: I know
Eugene: Well, see you guys
Rapunzel: Bye guys
Rudy & Runo: Later
[Rapunzel and Eugene leave the dungeon locking the door behind them. They go back to the throne room and continue planning the grand celebration. By the end of the day, the food, the music, and the decorations were chosen. The church had been rented for the ceremony, all the invitations had been sent out to all of the neighboring kingdoms and all of their people, Eugene and Rapunzel had not only chosen out their outfits for the celebration but had also chosen out the outfits for their babies. Baby Rosalind would be wearing a beautiful little white dress paired with her little white socks, and a little pink headband that had a pink flower on top. Baby Flynn would be wearing his baby white trousers with his little white shirt, his little sweater, and his little white socks. The day was only a couple of hours away since it was Saturday, everyone was so excited for the baptism and the party of the young prince and princess of Corona, and Eugene and Rapunzel had come to an important decision about what The Stabbingtons had asked of them. They were going to give them a second chance to redeem themselves, a second chance to at a new life, a chance to make themselves proper citizens, they were going to give them their liberty, and they were going to give them jobs in the guard force. Unfortunately, their other royal friends wouldn't be able to make it to Eugene's and Rapunzel's children's baptism and party because they would be having their baptism and party for their babies but wished them all their best and sent them all of their love on that joyful day that very soon would be arriving]
The next day
{At the church}
[There was a specialized mass for the baby Rosalind and baby Flynn. The church was filled with guests, royals, important people, all their friends that were able to attend including Elsa and Anna who wear wearing very nice outfits just like everyone else, and all of Rapunzel's and Eugene's family members were there too. When it was time, Rapunzel and Eugene took their babies alongside the godparents. The priest blessed both babies and wet their heads with some holy water, which made them cry since it was a bit cold. After the mass ended, everyone headed to the palace]
{In the palace in the throne room}
[Eugene and Rapunzel laid each baby in their crib and sat on their thrones. The gift section was being filled very quickly with gifts from everyone from around the neighboring kingdoms and other important people that had attended the party. As the people were leaving gifts for the babies, they were able to see the babies up close and thank Rapunzel and Eugene for inviting them. Of course, Rapunzel and Eugene thanked each one that came up for attending and their generous gift. After two full hours of nothing but gifts and gratitude. Two guards showed up with The Stabbingtons in chains making everyone pay attention to them]
Eugene: As you can see, we sent out The Stabbingtons just like we did for our wedding since they're sort of like family to me
Rapunzel: We believe in second chances for everyone. We believe that everyone should have a second chance at a new life. A new opportunity to redeem themselves to fix their mistakes and become better people every day. In the end, we're all humans, we all make mistakes, and there is no way on this Earth that there is a single perfect person. The only perfect person is God and no one else
Eugene: We want to be better rulers for our people every day than the day before. We choose to move forward and we choose to follow in the footsteps of the great kings and queens of the past
(Eugene and Rapunzel nod to Frederic and Arianna and they nod back. The Stabbingtons were brought forward to Eugene and Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: On this day we give The Stabbingtons their freedom. Do you vow to become better people every day?
(They hold up their left hands which were the closest to their hearts)
The Stabbingtons: We solemnly vow
Eugene: Do you vow to live your lives free of crime, deceit, and treason?
The Stabbingtons: We solemnly vow
Rapunzel: Do you vow to serve and protect Corona, her citizens, and her royals according to the laws with which it was established just like the rest of your fellow guards and soldiers?
The Stabbingtons: We solemnly vow
Eugene: Then on this day as King and Queen of all of Corona we grant you, your request. A second chance at a new life and a second opportunity to become better people. Release them
[The guards release them, The Stabbingtons kneel on one knee, they bow their heads at Rapunzel and Eugene, and they bow back. The twins then stand up and turn to the crowd]
Rapunzel: Now, I believe this was a party, so let's get this party started
[Everyone clapped and cheered and the party continued until nightfall. The party finally ended at around nine pm. Everyone left and The Stabbingtons went to stay at The Snuggly Duckling with the rest of the thugs. Cassandra had requested to see The King and Queen and so Eugene and Rapunzel laid down the babies in their cribs in their bedroom and Faith watched over them]
{In the dungeons}
(Eugene and Rapunzel go inside and to Cassandra)
Cassandra: What is wrong with you two?!
Eugene: Excuse us?
Rapunzel: Need I remind you of who you are speaking with?
Cassandra: I'm your friend, why are you-
Eugene: You were our friend, Cassandra, were, as in past tense, as in, not anymore. We accepted your apology and that's all. That doesn't mean that our friendship can be rebuilt
Cassandra: How could you give them their freedom and not me?
(Rapunzel scoffs)
Rapunzel: How dare you ask that?
Cassandra: They're thieves
Eugene: I was a thief too but I changed for Rapunzel and myself as well. Lance changed, Brock changed, and Stalyan changed. The Stabbingtons wanted a second chance and when they were locked up again, they decided to become better people, and throughout this time they behaved, they earned their second chance
Rapunzel: You on the other hand don't deserve it, Cassandra. You betrayed your friends, you betrayed me, your betrayed your family, your father, you betrayed the morals he taught you, and you betrayed your home, your kingdom, Corona. You tried to murder the man I love, you tried to murder me, and you took over our kingdom
Eugene: Yes, Varian made loads of mistakes but he fixed them before it was too late. We gave you more than one chance for you to do the right thing and you never took them. You wasted all the opportunities that we gave you
Rapunzel: I'm sorry it had to end like this but you chose this path, you chose your destiny, and now you're paying the price for your mistakes
Eugene: Goodbye, Cassandra, we've got nothing more to talk about, this argument is closed and put away
[Eugene wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Rapunzel wrapped her arm around his waist. They then started to walk away and Cassandra screamed]
Cassandra: Ahh! I hate the both of you! You two are nothing but traitors and losers! I will get my revenge, do you hear me, you filthy backstabbers!? I promise you, I will make you suffer in the worst way! I will get even!
[Eugene and Rapunzel simply ignored her, locked the dungeon doors behind them, and went back to their bedroom]
{In their bedroom}
[Faith left as soon as Eugene and Rapunzel came in and thanked her. Eugene and Rapunzel got ready for bed, they kissed their children's foreheads, tucked them in, they shared a soft, loving, and passionate kiss and they went to sleep happily and comfortably in each other's warm arms]

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