Chapter 31: The Birth

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[As the months passed, Rapunzel's pregnancy belly only grew as the weeks turned into months. As a pregnant woman, Rapunzel had her hormones all over the place. She felt hungry and she had weird cravings, she felt thirsty, tired, and sleepy, she was sexually frustrated, and sometimes she had nightmares that Gothel had survived and would steal their baby, but Eugene was able to calm her down and settle her back to sleep by hugging her tighter in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, kissing her head, forehead, kissing her cheeks, lips, etc. They had decided that if the baby was going to be a boy they would name him Flynn Rider Fitzherbert and if the baby was going to be a girl then they would name her Rosalind Annalise Fitzherbert. As time passed, Rapunzel's pregnancy belly only grew more and more, every month the midwife would give her checkups to make sure that the baby was ok, but one day there was a tiny little surprise. The midwife heard two heartbeats and that meant that Rapunzel was pregnant with twins, which made both her and Eugene extremely happy. Soon enough it was eight and a half months and the month was April, more specifically it was April 9th, eleven pm, and Rapunzel had a little bitty problem]
{In Rapunzel's and Eugene's bedroom}
[Rapunzel and Eugene were asleep in each other's arms but she opened her eyes due to a strong pain in her stomach making her gasp]
Rapunzel: Ow, oh c'mon, can't you two wait until daddy and I wake up at five am
(Rapunzel felt another pain)
Rapunzel: Ugh, ok, ok, we'll do it your way, Euge
Eugene: Mmh
Rapunzel: Eugene, babe, wake up
Eugene: Mmh
(He opened his eyes)
Eugene: What? What is it? What's wrong, sunshine?
Rapunzel: It's time, the babies are coming
Eugene: What? Oh my God, I'm awake, I'm up
(He slowly stood up, put his socks on, and put his boots on)
Eugene: I'll go get the midwife
Rapunzel: Don't, please don't leave me, stay with me
Eugene: Ok, ok, I'll go wake up Magnus and your father, so they can go wake up Max and the other horse, and they can go get the midwife, then I'll come back, I promise
Rapunzel: Ok, just hurry
Eugene: I will, I promise
[They share a soft kiss and Eugene leaves in a hurry. He wakes up Frederic and they wake up Magnus, Eugene goes back to Rapunzel, Frederic, and Magnus go wake up Max and the other horse, and then they quickly ride toward where the midwife lived. After fifteen minutes, the three ride back to the castle. The midwife was already in Rapunzel's and Eugene's bedroom, but Rapunzel wasn't fully dilated, so the midwife came in and out during the day to check on her constantly. After nineteen long hours, it was 6:00 pm, Rapunzel was finally fully dilated and was now able to start pushing. As she was pushing, Eugene held onto her hand, and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, giving her kisses on her forehead, and hand, and supporting her throughout the painful process. After two hours of pushing, their baby boy, Flynn Rider Fitzherbert was born on April 10th at 8:00 pm. Eugene cut the umbilical cord, Rapunzel held him skin to skin for a little while, and then the midwife took him and she and Eugene cleaned him up. They tended to him and an hour later Rapunzel's and Eugene's other baby was born. It was a beautiful baby girl, their baby girl named Rosalind Annalise Fitzherbert was born on April 10th at 11:00 pm. April 10th was very special because it was National Sibling Day. After the birth of the babies and after they were cleaned up, Rapunzel fell asleep and Eugene watched over her and their newborn babies. The very next day, both he and Rapunzel woke up a little later than usual. Eugene took care of Rapunzel and their babies all day alongside Faith and Arianna. Baby Flynn had his mother's eyebrows, his father's eyes, his mother's nose, his father's smile, and his father's chin. Baby Rosalind had her mother's eyes, her father's nose, her mother's smile, and her mother's chin. That evening, Rapunzel and Eugene were going to release a lantern in honor of the birth of their babies just like when Rapunzel's parents released a lantern into the night sky when she was born. Rapunzel carried baby Rosalind while Eugene carried baby Flynn]
{On the balcony}
[Eugene and Rapunzel came out onto the balcony and everyone cheered for them and their babies. Faith held onto the lantern while Rapunzel and Eugene lifted their children in front of them, so everyone could see them. The cheering only intensified making the babies smile and giggle. They then cradled them into their arm as usual]
Rapunzel: Our son's name is Prince Flynn Rider Fitzherbert. We named him, of course, after the character of Flynnegan Rider, my husband's favorite book series character, but I also agreed to that name because it was the first name that my husband introduced himself to me when I was stuck in that tower, so it's very special to me just as much as it is special to Eugene
Eugene: Our daughter's name is Rosalind Annalise Fitzherbert. Rosalind means lovely rose, so my wife and I liked that name for our precious little girl. Rapunzel and I gave her the middle name of Annalise because not only does it match up nicely with Rosalind but it's a way to honor my mother because her name was Annalise and it's a way to keep her in our hearts and memory
Rapunzel: This lantern is the first step to celebrating the birth of our precious babies that mean the world to us
[With one hand Eugene took the candle and lit the bottom of the lantern. Faith then took the candle, and both Rapunzel and Eugene held onto their lantern and then released it into the night sky, which was then followed by the other lanterns that the people had released alongside their king and queen. Since there were two babies, Aurora and Aladdin became the godparents of Rosalind while Lance and Stalyan became the godparents of Flynn. The very next day, Frederic, Arianna, and Edmund got to carry their grandchildren, Magnus also carried the babies, and even Pete, Stan, Faith, Stalyan, and Brock got to carry them. Rapunzel and Eugene left with their babies on Fidella and Max to ride around the town. As everyone was waving and greeting them and their babies, they were greeting and waving back. They rode through the main village and old Corona. For their final stop, they went to The Snuggly Duckling to introduce their babies to their thug friends. As soon as they saw the babies, they were completely charmed by them and each thug got to carry each of the babies. After their visit to The Snuggly Duckling, they returned to the palace and started to talk about the babies' baptisms. The other princesses gave birth to their babies as well. Snow gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Serena and a beautiful baby boy named Favian. Cinderella gave birth to a precious baby girl named Hope and a handsome baby boy named William. Aurora had a gorgeous baby girl named Adeline and a beautiful baby boy named Aiden, Ariel had a cute baby girl named Melody, Belle, and Adam had a beautiful baby girl named Brielle, Jasmine had a handsome baby boy named Ali, Pocahontas, and John Smith had two precious babies named Aleshanee and Ketchee, Mulan had a gorgeous baby girl named Mei-Xing and a handsome baby boy named Ping, Tiana also had a cute little girl named Nalani, and Anastasia had a beautiful baby girl named Alina. Megara and Hercules had three baby boys named Therimachus, Deicoon, and Creontiades, Merida and Ryan Macintosh had two beautiful kids named Callie and Braden, and Moana and Keahi had two beautiful babies named Kailani and Kai. Anna also had her babies Skye and Aindreas, Elsa also gave birth to her and Jack's son named Mikkel, and Esmeralda and Phoebus also had their beautiful children, Cora and Zephyr. Honeycake and Midnight had babies, Matey and Teacup had babies, and Windflower and Meeko had babies. Eugene and Rapunzel decided to have the babies' baptism on a Sunday and that it would be followed by a party right after. Everyone from the low and high estates would be invited to attend, so they could pay homage to their children. It would be a joyful celebration for the royal family]

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