Chapter 30: The Reality

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[Two more weeks had passed and now Rapunzel was a little bit over a month and a half pregnant. Aurora was honored to be made the godmother of their baby and there were more surprises out there. Aurora was also pregnant and, of course, Rapunzel was going to be the godmother, Shang would be the godfather, Snow was pregnant, the godparents would be Cinderella and Henri, Cinderella was pregnant and the godparents would be Snow and Ferdinand, Ariel was also pregnant and the godparents were Belle and John, Belle was pregnant as well and, of course, the godparents were Ariel and Naveen. Those girls weren't the only ones that were pregnant, Jasmine was also pregnant and the godparents would be Anastasia and Eugene, Pocahontas was also pregnant and the godparents were Nakoma, Eric, and Tomas. Mulan was pregnant too, and the godparents would be Tiana, Lottie, Phillip, and Ling, Tiana was pregnant as well and the godparents were Lottie, Mulan, and Adam. Anastasia was also pregnant and the godparents were, of course, Jasmine and Vlad. All of the girls were pregnant. Rapunzel and Eugene were doing great as the new King and Queen of Corona and they were loved by all of their subjects and friends. The people were also very excited to have a young little princess or prince running around the castle and their village. Rapunzel's pregnancy belly could easily be seen and she was now just wearing her maternity clothes instead of her full-on outfits, so the baby and she could be comfortable. Eugene was training with his troops and Rapunzel was in their bedroom]
{In Rapunzel's and Eugene's bedroom}
Rapunzel: I never did check out that mirror that Quirin gave me
(She took the mirror, she put the shard in, and she touched the glass revealing a memory)
{In the mirror}
Gothel: Turn the music box's handle this way and whenever you hear this melody, then it will make you remember your beautiful mother and the love and appreciation that I have for you
Young Cassandra: I love you, momma
(She hugs her, Gothel hugs her back, and little Cassandra takes the music box and walks away)
Gothel: Ugh, hopefully, that will keep her away from me, rotten little nuisance
(Rapunzel takes out the glass shred and sighs)
Rapunzel: Typical Gothel
(She sighs and heads to the dungeons)
{In the dungeons}
[The guards let her in, as soon as Rapunzel comes in, she nods at the twins and they nod back, she then heads to Cassandra's cell]
Rapunzel: Cassandra
Cassandra: What?
Rapunzel: Turn around and look at me when I'm talking to you
(Cassandra turns around and rolls her eyes at her)
Cassandra: Is this good enough for you, your highness?
Rapunzel: I've got something that belongs to you
Cassandra: What are you on about?
(Rapunzel showed her the mirror)
Cassandra: Hey that's mine, that was my mother's mirror, how did you get it?
Rapunzel: The night of the big storm, the storm moved up a lot of dirt and sediment. Quirin and Varian found it, they didn't see it, and they didn't bring it to me until the day of my coronation, but I hadn't found the time to look at it. I saw what it contained and now I know why you tried to kill me in those caves. Your anger is unjustified, Cassandra, I told you that Gothel never loved me, that she only wanted my hair, and she never loved you
Cassandra: That's not true, my mother did love me, that mirror shows it
Rapunzel: This is the proof that I'm telling the truth, take it
(She passed it through the bars and Cassandra took it)
Rapunzel: And this is the missing piece
[She passed her the shard of glass through the bars and Cassandra took it as well. Cassandra touched the mirror without the shard of glass and it replayed the memory of how she first saw it. This made her smile but then she put the shard of glass back on the side of the mirror and it replayed the last part of the memory. She saw the true memory, Cassandra gasped, put the mirror down, and looked at Rapunzel]
Cassandra: Rapz-
Rapunzel: Nu-uh, don't, first of all, I never liked that nickname, all of my friends call me Rapunzie, that's my real nickname, and I love it. Second of all, I tried to get through to you many times, I tried to get you to do the right thing, I tried to mend our friendship, and not just me, Eugene, Varian, all of our friends, and your father, but you didn't want to listen to us at all. Your father has been requesting to see you many times and you just won't see him at all
Cassandra: Rapunzel, I am so sorry, Zhan Tiri, she took this piece out and showed it to me, she said that you had it in your purse the day of Eugene's twenty-sixth birthday. She manipulated this memory, she tricked me into abandoning you
Rapunzel: Cassandra, I forgive you, but you tried to kill the man I love, you tried to kill Eugene by crushing the life out of him. I gave you a second chance, again, to do the right thing back at The Spire, and you almost killed Calliope and then Zhan Tiri and you almost sucked her in limbo inside a lamp for 10,000 years. You tried to murder me, you kidnapped Varian, a teenager, you drugged him so he would tell you the incantation to control the black rocks, and you attacked your father. I am very well aware that Zhan Tiri was behind it all, that she was manipulating your decisions and clouding your judgment but in the end, it was your decision. You chose to betray me, you chose to betray your friends, you chose to betray your kingdom. The only thing Zhan Tiri did was show you your past and made evil suggestions to you. At the end of the day, Cassandra, you chose to listen to them. You chose to listen to the advice of a random ghost girl that you had only just met. You chose your fate and as Eugene said, there is a fine line of how far a friend, who is now your enemy can go before they use up their chances
Cassandra: Rapunzel, please, you're my best friend, I'm sorry
Rapunzel: As I said, I forgive you, but that nice friendship we had a long time ago has long been gone and it will never come back. You were one of my good friends but never my best friend. I'm sorry if this hurts you, but I don't lie, and I will never lie. My best friend was Pascal and then it's Eugene, and my best girlfriend is and will forever be Aurora. The other girls are my good friends and my sisters as well and then there was you, my good friend, another sister to me, and my handmaiden. I was fond of you, Cassandra, but you lost the path of the light and went to the path of darkness. It's Queen Rapunzel to you, Cassandra, now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get my royal duties done, have a nice day, goodbye
(She leaves the dungeons, Cassandra sheds tears, and throws the mirror at the walls making all of the glass break into a million pieces)
{With Rapunzel}
Rapunzel: Magnus?
Magnus: Hello your majesty, how are you today?
Rapunzel: Very good and yourself?
Magnus: Good, thank you
Rapunzel: Have you by chance seen my husband?
Magnus: He just finished training, your highness
Rapunzel: Oh ok, you know, I talked to Cassandra
Magnus: How is she?
Rapunzel: You know that mirror that Quirin brought over the day of the coronation?
Magnus: Yes
Rapunzel: It held the truth that Gothel never loved her and that I was telling the truth
Magnus: Did you show it to her?
Rapunzel: Yes, I barely saw it today, and I brought it over to Cassandra, so she could finally know the truth
Magnus: Oh Cassandra
Rapunzel: I think, perhaps, she might be willing to see you now
Magnus: I sure hope so, your highness
Rapunzel: I'm going to find Eugene, so he can let you into the dungeons, quite frankly, I don't want to see Cassandra again
Magnus: I understand, thank you, your highness
(Rapunzel nods and goes to her bedroom to see if Eugene is there)
{In her bedroom}
(She goes in and Eugene comes out of the bathroom wearing just a towel)
Eugene: Oh hey, sunshine
Rapunzel: Hey, babe
(They peck each other's lips)
Rapunzel: Magnus wants to see you, he's going to try to talk to Cassandra again
Eugene: You think she'll want to see him? He's tried to talk to her many times and not once was she willing to see him
Rapunzel: But this time it might be different, I saw what the mirror contained
Eugene: The mirror that Quirin brought over the day of the coronation?
Rapunzel: Yes
Eugene: What did it have?
(Rapunzel tells him the full story)
Eugene: Wow, ok then, at least she knows the truth now
Rapunzel: Yeah
Eugene: I'll get dressed
Rapunzel: Get to it, stud
(She lightly slaps his behind)
Eugene: Hey, woah there
Rapunzel: Come here
[She reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him very passionately making him moan. He wraps his arms around her waist bringing her down on the bed getting on top of her and parting her lips with his tongue but then Rapunzel pulls away]
Rapunzel: Time to get dressed
Eugene: Ugh, you tease
(Rapunzel giggles)
Rapunzel: We can continue this later
[Eugene stands up, helps Rapunzel up, and finished getting dressed. Rapunzel goes to see her parents while Eugene goes to find Magnus. Once he finds him, they go down to the dungeons, and Eugene enters first]
{In the dungeons}
Eugene: Cassandra
(Cassandra stands up)
Cassandra: Eugene
Eugene: That's Captain Fitzherbert or King Eugene to you
Cassandra: I'm so sorry for everything I did, to you, to Rapunzel, to Varian, to my other friends, and the people
Eugene: I accept your apology, but this doesn't change anything. You've got a visitor
(He nods at his two soldiers accompanying him, they nod, and they go get Magnus)
Cassandra: Congratulations on Rapunzel's pregnancy, you two must be very happy and excited
Eugene: We are, thanks
(He turns around and leaves then Magnus shows up)
Cassandra: Dad
Magnus: Hello, Cassandra
Cassandra: Hi
Magnus: Finally talking to me?
Cassandra: Dad, I am so sorry
Magnus: I forgive you, we all make mistakes, a father can never hate his children much less stop loving them. I'm glad to have my real daughter back, and I'm sorry too, I should have told you about your past, I just thought I was doing what was best for you
Cassandra: I know, you were just trying to protect me from being hurt
Magnus: It's hard to see you behind those bars, but you must pay for your mistakes
Cassandra: I know
Magnus: I'll check back on you, later, I can only talk to you for a limited time
Cassandra: I know, dad, I love you
Magnus: I love you too
(He leaves and Cassandra puts her head in her hands shedding tears)

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