Chapter 29: The Happy News

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[Next week, Pascal had passed away due to very old age, which sent Rapunzel into pure agony of losing her best friend. She, Eugene, her family, and their friends made a grave for him in the public cemetery in the royalty space and buried him. Everyone put flowers of all different colors and different types, they put Corona flags all over and lamented his passing. Even though Rapunzel was suffering, she allowed the people who loved her to be there for her. She comforted herself in Eugene's arms and his love for her, she comforted herself in her parents' and friends' arms, and in the love that the people and the other animals felt for Pascal. Even though she was suffering, she did her queen obligations but thankfully Eugene was there to have her back and help her out throughout the difficult time. After a year, Rapunzel was fully recovered from her depression. She didn't cry herself to sleep, she was eating regularly, she was able to fully concentrate on her obligations, and she was back to her normal cheery self. A few weeks had passed and Rapunzel had been experiencing morning sickness making her throw up all the time, her breasts were sensitive, she was always feeling tired, she always lacked energy, she was always sleepy, she was sexually frustrated, and she had missed her period. Eugene insisted time and time again that the midwife should take a look at her but she always dismissed him because she thought it was just a stomach bug. Eventually, to not worry Eugene any longer or her parents, she decided to call the midwife, but in secret, so nobody could find out]
{In Rapunzel's and Eugene's bedroom}
(The midwife was checking her and after a while, she had her result, and it was 100% accurate)
Midwife: Congratulations, M'lady, you should be rejoicing
Rapunzel: But why? What's going on with me?
Midwife: Why you're pregnant, your highness
Rapunzel: Wh-What? I-I'm, pr-pregnant?
Midwife: Yes, you're majesty, five weeks to be exact, and going very well
Rapunzel: Oh my God
Midwife: Congratulations, M'lady
Rapunzel: Thank you
Midwife: Of course, any time, your highness
(They shake hands and the midwife leaves)
Rapunzel: I'm pregnant, I'm gonna have a baby, I'm gonna have Eugene's baby, I'm gonna be a mom, Eugene and I are gonna be parents
(She giggles, dried her happy tears, and rubbed her stomach)
Rapunzel: I gotta find Eugene
(She leaves her bedroom excitedly)
{In the training courtyard}
(He was training with the guards and Rapunzel ran to him)
Rapunzel: Eugene!
(He turned around and got jumped on by Rapunzel who wrapped her arms around his neck)
Eugene: Woah, hey sunshine
(Rapunzel then kissed him passionately shocking him and all the guards turned away to give them privacy)
Eugene: Mmm
[Nevertheless, he kisses her back just as passionately. Rapunzel then maneuvers her tongue into his mouth shocking him as he was usually the one who initiated their French kissing make-out sessions. Rapunzel's fingers went through his hair, pulling the back of it softly, and Eugene held in his groan that he wanted to let out, but couldn't since he was with his soldiers. Eugene then pulled away breathlessly and set Rapunzel down]
Eugene: God, what's gotten into you?
Rapunzel: I'm just so happy, Eugene, I need to tell you something important
Eugene: Ok then, guys, you can turn back around
(Everyone turned around relieved)
Eugene: Take the rest of the day off, I think we've trained enough
(The guards cheered and went to shower)
Eugene: What is it? Did you finally see the midwife because if you don't do it then I'm gonna send her over here myself
Rapunzel: That's what I need to talk to you about, let's go to our bedroom
(She pulls him inside the castle)
{Inside their bedroom}
Rapunzel: Ok, so, I saw the midwife today to stop worrying you and she said everything was ok
Eugene: Wait, so if everything's ok then what about your symptoms?
Rapunzel: That's where the surprise comes in...Eugene, I'm pregnant
(Eugene's eyes widen, his mouth drops open, and he sits on the bed shocked)
Eugene: P-pre-pregnant, y-you're, wait, what?
Rapunzel: Y-yeah, I'm pregnant, five weeks pregnant
Eugene: Y-You, I-I, we're, oh my God
(He stands up smiling)
Eugene: I'm gonna be a father!
Rapunzel: Shh
(She giggles)
Eugene: You're gonna be a mommy, we're gonna be parents!
Rapunzel: Eugene, be quiet
[She laughs, Eugene wraps his arms around her waist and twirls her around making Rapunzel hold onto his shoulders laughing]
Eugene: I am so happy!
(Rapunzel giggles and Eugene puts her down and passionately kisses her)
Rapunzel: Mmm
(She kisses back and they pull away)
Eugene: This is the best news ever, I love you
(He kneels and kisses Rapunzel's stomach making her smile)
Eugene: And I love you too, I love you so much, my baby
Rapunzel: I knew you'd be happy to hear the news
Eugene: Of course I'm happy, sunshine
[He stands up, wraps his arms around her waist, brings her closer to him, and kisses her passionately. Rapunzel responds to his kiss, jumps up, and puts her legs around his waist. Eugene holds her by the back of her thighs and takes her to their bed. He gently lays her down on it getting on top of her and eventually they get underneath the covers. After showing each other just how much they truly love one another for like two hours, they finally rest. Rapunzel had her head on Eugene's chest, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, the other one under his head, and they were covered by the bedsheets and bedcover]
Eugene: You know, we should tell your parents
Rapunzel: We should tell your father as well
Eugene: Yeah, I know, they're all going to be so excited to hear that they're gonna become grandparents
Rapunzel: I know, I can't wait to see the look on their faces when we tell them the news
Eugene: Let's go take a bath before we tell them though
Rapunzel: In a little bit
(She kisses his neck while rubbing his chest making him chuckle)
Eugene: You're insatiable
Rapunzel: Mmh, but so are you
Eugene: Yeah, that's true
[Rapunzel laughs and gets on top of him wrapping her arms around his neck and Eugene wraps his arms around her waist. They lean in and kiss passionately and enjoy their time alone. After another hour, they get up and go to their bathroom. They drew each a separate bath because they knew if they bathed together then there wasn't going to be much cleaning. After they both had their bath, they went to talk to their parents since it was 2:30 pm and they were about to serve lunch]
Frederic: Ah, come sit you guys, lunch is served
(They sit down and everyone starts eating lunch)
Arianna: How are you doing, sweetheart, are you feeling better?
Rapunzel: Well, no, but there's a reason why I've been feeling sick lately
King Edmund: And what is that, Rapunzel?
Rapunzel: I saw the midwife that Faith sent me and she told me what was wrong
Stalyan: Well then spill it, what's going on with you?
(Eugene and Rapunzel look at each other and smile)
Brock: Seriously, what's going between you two, what are you hiding?
Rapunzel: It turns out that...I'm pregnant
Arianna, Stalyan, & Adira/Brock, Magnus, Frederic, King Edmund, Hector: Oh my God/Congratulations
(Everyone stands up with Rapunzel and Eugene and hugs her and Eugene. After everyone hugged them, they all sat back down, and continued to eat their lunch)
Stalyan: How far are you?
Rapunzel: Five weeks
Frederic: We're gonna be grandparents
King Edmund: We are very happy for the both of you
Arianna: What do you think the baby is going to be?
Eugene: We don't know but as long as the baby is healthy then the gender doesn't matter
Rapunzel: Exactly
Brock: Have you thought of the godparents?
Eugene: Oh for sure, Lance is going to be the baby's godfather
Rapunzel: And Aurora is going to be the baby's godmother
Stalyan: Obvious choices
[She laughs and continues to eat. After lunch, everyone gets back to their tasks and daily routines. Eugene and Rapunzel go out riding around the town. They go see Lance, Angry, Catalina, Quirin, Varian, and their pub thugs friends at The Snuggly Duckling and tell them the good news. Lance was honored to have been made the godfather of their baby. Everyone was very happy for them and drank in their honor including Eugene except for Rapunzel who, of course, couldn't drink due to her condition. After a while of hanging out with their friends, they go back to the palace and get to work on their royal duties for the day and tomorrow. After getting most of their royal duties done, they go down to dinner to eat with their family and friends. After dinner, they go up to their bedroom, to continue to finish their work, after they finish, they brush their teeth and get ready for bed. They fall immediately to sleep in each other's arms. Eugene's hand was also on Rapunzel's stomach, it felt as if Eugene was protecting her and their unborn baby making her smile and falls asleep comfortably in her husband's arms]

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