"You still thinking about it?" Ariella asked Trevor.
"No, no." Trevor looked away, and covered his hair with the hood "Why would I be?"
"O-kay." Ariella said, with a not so confident voice.
They had both arrived in a very huge and tall building, built on the outskirts of Tokyo. It's walls were completely glass, and the word, 'Lyte' was constructed boldly, above the building.
They were both now in a glass elevator, which ascended and ascended. It took a few minutes, but the elevator finally stopped on the 40th floor. The door slid open, and Ariella and Trevor walked out. They advanced forward for a long time, and stopped when they approached an office. They sighed, and walked in.
Zeyto sat behind a long, glass table, and Jraidson stood beside him. They'd both not changed much, ever since they were teenagers. Except for Zeyto, who'd grown a chinstrap beard.
"I thought you guys were with Lionel?" Zeyto asked them, and they both shrugged their shoulders.
"Yeah but we separated." Trevor told him "After all he has to prepare for his team's D rated mission."
"What about Snyder? Where's he?" Jraidson asked them.
"I'm here." Snyder immediately announced, walking into the office "Told you I'd make it. What's up guys? Hey, uncle Zeyto. How are you doing? What's our mission?"
"Would you care to speak a little bit formerly. This is the Sensei you're talking to." Jraidson said, with a sigh of hopelessness.
"Don't sweat it." Zeyto told him "Your words will not change anything. He's a loss cause."
"Our mission, please." Ariella said, with a cute smile.
"Your mission is associated with a B rated Lyrax." Jraidson told them.
"Yes." Trevor whispered out of excitement.
"You know that after the great Lyte war, all the Lyraxes that survived spread out into the world." Jraidson told them "Since the F, D, and some B rated Lyraxes didn't survive, the population of Lyraxes dropped. As a result, we'd to re-rate all Lyraxes."
"We know that already." Snyder sighed "Get to the mission part."
"We believe The Revolution has a medium. Someone they use to connect with the other groups." Jraidson told them "Your mission is to get a clear photo of their messenger. You have to avoid any fighting. We will send you the location. If you encounter a member of the 'Revolution of Lyraxes', retreat immediately."
"Yeah, I didn't catch who those guys were last time." Trevor said, scratching his chin.
Zeyto sighed, and begun to explain:
"The 'Revolution of Lyraxes', is the most powerful group of Lyraxes. They order all the low rated groups of Lyraxes to do all the horrible stuff they've been doing. As a result, none of their members have ever been exposed. We have no idea, where they are located either. Moreover, it has been rumor that their leader, who is referred to as Master Revolution, is ten times stronger than Vortex was. His power is beyond measure, and not even the legendary Terminators could defeat him, if they fought him together."
"You guys should stop calling them legendary." Snyder sighed "There's nothing legendary about my dad."
"I told you. Stop saying that!" Ariella suddenly snapped, out of anger, and they all stared out of shock "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's not like me. It's just that . . ."
"You never knew your dad." Trevor said, bowing his head.
"I'm . . ."
"Don't be." Ariella cut Snyder out, angrily "If you've got a dad, be happy. My dad died years ago."