🌙💙Levi Dreams of Sleep💜⭐

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A/N: This is inspired by the card devilgram story Levi Dreams of Sleep

Please enjoy now on to the story *spoilers*

(Y/N'S Pov)

I was laying in my bed on my D.D.D listening to music Because I had a hard time falling asleep and music helped me fall asleep more. While I was listening to music someone entered your room I couldn't see who it was trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness all I saw was someone tall with orange and blue gorgeous sparkling eyes with purplish pink eye bags.

(Leviathan's Pov)

I couldn't sleep even if I tried I just couldn't I wanted to try and ask (Y/N) if they can help me sleep I went to go see if they were still awake so I walked over to their door to see it slightly open. I went in their room quietly to not to wake them if they are sleeping but I saw them on their D.D.D listening to music laying on their bed. They noticed me come in. "O-oh d-did I wake you? I'm s-sorry. "

(Y/N's pov)

When I saw it was Levi my heart skipped a beat I was about to say something but he beat me to it "O-oh d-did I wake you? I'm s-sorry. " Levi said "N-no you didn't I was just laying down" 'he looks so cute' I thought "No it's ok I can just lea-" Levi said I interrupted "It's fine what are you doing here anyway? " "I was going to ask y-you to h-help me fall asleep." Levi said "of course" Me and Levi walk out of my room into his.

(Y/N's Pov)

*skip time*

"...So I know I said I wanted you to help me get to sleep but...so far all your ideas have been stuff like "drinking something warm" There must be OTHER ways to help me get to sleep!" He said "well that's all I can think of right now" I said "If this was a dating sim. It'd be super obvious right now
that you've unlocked certain options-things you could do." He pouted

*sigh* "why can't real life have hints that pop up in front of you, letting you know what to do?" He mumbled. "Do you play a lot of dating sims?" I asked. "Well yeah of course..... Wait though. Um, it's not like I'm one of those people who's all into, you know, erotic stuff!" He said flushed 'he's so cute when he's flustered' I thought to myself.

"Anyways, uh we were going to get something warm to drink right?" He said "Mhm" I hummed while making hot cocoa "What should we have?" He questioned "Hot cocoa" I replied "Good choice. I liked nice, sweet thing myself."

Levi drinks the hot cocoa but still he doesn't fall asleep ".....Well I definitely feel warmer now."he said "And..." I said "But it's not like I feel sleepy, though?

(Leviathan's Pov)

Y/N had me drink hot cocoa to try and sleep but the hot cocoa was indeed good but all I felt was that I was warm. "You know what? Maybe I should just play some games or watch anime until I get tired." I teased "No. You can't do

that." Y/N said scolding me "I know that.
I just wanted to see what would happen if i suggested it okay?" I said back "Okay then... Want to, you know...get in bed? Like, um, both of us together?" I said blushing while cover my face with my hand "Yeah, let's do that." Y/N said tiredly

"Right. Let's do that..." I said calmly but on the inside my heart was beating rapidly "I mean, its not like we're going to DO anything, after all." I continued.

(3rd pov)

Levi runs over to turn off his lights while Y/N get in his bathtub bed. After Levi is done turning off the lights it get in with Y/N. Surprisingly they both fit in the bathtub Levi turned the other way away from Y/n's gaze Y/n did the same.

Y/N and Levi were tired earlier but right now the sleepiness went away, just they laid together in silence Levi broke the silenced and whispered "...Y/n you still awake?" "No" Y/n lied "Liar" Levi chuckled and continued to say

while turning to Y/n "You know, if this were a dating sim...you'd get a list of choices at this point. Like, you could hold hands, or hug or-" he said blushing red like a tomato you then turn to him to kiss him on the lips cutting him off.

(Leviathan's pov)

I was talking and all a sudden Y/N kisses me my heart pounded more than a 100 mph I felt like was going to faint my checks were super hot after the kiss I said stuttering trying not to faint

"N-N-Next time, WARN me before doing that...!" I took a deep breathe and continued to say "If you don't tell me it's coming, then I can't, like, prepare myself mentally, can I?" Took multiple deep breaths still blushing from what happened "Ok I'm ready now... I'm mentally prepared this time. So like um...do you want to...do that one more time?" This time I kiss Y/N I was about to pull away but Y/n pulled me into a more passionate kiss

(Y/N pov)

I pulled Leviathan back into a more passionate kiss this one kiss turned in to a whole make-out session Levi bit my bottom lip telling me to open my mouth I obey him and he slipped is tongue in and our tongues fought he won and his long slimy tongue explored my mouth we pull away from each other to get air a saliva string attached both our mouth me and him panted I nuzzled my head in his neck adoring his scent he

wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer until it was like we were hugging I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into one last kiss before we fell asleep in each other's arms he kissed my head and whispered in my ear "Good night Y/n~"

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