Claypaw's tail brushed a leaf and the sparrow jerked it's head up. Before it could fly away though, his apprentice leaped forward and caught the bird by the wing. The sparrow squawked in terror and Claypaw put it out of it's misery with a well-aimed bite to the neck.

Foxflame let out a sigh. That was a close one, Claypaw, he thought, letting out a soft smile. But she reacted well enough.

Claypaw jumped down the tree, bird in tow, and dropped it between the roots and kicking some dirt and debris over it for later.

She soon found a squirrel and was able to catch that without difficulties. Foxflame was thoroughly impressed by her capabilities, but decided to let her catch another piece if she could find it. She found a shrew hiding in the grass and slammed a paw down on it. Grasping it in her jaws, she hurried back to the other spots where she had hurried prey.

Foxflame stepped out. "Very good, Claypaw. I'll go get your sparrow, okay? And we'll meet up with Lilacsnow and Lilypaw by the training clearing."

Claypaw nodded, her eyes glimmering excitedly, and trotted over to her squirrel.

Foxflame went to fetch her sparrow. He unearthed it and carried it back to the training clearing. Claypaw arrived soon after, and they dropped the prey in a small pile.

"Did I pass then?" she asked.

"That is for me to know and you to find out," her mentor told her cryptically, swishing his tail over her back. "I'm kidding. Of course you passed."

"Yes!" Claypaw jumped up. "I mean—" She cleared her throat and sat down again in a primly manner. "That is most splendid." Foxflame laughed.

Lilacsnow emerged from a bush on the other side of the clearing, Lilypaw following along merrily, holding a couple mice by their tails. Her mentor carried a thrush and a squirrel, and promptly dropped them upon reaching the others.

"I see Claypaw did just as well," she said, glancing approvingly at Claypaw's pile of prey. "Let's head back to camp then, shall we? We have a warrior ceremony to attend."


After reporting their apprentices results to Stonestar, the leader called upon the Clan to gather round to hear their naming. Foxflame took a position near the front beside Lilacsnow and their apprentices' mothers, Scarletpetal and Mousesqueak.

"I, Stonestar, leader of EchoClan," he began. "Call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices." He looked down at Claypaw and Lilypaw, who stood tall and calm, but their wide smiles told otherwise. "They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn."

He called Claypaw forward first, and the gray tabby stepped toward him. "Claypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" he asked.

Claypaw didn't hesitate. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Claypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Claystream. StarClan honors your determination and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of EchoClan."

Lilypaw was next and she came forward a little more shyly. Stonestar gave her a friendly smile and said, "Lilypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?

Taking a deep breath, Lilypaw said, "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Lilypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Lilypetal. StarClan honors your calmness and intuition, and we welcome you as a full warrior of EchoClan."

"Claystream! Lilypetal! Claystream! Lilypetal!" the Clan chanted and Foxflame saw his former apprentice puff out her chest and look around at her Clanmates in happiness.

When the cheers subsided, the two new warriors bounded over to where their mentors and moms sat.

"We're so proud of you two," Scarletpetal purred, giving them each a nuzzle in turn.

"Yes, you've definitely earned your warrior names," Mousesqueak said, grinning broadly.

"Don't forget though," Lilacsnow interjected with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You still have your vigil tonight."

Claystream groaned. "Uh, really? Why don't we just skip that?"

Everyone laughed.

"Don't worry," Lilypetal said to her sister. "I'll wake you up if you get sleepy."

Foxflame smiled. Nothing could cover this bright moment with a dark cloud.

Lost Hope: Book 4: The Darkest ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now