"So what you're saying is that we'll still have to prove herself even after we've gotten recruited," Hagakure said.

"Correct," Aizawa replied. "Now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers."

The offers appeared on the board starting with Todoroki, who got the most offers, then Bakugo, and then Yuna. She stared at the board, a little shocked that she had gotten over 1000 offers. She didn't think her performance would've been enough to gain her that much attention.

In front of her, Kaminari groaned, "Come on, that's not fair."

"What are you complaining about, some people didn't get any offers. You got over 200." Yuna said, earning an annoyed look from Kaminari.

"That's easy for you to say," Kaminari retorted. "You got over 1000 offers. And Todoroki and Bakugo got over 3000."

Yuna shrugged, "I guess. I don't really get it though."

"Why? You did amazing during the festival and your quirk is one that screams hero. The pros that didn't send you an offer are just stupid." Kaminari said. Yuna stared at him. For some reason, it was strange to her how he complimented her so genuinely. The only praise she ever got was from her parents, and she had always felt they were mostly saying things because they were obligated to as her parents. But Kaminari didn't have to say anything.

"Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros. Even those of you that didn't get any offers." Aizawa said. "You've all got experience with real combat against real villains during the attack at the USJ. But it'll still be helpful to see pros at work. Up close and personal, in the field, first hand. And for that, you'll need hero names. These hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or-"

"You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight interrupted, coming into the room. "What you pick today could be your hero name for life. You better be careful, or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent."

"Yeah, she's got a good point," Aizawa said as Midnight stood beside him at the front of the room. "Midnight's gonna have final approval over your names. It's not exactly my forte. The name you give yourself is important. It shows what type of hero you wanna be in the future and tells people exactly what you represent. Take All Might for example."

They were passed whiteboards and markers. Yuna stared at the whiteboard. It only took her a minute to decide on her name. As a kid, she had come up with hero names when she hung around her friends or with her parents. But those had all been plagiarized off of other hero names before she had a quirk. Now that she did have one, coming up with a name that suited her was pretty simple.

Yuna wrote a name on the whiteboard as Midnight said, "Now, students, who among you is ready to share?"

Yuna stared at Aoyama as he was the first person to walk up to the podium. Yuna had a feeling this would not be a good way to start the name presentations. And she was proven correct when Aoyama turned his board over and presented his hero name, "Hold your breath. The shining hero. My name is I can not stop twinkling!"

What the hell? Yuna asked herself as Midnight slightly changed the name and approved it. How is she good with that?

Then, Mina went up to the front of the room and presented her name, "My code name is Alien Queen!"

"Hold on, like that horrible monster with the acidic blood?" Midnight question. "I don't think so."

She approved Aoyama's weird hero name and not Mina's? What's her criteria? Yuna thought as tension filled the air.

Then, Tsuyu raised her hand and went up to the front of the room, "I've had this name in mind since grade school. Rainy season hero: Froppy."

"That's delightful!" Midnight said, "It makes you feel approachable. What a great example of a name everyone will love."

The class started cheering 'Froppy' since she relieved the tension that had hung over the class. Then, Kirishima went and got his hero name approved.

"Man, I still haven't been able to think of anything that's cool enough," Kaminari mumbled.

Yuna looked up from her board and at him as Jiro tapped him, "Hey, I've got one. How does Jamming-Yay sound to you?"

"Oh, it's like Hemming-Way who wrote a farewell to arms, right? Real clever. I like it." Kaminari said, as Yuna snickered and shared a look with Jiro.

"No, it's because even though you're powerful you always," Jiro struggled to hold in a laugh. "Jam your brain."

"Oh come on Jiro!" Kaminari exclaimed as Jiro walked up to the front of the room and presented her hero name.

"The hearing hero. I'm Earphone Jack." Jiro said, earning approval from Midnight.

A few more students went before Yuna stood up. She took a deep breath and showed her board to the class. "My hero name is the Constellation Hero: Stella."

"Oh, that's sweet," Midnight commented. "It's simple and elegant and perfectly conveys who you are and who you want to be as a hero."

"Thank you," Yuna muttered before she sat back down. It had been a hero name Yuna's mother had suggested one time when the topic of hero names randomly came up one day years ago. Since then, it stuck with her. It was simple, and she wouldn't be overly surprised if some other hero in another country had a similar name, but that didn't matter to her.

"It's so simple," Kaminari said to her, earning a glare. "No, that's not a bad thing. I think it's cute."

Yuna rolled her eyes and felt a bit of heat rise to her cheeks, "Shut up."

The rest of the class shared their hero names before Aizawa woke up.

"Now that everyone's decision on their hero names we can go back to talking about your upcoming internships," Aizawa started. "They'll last one week. As for who you'll be working with, those of you who had their names up on the board will be choosing from your offers and everyone else will have a different list. You have a lot to think about. There's around 40 agencies across the country that have agreed to take interns from your class. Each agency has a different specialty that its heroes focus on. Keep that in mind when choosing who you'll intern with."

The forms were handed out and Yuna ended up with a few papers filled with hero agency names.

"Turn in your choices before the weekend," Aizawa said as the bell rang and he and Midnight walked out the door.

"We only have two days," Yuna muttered, taking the first list of hero agencies and skimming through them. She got through two papers before she saw the name she recognized. "No way."

"What?" Kaminari questioned, turning in his chair so he could face her better.

Yuna looked up from the paper to Kaminar and lightly shook her head, "Nothing, it's just, I got an offer from a hero I've looked up to for a long time."

"Really? That's cool." Kaminari replied.

"What about you?" Yuna asked, setting down the paper and circling the name of the hero agency so she'd be able to find it easier later. "Have you found someone you want to intern with?"

Kaminari shook his head, "No, not yet."

"Please don't pick something dirty-minded like Mineta," Yuna said, glancing at Mineta, who had a perverted air around him as he scribbled things down on the internship form.

"What? I'd never do that!" Kaminari replied defensively. Yuna rolled her eyes and Kaminari huffed. "Who are you interning with? You said it was someone you looked up to for a long time?"

"Her name is Amethyst," Yuna answered. Kaminari gave her a questioning look and she continued, "When she first became a hero she got a lot of heat because people said her quirk was better suited for a villain. And when that was happening it came out that she got her quirk when she was 7. So a ton of people were on her because they thought she wouldn't be very good at using her quirk and would end up hurting people. But then she proved them all wrong by being an extremely capable and positive hero."

Kaminari hummed, "Cool."

"Yeah. I didn't think I'd get an offer from her." Yuna mumbled, looking down at her paper. She wrote Amethyst's agency down in the first spot on her paper.

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