What is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...
[The next morning, Eugene and Rapunzel went off to Seahaven, Italy for their two-week-long honeymoon. While in Italy, they even met King Triton, he transformed them into a mermaid and merman, so they could see Atlantica and meet the rest of the family. After those two weeks, they went back home. They kept being trained to become the new rulers of Corona and soon that time would arrive. Two weeks later, the king, queen, Rapunzel, and Eugene had been invited to Queen Elsa's coronation in Arendelle, Norway. The king and queen had asked Eugene and Rapunzel to go in their names to represent them since they didn't feel like going. The very next night, Eugene and Rapunzel left on their ship to get to Arendelle in time for the ceremony. The very next day, Eugene and Rapunzel got up early at five am like always. They did the same morning routine, they had breakfast. They both had two bowls of oatmeal, Rapunzel had cinnamon, brown sugar, strawberry slices, and chopped almonds on hers while Eugene had cinnamon, brown sugar, apple slices, and chopped almonds on his, and they both had a cup of coffee. They brushed their teeth, took a hot bath, got dressed, and were ready just in time for the celebration. Eugene had a nice shirt, paired with some black trousers, his socks, boots, paired with a nice purple jacket, and his sash. Rapunzel had her classic purple dress but this time it had a little change to it. She made a copy of her classic purple dress but this time it was sparkling with glitter] *Pretend it's her short brown hair, not her long blonde hair, and she was wearing her crown*
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{With Princess Anna in the palace} *Pretend that Rapunzel was wearing her long-sleeved dress above*
[Princess Anna runs into Prince Hans of the Southern Isles and she immediately falls for him. After she leaves, he falls into the lake, and then heads off to the coronation] {In the small church in the castle}
[Everyone claps and cheers for Queen Elsa. After the coronation, everyone heads to the throne room to enjoy dinner and a ball. Princess Anna on the other hand goes off with Prince Hans to get to know him and spend time with him] {With Princess Anna}
(They go back to the party) {Back in the throne room} (She approaches the princesses) Anna: Hello, it's so nice to meet all of you, I've never met other princesses before Snow White: It's very nice to meet you too, Princess Anna Cinderella: And congratulations on your sister's coronation Anna: Thanks and soon there'll be another reason to celebrate Aurora: What do you mean? Anna: I'm engaged Ariel: Wait, what? Anna: Yes, to Prince Hans of the Southern Isles Belle: Wait a minute, I thought this was your first day out in public ever since you were a little girl? Anna: It is Jasmine: So when did you meet Prince Hans then? Anna: Today Pocahontas: Wait, what? Anna: Yes Mulan: Wait a minute, hold up, you met Prince Hans today and you got engaged to that same man that you just met literally a few hours ago? Anna: Uhh, yes Tiana: What is wrong with you? Anna: Excuse me? Rapunzel: You met the guy today and you got engaged to that same man, the day you met him? What were you thinking? Anna: It's true love Merida: That is very wrong, lassie Megara: You barely met him today Anastasia: Oh my god, seriously, how could you want to marry a man you don't even know? Anna: We do know each other and we fell in love Charlotte: You can't get to fully know someone in just a day Moana: And much less marry them Anna: What about you all? Even though I was stuck in this palace. I kept up with news from all over the kingdoms through fliers and scrolls that the workers sent my way because I asked them to. You all married the first man you met too Merida: I am not married Moana: Neither am I Snow White: Yes we did, but it was indeed true love and we actually got to know our husbands before we married them. For your information, before my parents died, a long time ago, they were friends with my husband's parents, and we were betrothed to one another to join our kingdoms ever since the day we were born. After my mother died, my father married my evil stepmother, thankfully she's gone now, but anyway, I met my husband by my wishing well and we fell in love, yes, but after he saved me, I didn't marry him immediately, I was only fourteen, we dated for like three years and got to know each other well before we married. I married at seventeen Cinderella: Same with me, I went to the ball to get away from my stepmother and stepsisters at least for one night, and that's where I met my husband. We did fall in love that night, but I didn't marry him immediately, we courted for two months, and then we got married. A month later, a twist of time happened, thanks to my evil stepmother and stepsisters, and then we had to wait another month to get remarried because the poor priest needed a break from all that magic and chaos that happened in front of him. My stepsister, Anastasia is a better person now, but the point is that those two months and then those other two months were enough for Henri, and I Aurora: I was betrothed to my husband when I was firstborn. When I had to be sent away for my safety and I grew up in the forest with my aunts, the good fairies, I met my husband without knowing who he was and it was the same with me. We fell in love and we dated for around two years before we were actually married. I married at eighteen years old Ariel: Sure I did marry my husband pretty early in our relationship, we dated for two months before we got married. Even though we got married pretty early, throughout those months, we got to know each really well and we had a lot of things in common and some differences but it was still true love, and that was enough time for us Belle: Same with me, I fell in love with my husband only after he started changing his ways, and we didn't marry immediately. We got to know each other and we married when I was twenty-one Jasmine: I'm up with you guys, Aladdin and I fell in love but we dated for a good two years before we married. I married him at eighteen too Pocahontas: I married John after dating him for two years, we married when I was twenty Mulan: I ended up marrying Shang after only two months too, but, again, that was enough time for us Tiana: Sure, Naveen and I did get married after only two days of knowing each other but in those two days we got to know each other really well and we connected as frogs, may I add, and we got married as humans a couple of months later Rapunzel: And I dated Eugene for a good three years before we got engaged and a little while later, we got married Anastasia: Same here, Dimitri and I got to know each other for months on the road. We dated for three years before we got married. We got married when I was twenty-one Megara: Hercules and I also waited a good amount of time. We waited for a good four years before we got married Charlotte: The point is that you can't marry a man you just met that day. You have to get to know him for a little longer before you decide to take the next step in your relationship Anna: Well we really do know each other even if we met today, so I'm gonna ask my sister to bless our marriage, and you'll see that she'll be really happy for me, and accept our union (She left) Merida: She's bonkers, lassies Snow White: Tell me about it (They get back to dancing) {With Anna and Hans}