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Fandom: Teen Wolf

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Fandom: Teen Wolf

Seasons: 2 - 4/6B

Love Interest: Derek Hale

Status: Completed

In some parts of the world, Fallon Perez is about as famous as the Hale family. With her connection to the moon, life and death and supernatural itself, she's gotten pretty well knows during her many years of life. She's been to many countries and met many creatures and hunters, and seen many wars, pandemics and more.

But when she gets an email from an old friend of hers, Fallons moveds all the way from Puerto Rico to the lovely Beacon Hills. Where shes met with teenage werewolves, giant lizards, hunters, alpha packs, dark druids, assassins and more.

It's also were she meets a special brooding Alpha, whose more important to her then she would ever imagine.

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