What is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...
[March 21st, the first day of spring had arrived, the day of the most anticipated wedding in all of Corona had arrived, the whole town was decorated beautifully, and there were posters of their wedding everywhere even in the forest. There was even a station where they were selling lanterns with their wedding painting on them, figurines of Rapunzel and Eugene, plates with their wedding painting on them, little flags with the Corona sun on them, souvenir rugs, and tapestries with their wedding painting on them too, and music boxes that were Rapunzel's tower and it played two melodies, their first instrumental melody, I see the light and the kingdom dance melody. Eugene had to sleep in his old bedroom because he wasn't allowed to see the bride before the wedding. In the morning, Rapunzel was busy all day with her routine but was trying to avoid Eugene, which worked perfectly. The whole outside castle was surrounded by people and everyone inside was ready] {Outside} [In the front were Angry and Catalina in their nice dresses with the flower baskets. Behind them was the main maid of honor and the best man, Aurora, and Aladdin, then it was Stalyan and Lance, then Snow and Ferdinand, Cinderella and Henri, Ariel and Eric, Belle and Adam, Jasmine and Phillip, Pocahontas and John, Nakoma and Thomas, Mulan and Shang, Tiana and Naveen, Anastasia and Dimitri, then Lottie with Brock, after them it was Esmeralda and Phoebus, then it was Megara and Hercules, after them it was Merida, and behind Merida was Moana. All of the girls were wearing gold-colored outfits] *Snow*
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