I quickly looked for my charger, grabbing it and walking towards the bathroom to let Y/n know where I'd be for the next hour until breakfast.

Regie: I'm heading downstairs to the meeting!

Y/n: Okay!

And with that, I left. Closing the door quietly behind me.

Y/n's Pov

I turned the shower on and quickly hopped in, the goosebumps still on my body from the night before, making my skin tingle from the feel of the hot water.

Last night was everything I could've ever dreamed of. Regie is perfect and the fact that he doesn't judge me or hate me for my past, makes everything so much better. If only I'd met him sooner.

I love what we have and I don't want it to end, but I also don't want us to move fast because then it might end faster than one of us leaving due to conflict.

"Breathe and stop overthinking"


"Everything will be fine"

Regie's Pov

I walked down stairs and met the boys in the living room, taking my seat by the mirror, I then decided to take a few morning pictures to post on Snapchat.

Darren: I wouldn't go in discord for a bit

Oliver: Why?

Darren: A fan saw us last night and took pictures of regie and Y/n and posted it

Regie: No way, what are they saying

Ryan: Nothing good, which Is pretty disappointing

Hearing what the boy's were saying I couldn't imagine it to be true. My fans? MY fans, talking mad at me for going out with someone? It doesn't sound right to me.

As I logged back into the app I noticed some people in main chat bashing Y/n and saying they know who she is. How could someone say such things about her.

I'm not letting this slide

Angry I quickly replied back with a smug and sarcastic response


Innocent: Let's see what you look like then, since you think you're better mf

Regie'sbankaccount: Regie!! You're here

Innocent: Y'all are wrong for talking about her like that, and don't even deny it I've been lurking

Innocent: I really thought out of all people, y'all would have my back and support me

After typing that last sentence I left, I couldn't bare to see people acting as if nothing happened when I watched it all go down.

Tyler: Regie...We said don't look

Regie: Man that's some bullshit, Y/n is the nicest person I've met and that's how they treat her without even knowing who she is

Tyler: Do you wanna take a quick break outside?

Regie: Yea...this is bullshit

I got up and walked outside to clear my head, when all of a sudden I notice Y/n waving and smiling at me from my bedroom window.


"Times like this I wish social media didn't exist"


The boy next door حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن