Chapter 22: The Engagement

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[When Rapunzel was on her journey outside the walls of Corona, Jasmine, and Aladdin had to deal with a little someone, again. They fought Jafar once again and defeated him forever. During the battle of Corona, they were one of the couples that couldn't assist Rapunzel because another problem had arisen. They had rescued Aladdin's father from the forty thieves, making them postpone their wedding. After the grand battle of Corona, everything was finally back to normal. Cinderella designed Snow's wedding dress, Ariel designed Belle's wedding dress, Anastasia designed Jasmine's, Nakoma designed Pocahontas' wedding dress since she was Pocahontas' best friend, and she had fallen in love with Thomas]
*Snow White's Wedding Dress*

 Cinderella designed Snow's wedding dress, Ariel designed Belle's wedding dress, Anastasia designed Jasmine's, Nakoma designed Pocahontas' wedding dress since she was Pocahontas' best friend, and she had fallen in love with Thomas]*Snow White's We...

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[Her bridesmaids were her friends and her maid of honor was Cinderella. The groomsmen were the boys and Henri was the best man]
*Belle's Wedding Dress*

 The groomsmen were the boys and Henri was the best man]*Belle's Wedding Dress*

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[Belle's bridesmaids were the girls and Ariel was her maid of honor. Adam's groomsmen were the boys and his best man was Naveen]
*Jasmine's Wedding Dress*

 Adam's groomsmen were the boys and his best man was Naveen]*Jasmine's Wedding Dress*

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[Jasmine's bridesmaids were the girls and Anya was her maid of honor. Aladdin's best man was Eugene and the other guys were his groomsmen]
*Pocahontas' Wedding Dress**Pretend she had her mother's necklace on*

 Aladdin's best man was Eugene and the other guys were his groomsmen]*Pocahontas' Wedding Dress**Pretend she had her mother's necklace on*

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