[The upcoming week, Varian had finished and perfected his weapon against Cassandra. It was called Project Obsidian, which was a gun that shot out the golden amber that entrapped his father before. He kept testing it with Eugene and it turned out that it worked perfectly, he wrote a permission and approval declaration, and both he and Varian talked it over with Rapunzel and her parents. They approved it and signed it but hoped that it wasn't going to be used because they wanted to avoid more confrontations and battles. Another week passed, and Cassandra arrived in Corona and attacked them. Varian shot the golden amber gun at Cassandra multiple times entrapping her, but she got out of the amber every time because of her enhanced powers due to the power of the moonstone. Cassandra used a blue gas that Zhan Tiri had given her to bring down Rapunzel, which knocked her out cold. Eugene put Rapunzel on Max's back and had him take her away from the battle]
{Outside in the castle courtyard}
Cassandra: So, my father finally betrayed me, huh?! He gave the position that I so longed to receive for many years to a fucking ex-convict?! To one of my fucking enemies!?
Eugene: Quit your bitching, you chose the wrong path, Cassandra, you chose to turn away from Corona, your home, you chose to betray Rapunzel, your friend, you chose to betray your father, the man who gave you everything, and you will be brought to justice. This is the price you have to pay for falling into darkness. Attack!
[Eugene and all the guards went after her with their swords and crossbows, many citizens threw things at her but Cassandra held her own pretty well because of her control of the black rocks. Eventually, they had to fall back and Cassandra took over the kingdom of Corona. Before Cassandra took over the kingdom, Lance was able to activate the rooster, Varian's alarm system, and was able to be seen in France and Italy. That night, Rapunzel finally woke up and had seen what Cassandra had done and vowed to fight for her kingdom. Varian, Catalina, Kiera, Lance, Eugene, Rapunzel, Pascal, and Max went to Demanitus' tomb to get his plans to rebuild a portal to the lost realm, which was where Demanitus had originally sent Zhan Tiri. By then Cassandra had figured out that the ghost girl was Zhan Tiri and was already orchestrating a plan in her mind. Eventually, after a wacky adventure of Lance switching almost everyone into monkeys and back into humans, they took Demanitus' book where he had the plans to build the portal, they found out that they needed to build it close to Zhan Tiri, so they could suck her back in, so they returned to Corona, and decided that they needed to storm the castle]
{Back in the Snuggly Duckling}
[The team had arrived back from Demanitus' tomb and when they arrived, they found reinforcements. Aurora, Phillip, Ariel, Eric, Pocahontas, John Smith, Mulan, Shang, Moana, and Merida were there. Immediately Rapunzel and Eugene hugged everyone]
Eugene: Hey guys, you know we never did ask, how was the honeymoon?
Aurora: It was amazing, best week ever
Phillip: Yeah, we loved every single second of it, Motunui is amazing
Moana: Why thank you, I appreciate it, now, what's the plan?
Eugene: We're gonna build a portal to the lost realm to suck Zhan Tiri back into it
Rapunzel: Though we have to build it close enough so we can suck her in
Varian: And she's inside the castle with Cassandra
Aurora: Then I guess we have a castle to storm
Merida: It's battle time
[Everyone left the snuggly duckling and got ready for the battle. Rapunzel went after Cassandra while the others went to the throne room to build that portal. Cassandra had trapped Zhan Tiri in a cage of black rocks but Zhan Tiri already had a way to escape and was just waiting for the opportune moment. The others had accidentally gotten trapped in the lost realm because of that stupid crow. Cassandra and Rapunzel ended up having a full-on battle in the hallway]
{With Rapunzel and Cassandra}
*Stop at 1:03*
Rapunzel: Side note, I never liked the nickname Rapz
Cassandra: Well I never liked the nickname Cass or any nickname for that matter
[They continued to battle each other with neither one giving up. Eugene and his father had gone to the dark kingdom and it turned out that Eugene's dad was also under the mind control of the mind trap but Eugene's forgiveness and love reached his father's heart and he was able to break free of the mind trap. He then crushed it into a million pieces and the rest of the brotherhood were saved as well. They then rushed back out to the palace to help everyone else, but Varian's father already had that covered. He had also gotten free from the mind trap and freed everyone from the lost realm. Cassandra and Rapunzel had made it into Rapunzel's bedroom]
{In Rapunzel's bedroom}
[The eclipse had arrived, which weakened Rapunzel's sun drop power, and Cassandra had trapped Rapunzel in the rocks]
Cassandra: Now, I'll be taking that sun drop if you don't mind
Rapunzel: Cassandra, don't
(Cassandra took the sun drop out of Rapunzel)
Cassandra: Sorry, Rapz, oh wait, no I'm not
(Aurora and Moana ran in)
Aurora: Get away from her, you treacherous fucking snake!
[Cassandra turned around and Aurora threw whatever was closest to her, which in this case was a heavy book. It hit Cassandra square in the stomach knocking her down and knocking the wind out of her. Aurora used the extra sword that Phillip had given her, she ran to Rapunzel and tried to break the rocks with as much force as she could, but all it did was bend the sword. Moana and Cassandra were circling each other ready to start battling]
Rapunzel: Ro, listen to me, they're unbreakable!
Aurora: I have to get you out of here somehow!
[Moana used her paddle to summon the ocean to her, she encircled Cassandra inside of it to weaken her, Cassandra tried to use the rocks against her, but Moana easily jumped off of each rock that Cassandra sent her way. Zhan Tiri had escaped and jumped onto Cassandra's back distracting Moana and making her stop encircling Cassandra in water. Both Cassandra and Moana landed perfectly on the ground, but Zhan Tiri yanked away the moonstone from Cassandra's chest making her lose her power, and at the same time grabbed the sun drop. Rapunzel was free, Aurora helped her stand up, Zhan Tiri placed each stone in each of her wrists, and was transforming into her demon form laughing evilly]
Cassandra: No! This is my destiny and I will bring down Rapunzel if it's the last thing I do!
[Zhan Tiri laughed, Cassandra jumped up to fight Zhan Tiri with no powers to try to yank the moonstone out of her wrist, but Zhan Tiri easily slapped her away with the front of her hand making Cassandra crash onto the wall knocking her out, and Zhan Tiri crashed out through the wall laughing like a maniac but not before trapping Rapunzel in a sun drop cage. Cassandra shook her head and slowly stood up but that's when Ariel ran in and knocked Cassandra out cold with a frying pan to the head]
Ariel: Man, do I love your choice of weapon
(Rapunzel laughed)
Rapunzel: Go after Zhan Tiri, I'll be fine, go, go!
Pocahontas: You got it
Aurora: Just in case
[Ariel passed her Rapunzel's frying pan, Aurora was able to squeeze it through the cage, and the girls ran out. Back in the courtyard, everyone was trying to fight Zhan Tiri even Rapunzel's other animal friends. Merida and Pocahontas were sending arrows through her, Phillip, Eric, Eugene, John Smith, Big Nose, and the whole army were stabbing and slaying cuts in her with their swords, sending arrows with their crossbows, and everyone else was throwing things at Zhan Tiri and granted it was hurting her because she screamed in pain and was bleeding out, her blood was a very sickly dark black-red color, but she was still extremely strong. Moana summoned the ocean once again, Ariel jumped in giving it form, then quickly exited it, the water circled Zhan Tiri, Eric caught Ariel in his arms with no problem and Varian sent a freeze bomb at the water freezing Zhan Tiri in place. However, Zhan Tiri broke free after a minute or two. Zhan Tiri started using the decay incantation and everyone around her started to lose their energy, oxygen, and vitals making them fall onto the ground]
Rapunzel: No!! Pascal, Cassandra still has a small crack of the moonstone in her chest bring it to me but be very careful
[Pascal squeaked at her, he was able to squeeze out of the cage and went to Cassandra. He was able to take the little crack of the moonstone with his hands and he gave it to Rapunzel. Her cage fell apart and she quickly got up but was still a little woozy, her hair had a little bit of magic left but she knew that it wouldn't last long. At that moment Cassandra had woken up, Rapunzel was about to use her hair to jump off to go help the others, but Cassandra jumped at her bringing her down by yanking on her hair]
Rapunzel: Ah!
[Cassandra came at her with a slightly bent but still sharp sword, but Rapunzel quickly got up and ran towards her with her frying pan. Her frying pan and Cassandra's sword clashed multiple times, Rapunzel's frying pan knocked Cassandra's sword out of her hand and Rapunzel punched Cassandra square across the face just like Mulan and Jasmine had taught her. Cassandra spits out blood and ran to her sword, but with her hair, Rapunzel grabbed a hold of it and threw it out of Cassandra's reach. Cassandra ran towards it again but Rapunzel ran to her and once again knocked her out with her frying pan by hitting her square on top of Cassandra's head. She tied her up away from the rocks, so Cassandra couldn't escape. She jumped through the balcony and with her hair she tied it around Zhan Tiri's horn and knocked her down then let her go, and then Zhan Tiri stood up]
Zhan Tiri: You think you can defeat me, girl!
Rapunzel: You should know by now that I never give up!
[They started to battle it out, Zhan Tiri used her claws to open up the ground but Rapunzel jumped and avoided the hole. Zhan Tiri brought her fist down on her, but Rapunzel's hair surrounded her and protected her. Once Rapunzel was uncovered away from her hair again, Zhan Tiri sent shards of sunstones towards her and Rapunzel ran but she turned around]
Zhan Tiri: You will fall like all the others!
(Just then she got hit on the side of her head with a frying pan. Rapunzel looked and saw Aurora woozily and weakly standing up)
Rapunzel: Ro!
Aurora: Quickly!
[She ran as best as she could with much difficulty and pain. Rapunzel ran towards Zhan Tiri to the sun drop side while Aurora went to the moonstone side. They held hands and started to push Zhan Tiri's hands together but just as they were about to connect them, Zhan Tiri snapped out of it and pulled away from them]
Aurora: She's too powerful
Rapunzel: I know, but remember what Lani told us the first rule of combat was?
Aurora: To turn your enemy's strength into his or her weakness
Rapunzel: That's right
Aurora: Let's do it
[Aurora and Rapunzel used Rapunzel's hair to tie Zhan Tiri's wrists apart then knocked her back into the balcony. Aurora sent a sun drop shard to Rapunzel with her foot, she caught it, and cut through her hair, they let go of Zhan Tiri and the sun drop and moonstone came together]
Zhan Tiri: Noooo!!!
[Right then and there, all the stones disappeared from all over, Zhan Tiri disappeared forever, but Aurora fell in weakness due to the decay incantation alongside everyone. Rapunzel started to recite the healing incantation and grabbed the moonstone and sun drop that was now one, everyone started to wake up and get their vitals and energy back. The vibrations and healing magic were so strong that they healed Cassandra's burned hand and it removed the wolf curse from Catalina. Soon enough, Rapunzel sent it to the sky once everyone woke up and it knocked her out making her faint on the ground. Pascal quickly ran to her and tried to shake her awake but to no avail, so Pascal stuck his tongue in her ear making her wake up]
Rapunzel: Ew! Ugh, so now I know how that feels
[She sat up and Eugene ran to her kneeling in front of her hair and wrapped his arms around her. She hugged him back]
Eugene: You did it, sunshine
Rapunzel: No, we did it
[Pascal snuggled into her cheek and Rapunzel laid her head on Eugene's chest. Everyone made it up to the balcony. After a while, they pulled away and started to get cracking. The guards went up to Rapunzel's bedroom, they untied Cassandra and shackled her, but she kept fighting them. Eventually, they took her down to the dungeons, and finally, everything was at peace]
{In the dungeons}
(They finally got Cassandra in a cell and locked her in)
Cassandra: Get me out of here! I will get even, Rapunzel, if it's the last thing I fucking do! Do you hear me, fucking bitch! If it's the last thing I do!
Skull Ruffian: Hello, Hello, Hello
Lady Caine: Well, Well, Well, look at what the cat dragged in. If it isn't Cassandra, Princess Rapunzel's ex-handmaiden
Pocket: Ex-friend and the daughter of the retired captain of the guards
Andrew/Hubert: Who would have thought that you of all people would end up here with us, the criminals, darling
Otter: We all heard about your treason against Corona and the princess. News travels fast here in Corona
Anthony the Weasel: Looks like your plans failed miserably against the princess and her friends and not just once
(All the criminals laugh together)
Dale: And finally she, her friends, many of the guards, many of the citizens, and even other princesses and princes defeated you and Princess Rapunzel had you locked up down here
Kai: I heard that she wanted to be captain of the guards
Clementine: And her dear father gave the spot, the position she wanted most, to none other than Eugene Fitzherbert, an ex-criminal of all people
(Everyone laughs)
Cassandra: Shut up! Shut up!
Andrew/Hubert: Oh sweetheart, get comfortable because you're gonna be here for a long long time, just like the rest of us
{From the outside}
Random Guard: Quiet in there!
(Cassandra sat down and everyone got quiet just as the guard had instructed)

A Tangled Life
FanfictionWhat is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...