Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I woke up the next morning on the couch... Again. What happened yesterday? Ugh! I went to stand when I felt pain all over my body. I looked down only to see bloody bandages covering my body. What th-... Oh my god. It all came back to me now..... Seth being in a coma, Jade and ass talking... Ass attacking! I ran towards my room to find Seth in the exact same place he was yesterday. He was hooked up to a machine. How did seth help me if he's still in a coma. I didn't realize what time it was until I looked at my clock. Holy cow! It was 10. I'm late for school! I went into my closet and opened the door I grabbed a pair of a&f sweats and Seth hodie that I fell in love with. As I pulled down my pajamas that I have no clue how they got on. I heard a pleaser like groan coming from behind me. I look and saw Seth smiling again. I think when ever I say something nice or get undress he gets happy. I don't know. All I know is that I need to get to class and I need to let Seth claim me....tonight.

School went by pretty fast. I was walking to my dorm, but heard some commotion in Seth's dads office. I listened closely. "Jeff Foxwood! Why did you have to let that little sl.." "Enough! That is your sons mate you are talking about! It was his discussion not mine!" "No it was your fault if you would of just killed her the first day, before she turned you would of saved a lot of lives in the future!" What did she mean by that? I thought. "I know, but there is no luck in trying know sense she's the chosen one!" "Ugh! I don't care how you do it but I want her dead before she figures out how powerful she actually is!" I heard her coming towards the door and ran. What was that all about. I'm certain I'm sets mate. I ran back to the dorm and went to my room. I looked at Seth, but he wasn't on the bed. Oh no, not again. I walked over to the other side to see him having yet another seizer. I quickly go to him. I hold his head as he stops. Well, I'm doing this for me, and I'm doing this to piss off Seth's mother! I quickly smashed my lips to Seth's. I thought he wasn't going to reply until almost immediately he does. He woke up instantly knowing what I was about to do. He looks me in the eyes with so much lust it make me all warm and fuzzy inside. He asks, "are you sure you want this...want me?" I answer his question with my lips on his. He takes that as a yes and the finishing process begins.


I woke up in the morning with an arm cascaded down my bare waist. I feel so happy and complete. I did it. I mated with Seth. I turned in his arms to look at him. I started tracing his jaw, when his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning beautiful." I smiled at that at, and replied, "good morning to you to handsome." He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my temple and fell back asleep. Wow didn't he get enough of that from the coma. I sighed and tried to slide out of his death grip. It was like trying to lift a bolder! I managed to slide out and went to make some breakfast. I made pancakes. I was washing the remaining dishes when I felt two strong arms snake around my waist. "Does it hurt?" He was referring to my bite mark on my neck, from last night. He bit down with a little more force than necessary. "It hurts a little, but it was worth it." He chuckles, and sits down leaving the area he held before cold. "Here you go, my specialty." He bites down cautiously. "Oh my god this is like you in my mouth!" I gently slap his arm. "We better get ready for school. Don't want to be late." He gave me an 'are you serious face'. "Seth we can't just skip school, even though last night was amazing, but I also want to show everyone what's mine." He raised an eyebrow at me."what. You are mine now." 'Yes I am beautiful. I'm all yours'. I was confused did he just say that or was I imagining things? 'No your not imagining. When you mate with your mate. You bond your wolfs as one. So my thoughts are your thoughts and yours are mine'. There it is again Seth inside my head. I look up at him to see he has an amused face on. Glad this amuses him. "Just get dressed." I state firmly. "What every you say pickle." I start laughing. "Seriously out of all the names, pickle. That's the best you can come up with?" "Yup." Was all he said. I shook my head and went to get ready. I put on hot pink a&f pants with a ruffled white think top and and a pair of white flats. I pinned my hair back and went to wait in the living room. Seth came out with dark jeans and a nice button up blue shirt. He looked amazing. "Stop looking at me like that before I drag you to one of the bedrooms and you know...." I smiled shyly and walked past him. He grabbed my hand and we went to show the whole kingdom who mated!

Ugh! I hate it. Every person that walked by either glared at me (all the sluts) or congratulated me(all the guys). It was exhausting. I'm just glad that me and Seth are back to normal. We were about to walk into the dorm when Seth's dad and mother came up behind use. I got agitated from the conversation I heard the other day. Me and Seth both turned with the biggest smiled on our faces. "Hello sethie! I missed you so much you've grown so big!" She squealed and hugged Seth in a bone crushing huge. I rolled my eyes at her obnoxious behavior. She then turned to me and frowned. "Seth I thought you were done messing with sluts." She glares at me.






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