What is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...
[The very next week, Rapunzel and Eugene traveled back to Tirapai island because owl had flown to them breathless and worried. When they got to Tirapai island, they found the captain of the guards who had been missing for some time, not only safe but accompanied by someone. It was a version of four-year-old Cassandra but she had no shadow, which creeped them out. No matter how hard Rapunzel tried she just couldn't find anything evil in the copy of Cassandra. Eventually, Eugene found the leader of the Lorbs, Alfons, and Eugene quickly went to Rapunzel. Alfons quickly explained what the captain had done and Rapunzel and Eugene knew that things would turn out horribly very soon. They quickly went to go see the captain] {With Eugene and Rapunzel}
[The Captain didn't want to listen and so by sundown, the lorb magic had turned on him. Various versions of Cassandra had come out and attacked both Rapunzel and Eugene. Rapunzel had tried once again to get through to the captain but he refused and stole their hot air balloon and started flying off. However, the captain realized that Rapunzel was right and turned back. As Eugene and Rapunzel, each took a hundred Cassandras on both of their sides, the captain took the coin out of the fountain and all the Cassandras disappeared. Eugene, Rapunzel, and the captain then flew back to Corona] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [A few days passed and July 23rd had arrived, which was a very special day because it was Eugene's real birthday. Rapunzel and their friends were planning a secret birthday party for him but that wasn't the only secret. Rapunzel was planning to propose to Eugene at his birthday party and had even designed the engagement ring herself. Once the design was done, Xavier and the royal jeweler helped her make it
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Rapunzel had sent Lance to distract Eugene throughout the whole day, so he wouldn't suspect anything, and Rapunzel then took Pascal to her room, so she could show him her surprise for Eugene] {In her bedroom}
[At night, Lance had brought Eugene back and once they surprised him, he was very happy, yet shocked because he thought he was twenty-five but in reality, he was twenty-six. Just then Cassandra interrupted the celebration] *Pretend the other princesses and princes were there as well*
Rapunzel: My friends aren't losers, Cassandra (Cassandra turns around laughing) Cassandra: Oh really? You're friends with little perfect, pretty, goody-two-shoes, delicate, annoying, and weakling princesses and they're a bunch of fucking losers Mulan: Who the fuck are you calling delicate and weak, bitch?! Merida: I hope you're not actually talking about us, lassie because if you are then we're about to have more problems, ya hear? Snow White: What in the actual hell is wrong with you? We were all friends, Cassandra Cinderella: This path you're on is wrong and you know it Ariel: It's not too late to fix your mistakes, it's never too late to do the right thing Aurora: Cassandra, we all miss you as well, we're all like sisters to one another, and that included you, ple- Cassandra: Oh save it, Aurora, Rapunzel and you have always been best friends ever since day one. I considered Rapunzel to be my absolute best friend but Rapunzel always considered you as her best friend other than Pascal and Eugene. You all have always condescended towards me because you're all royal princesses and I'm not. You lot have always felt that you're better than me and you know it's true Belle: Alright, first of all, if we're stating the facts, Snow, Ro, Ari, Jas, Poca, Rapunzie, Meri, Mo, and Anya are the ones who are royal by blood. Jasmine: Cindy and Tia are royal princesses by marriage Pocahontas: Lani and Esmeralda are royal princesses because of their amazing acts of heroism and Bee-Bee and Megara are already princesses because they're engaged to royalty. Belle with Adam, Megara with Hercules, and as soon as they get married, they'll become royal princesses Nakoma: But a crown or a tiara does not make someone a princess, Cassandra. It's what's on the inside that makes you a princess. Kindness compassion, caring, honesty, hard work, bravery, humbleness, and helpfulness are the virtues that make someone worthy to be a royal, worthy to be admired by others, and worthy to rule over a group of people Mulan: Cassandra, we have never thought of you less, we have never let our titles go to our heads, we've never undermined your abilities, and we've certainly always treated you like you're one of us, a friend, and a sister Cassandra: Lies! Rapunzel: Cassandra, no, it's true, I swear please, you can't possibly believe that. Look, Aurora and I will always be best friends because we share a special connection, a special bond, and nothing or no one can or will ever change that. All of you are my friends, I love you all equally, and you were once part of our large group too. As Ro said before, we were all like sisters to one another- Cassandra: I don't need any of you, get that straight through your thick fucking skulls. Remember, Blondie, give me what I want and I will leave Corona unharmed (She leaves) <later on> [Cassandra and Rapunzel battle it out in Demanitus' cave and she kidnaps Varian because he had destroyed the key to translating the scroll and the only key left was in his brain] {With Varian and Cassandra}
[The others eventually made it into Cassandra's stronghold. Rapunzel and Eugene went their way while the others stayed back to find another way. Eventually, they found Varian, and he said to them that he needed something bright like a crystal to see the final incantation because he needed sunlight. Rapunzel never really got to plan the perfect proposal but Eugene was touched either way. Rapunzel went to find Pascal and Cassandra while Eugene went to help Varian. Once she had found Cassandra, they started to argue and it led to a full-on battle]
Rapunzel: I love you, Eugene, I would never let Cassandra hurt you Eugene: I know, Blondie, and I love you too Rapunzel: Let's get out of here (They pull away and go back inside to get to their friends. Once they do, they go back to the castle) [The ghost girl who was advising Cassandra was no longer a ghost and now could be seen by everyone, but that wasn't the only thing that had happened. The moonstone had gotten cracked in the process but nobody really noticed. They decided to save that ring as Eugene's wedding band for their wedding, whenever that date arrived] {In Rapunzel's bedroom}
Cassandra: Y-You're not a ghost anymore? Ghost Girl: Not anymore, dear friend Cassandra: Good, then let's get to work, this is far from over Ghost Girl: Precisely (They walk away talking about their next plan) {With Eugene and Rapunzel} (As soon as Eugene was going to cut the cake, Shorty came out) Shorty: Happy Birthday Everyone else: Eww Eugene: Ok, I don't want cake anymore Lance: Who would with this guy inside of it? Varian: Ok, we'll make a new cake tomorrow and we'll make sure to keep this guy away from it Angry: Let's go (They start to leave, their animal friends leave as well, and Rapunzel closes and locks the door behind them. She then goes back to Eugene) Eugene: Well, this birthday was...not how I imagined spending it, but- Rapunzel: But we're all alone now (She took his hand, led him to her bed, and Eugene kicked his shoes off. Rapunzel made Eugene lie down and she straddled him making Eugene put his hands on her hips) Eugene: Well, aren't we a little impatient today? Rapunzel: A little? More like a lot, now shut up and kiss me Eugene: Yes, ma'am (Eugene immediately French kisses her passionately making her moan out and as always they end up under her bedsheets frolicking with each other for a good amount of hours)